Chapter Nine-Having a Friend Over

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^Go a little darker and add a bit of scruff, but that's Haden ;)^

*Percy's POV*

I slip out early the next morning and since Sam is sleeping late after the events of the last few days, I'm free. No bad dreams, no passing out, but a full night's peaceful sleep has put a pep in my step. A small smile on my face, I raise white roses on either side of the driveway to surprise Haden when he gets here. I'm wearing a sky-blue dress that falls to my knees with little white flowers dotting it. My feet are bare and leave a trail of flowers as I walk over the grass; whether that's a thing now or just because I'm excited, I have no clue.

"Hey, kid." I jump when I hear Bucky's voice and look up to meet his inquisitive eyes. "Showing off for someone?" He questions and his eyebrows pop up when I blush.

"Uh, I have a friend visiting today."

"A friend," Bucky repeats and I shoot him a look.

"Yes, a friend. And you'll be nice to him."


"Yes, him. He's very nice and you'll be very nice too, won't you?" I ask pleadingly and watch as his jaw clench and unclench.

"I'll be...peachy." Bucky answers and I sigh. This'll be interesting, to say the least.

"He can do things like I can do and I've never brought anyone else here because people are crazy or scared, so please, try?" I make one final effort, but now his arms are crossed.

"And this guy just...showed up?" He asks and I straighten my dress a bit as I come up to stand beside him.

"We go to school together," I tell him just as he appears down the driveway in a puff of black. He's in nearly the same outfit as last night, but his button-up is white this time. I grin as he looks side to side at the white roses with raised brows.

"For me?" He asks and I rush from my place to him, only having a moment to absorb his wide, surprised eyes before I crash into him. "I, uh, wow." He stutters and I laugh with my arms around his shoulders.

"We're friends from school, remember?" I remind him before pulling away with red cheeks, but I feel better when I see his are dark too. He even smells dark. Like rain and over-turned earth.

"Right, yes, of course." He tries to regain his composure and I find it awfully cute. Arm in arm, we walk up to Bucky with me staring daggers at him. Bucky sighs and uncrosses his arms which is at least a little effort to look less stern. "Good morning, sir." Haden greets Bucky and holds his left hand out. I see surprise flash across Bucky's face, but he takes his hand in his metal one and see him squeeze just a bit too hard. Still, Haden doesn't flinch. He smiles instead. "A pleasure to meet you. I appreciate you allowing me to visit your daughter here. It's an honor, truly." I'm doing my best to hold in my smile at Bucky's expression, but when Haden glances over at me I can't help it.

"Honor or not, I hope you'll respect the team's space and my daughter's."

"Dad," I warn, but his eyes don't waver from Haden's.

"All due respect sir, but I meant the honor was to visit your daughter. Not the team. Rest assured I won't be leaving her side while I'm here." Haden rebuffs and Bucky's shocked silent for a moment.

"We're grabbing some coffee, so we'll see you later dad." I tug Haden quickly behind me before Bucky regains his bearings. I'm giggling as we stumble into the gathering room, but freeze as we come face to face with Steve. "Da. Uh, hi." His eyebrows furrow as he looks to the young man behind me, then our hands clasped together.

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