Chapter Five-Trouble

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*Percy's POV*

Today is a Sam, Bucky, and Steve day.

After Sam and I's run, we lounge in the gathering room with Natasha sneaking coffee while Steve and Bucky ran. Then we all either or shower and change to head out to the VA. I wear a navy tea dress with a bright yellow belt and scarf. Brown boots finish the look and, as always, I'm waiting for the boys at the front door. They show up at the same time and my eyes roll.

"Grandma was slow, but she was old. You all are ridiculous." I tell them as we walk to the garage.

"We're both over a hundred, Percy." Steve reminds me and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, you move like it too." I dodge his playful swipe and Sam ooo's appropriately. We make it to the garage and I plant myself beside Bucky's bike instantly. His grin is wide at my excitement and he gets on first, then helps me.

"You got-"

"Spandex on under my dress, yes, Dad. Let's go." His chest rumbles with a chuckle and as soon as the door in front of us opens we're speeding down the drive and into the city. It doesn't take too long since the boys treat it like a race, but I love riding with Bucky anyway so it may well be an hour and I'd still love it. I hop off and rush into the VA with the boys ambling slowly behind me. I start the coffee, set out the cups, the cookies I made earlier, and napkins while they set up the chairs. When its nearly time, Steve and Bucky retreat into the background while Sam and I wait in the doorway.

I come more often than not, so the regulars know me as well as Sam. It makes Sam happy to have company and it makes a visible difference when the attendees see me beside him. A lot of them lost their families after coming home and I'm sure they miss having someone who empathizes with them but isn't marred by combat.

"Miss Percy, good to see you darlin." A regular attendee named Martin greets me with a gap-toothed smile and holds my one hand in both of his when we shake.

"You too, Martin. Chocolate chip cookies already out for you." His brown eyes light up.

"Shouldn'ta told me that. I'ma eat em all." He tells me and his smile widens when I laugh.

"I have faith you'll leave a few for the others," I tell him and he chuckles.

"You've more faith than my wife, Miss Percy." He tells me before greeting Sam who also has a fond smile on his face. A few newcomers come in today and only gift me small smiles as they go in, but Sam assures me its more than they usually give. When they all go in and sit down, I stay outside the room. When they tell their stories they tend to gloss over things when I'm in the room, so I hang in the hall. Discreetly, I move around all the wilting plants and fix them up just a bit. The place is so dreary, at least the plants provide oxygen to the slightly stale air. When I hear Sam's voice I walk back to the doorway and lean against it to watch and listen. I always like to hear to his closing words.

"Sometimes when we come back it's like our life before was a dream. A fantasy we made to get through the hard days instead of the reality we were fighting for." His voice is clear, smooth, and honest, perfect music for soldiers used to barked orders. "It's hard to let the soft stuff in after being hit in the face with a butt of a gun, shot, or blown up." There's a murmur of amusement in the group and I smile softly. It's a talent of Sam's. He can relate to most everyone. "It's obvious but needs to be said sometimes. It's enough to try. Try to let your loved one's care for you cause they don't know anything but the soft. Try to reengage. Try to live instead of just survive. See you next week." He steps down and I smile at him as I walk over to his side.

"Well-spoken, as always, Uncle Sam." The few vets nearby chuckle at the nickname and Sam brightens at the sound. Laughter's rare around here. We stand by the cookies and coffee to wish those well who pass by. Martin takes at least five cookies with a wink in my direction.

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