Chapter 1

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Blaine felt like he was going to puke while on his way to the choir room, but he knew it was his last period and he could also see Kurt, the most exciting thing this day would bring him. As soon as Kurt saw Blaine walking in the hallway, he started to worry. Blaine looked the palest he had ever been and his eyebrows were down. But when he walked into the choir room, he immediately put up a smile and greeted Mr. Shue. When Blaine sat next to Kurt in the back of the room, he let his smile down. Kurt didn't know what was going on. Was Blaine just sick? Did he have a sad day? Was he having problems with his anxiety? He didn't dare to ask.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked quietly, not wanting other members to hear him. "I feel sick and tired Kurt." That's all Blaine managed to answer. Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and with his other hand he guided Blaine's head to his shoulder. "You can just rest on me, its fine." Blaine relaxed as soon as his head reached Kurt's shoulder, but Kurt could see the tears in his eyes. 'He definitely doesn't have the flu', Kurt thought to himself. Still wondering what might have happened today, Blaine seemed the be same as when he walked in again.

They only had about 30 minutes left of Glee, but Kurt noticed Blaine had now turned his head and the back of it was facing Mr. Shue, who didn't seem to notice. Kurt started rubbing comforting circles on Blaine's back with his left hand, his right was still intertwined with that of his boyfriend. After thinking Blaine was doing better for about 5 minutes, Blaine's leg started to tremble and not long after that his hands. Kurt recognized the shaking from Blaine's panic attack, when he just had his first week of Glee at McKinley and Finn didn't seem to be so welcoming as the boys would've thought.

"What's going on Blaine? Why are you shaking? Are you cold?" Kurt asked his boyfriend who was sitting in the locker room. "I- I- I-" those were the only words Blaine could get out of his mouth before gasping for air, tears started falling down his face. "Blaine, its okay. I'm here, don't worry. Here, take my hand, just try to squeeze it okay?" Kurt thought those words were the most calming but the way he said them didn't make them. He jumped to the ground as soon as Blaine started gasping for air, Kurt thought this might a panic attack. "Just breathe with me, look" Kurt pointed to his chest, taking exaggerated breaths. After about 10 minutes Blaine started to calm down, only because Kurt was rocking him back and forth.

Kurt stopped rubbing circles and instead took his hand and put it on Blaine's thigh, hoping to somehow stop him from shaking. "There's only 20 minutes left Blaine, I'm right here." Kurt was getting worried, but also shocked because Blaine hadn't made a single sound causing no one to look at them. Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek and ear, he then started saying comforting words in his boyfriends ear. After another 5 minutes Blaine seemed to be doing alright, but still on edge. "Just 15 more minutes Blaine, so its only Rachel talking in 5 minutes from now." Kurt tried to say it with a smirk, hoping the joke would make Blaine relax more. But then his whole plan seemed to be worthless only because of a comment Mr. Shuester said. The only words Blaine heard were "..not good enough..", but that did the trick. He jumped off of Kurt, "Using the restroom" were the last words he could say and started running to the door.

Mr. Shue and the other Glee club members looked kind of shocked but didn't want to say anything, but luckily Kurt was faster. "I'm checking on Blaine!" He already knew what he was going to see, but needed to help Blaine. Running to the door, he saw Blaine lying on the ground only a few feet from him away. Blaine couldn't walk further than that, he was too tired and thought he was going to faint. At the sight of Blaine gasping for air on the floor, Kurt started running harder to his boyfriend.

"Blaine, look at me! Its me Kurt, I'm here." Kurt took Blaine to the wall where they both sat down, backs leaning on the wall. Blaine, still gasping, heaving and shaking, was also crying in silence. "Breathe with me Blaine, in- 1 2 3 4 5 and out- 1 2 3 4 5." Blaine was still feeling dizzy, he put his head on Kurt's lap, hoping the dizziness would go away. Blaine tried so hard to follow his boyfriends breath, but he just couldn't do it. Kurt started thinking about another solution, the only thing he could think of was taking Blaine's mind somewhere else where breathing wasn't his main concern. "Remember last week when we got ice cream even though it was still chilly outside? I had so much fun with you Blaine, it was really nice." Kurt could see Blaine was trying to say something, but he physically couldn't. "I know Blaine, I know you had fun too. I think we can do it again tonight, my dad won't really mind, I'm sure." Blaine started crying even more, not being able to say anything. Kurt decided to start rocking Blaine while giving him the tightest hug he could give. He kissed Blaine on his cheeks and neck, hoping for the best. "I love you Blaine." A kiss on his cheek. "You are going to be okay, just try to follow me. I love you Blaine." A kiss on his eye, Kurt's heart broke a little tasting the salt water in his mouth. "I'm so proud of everything you do, like when you brought the house down with Tony, when you sing and dance... I love you so much Blaine, everything's okay when we're together." Blaine was shaking even harder en gasping for so much air, it was getting really dangerous. "Mr. Shue!" Kurt shouted with panic and heartbreak in his voice, Mr. Shuester fasting to the boys. "He's having a panic attack, and cant seem to calm down. I tried everything, said words of comfort to him, but its not working." Mr. Shue looked very worried, and started talking to Blaine. "Blaine you need to take slow and easy breaths with Kur-" That's all Blaine could hear before fainting.

"BLAINE" Kurt screamed with tears flowing over his face, not caring about other students hearing him.


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