Chapter 6

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A/N: Wow, who would've thought I'd update this soon again!! I know I said chapter 5 was going to be the end, but I thought of a better way to end the story. It kind of is an epilogue I guess. Anyways, enjoy.

There they are, Burt thought to himself when he opened Kurt's bedroom door in the morning. Blaine all tangled up in Kurt's arms, Burt could still see the exhaustion on Blaine's face. But they were sound asleep, good, Burt thought, they should rest. Luckily for the boys, Blaine's attack had happened on Friday, so they wouldn't have to worry about school. Blaine's parents were also very understanding when Burt had called them later that night. He knew Kurt had texted Pam, but he still wanted to talk to them, that's what he would've wanted if something like this happened to Kurt. Pam said that they completely understood, they have dealt with Blaine's attacks since he was 14, and that they were glad he was okay again.

An hour later or so, he could hear footsteps coming down the stairs. It turned out to be Finn, just looking for some food. "Your mom's buying some groceries right now, but feel free to see if there's anything left in the fridge Finn", Finn nodded and started looking for something to eat, maybe Kurt had left something he had made?

"How's he doing?" Finn asked after a while, finally finding some leftover lasagne from two days ago. Finn was genuinely worried for Blaine, who wouldn't? Even though his brother was Blaine's boyfriend, which meant Finn had seen Blaine like this at their house before, it was still scary. He always tried to be there for them, but when Blaine came over crying for the first time, Kurt had said to just leave him alone until Blaine would start talking to him again. He didn't know much about why Blaine was so distraught sometimes, but he knew he suffered from anxiety. And after yesterday, the whole glee club knew. Not that they didn't know Blaine had anxiety, they just didn't know how bad it was.

"He's... okay" Burt and Finn heard from an exhausted Kurt coming down the stairs. He looked sad, but kept his face neutral. "I'm sure he'll be fine in no time, that's just how he is" Finn said to Kurt, a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Finn" Kurt said and he grabbed a glass of water. "Is he awake?" Burt asked after a minute of silence. "Yes, the water is for him. Just to wake up a little bit" Burt nodded.

"Blaine?" Kurt asked, he sat down on his bed again next to him, rubbing his back. "I have some water baby", he combed his fingers through his boyfriends dark hair, I hope he still has some gel here, Kurt thought to himself. He knew the gel was something Blaine could control, which he definitely needed this weekend. Blaine slowly turned around, a smile on his face once he saw Kurt. He lifted his torso up a bit, took the glass and sipped some water. "Thanks", he said with a soft smile. He rubbed Kurt's knuckles with his thumb. "I'm better now" he whispered. He placed the glass on the nightstand and looked back into the bright blue eyes. "That's good, do you want something to eat maybe? I could bring it here if you want?" Kurt asked Blaine, he knew Blaine sometimes wasn't comfortable with confronting Burt and Finn after an attack. Blaine smiled again, "It's okay, I'll go downstairs" he said. He brought his hand to Kurt's face and stroked Kurt's cheek. "You're the best boyfriend ever, did you know that?". Kurt laughed "I know", and everything seemed better.

They walked downstairs together, holding hands, and Blaine made some eggs for Kurt and him. That's the least he could do for him. Finn and Burt had relocated to the living room, giving them some privacy. "Do you want to go home or stay here? Whatever you want" Kurt asked Blaine while eating his eggs. Blaine didn't really know. Maybe he should go home, not be a burden to Burt and Carol and even Finn. Kurt sensing what Blaine was thinking quickly added "No one will mind you staying here, you're not a burden B". Blaine kissed Kurt, just a thank you for everything and to show him how much he loved him. "I love you", Blaine smirked, "and I've missed doing that". His smile grew as he kissed Kurt again, this time a bit stronger.

"So.." Blaine said once they had finished breakfast and made good use of their privacy, "a movie?". Kurt smiled and hugged him excitedly. They sat down on the couch, Burt reading the newspaper and Finn texting Rachel. "You can pick, Kurt" Blaine said, he would've normally used 'babe', but with Burt around he thought it was best not to. During the movie they cuddled, this time Kurt in Blaine's arms, with Blaine petting his hair and stroking his back. It was relaxing for the both them.

When the movie ended Finn and Burt were gone, Finn wanting some of the new groceries and Burt saying hi to Carol. "Kurt.." Blaine asked with a devious undertone. Kurt looked up from Blaine's lap, he was just relaxing Blaine's embrace and light massage, "Yeah?". "Do you think we could convince Finn to drive your car so we can drive together in mine? Back to my house? I still want some time with you, but my parents will probably be worried sick if I don't go home soon." Blaine said with a sad smile. Kurt smiled "Oh Finn will drive, he owes me", he said with a smirk and winked at Blaine. "You should do that more often", Blaine said with a intrigued voice, "I like it".

After saying goodbye and thank you to Burt and Carol, the boys left. Blaine and Kurt just talked in the car, Kurt hoping Blaine's mood would stay positive. "I hope you're okay now B, you scared me a little", Kurt said. Blaine looked over to his boyfriend for a second, sighing. "I'm sorry Kurt. I really am", Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand, "It's fine".

Once they arrived to Blaine's house, they got out and gave Finn a sign to wait for a little bit. "I love you, and I'll see you on Monday" Blaine said and gave Kurt a kiss. "Thank you Kurt, for taking care of me. You're the best" Kurt smiled and gave Blaine a hug. They walked over to the front door, hips attached and rang the doorbell. "Hi dad", Blaine said. Kurt could tell he was a bit nervous, Blaine always feels ashamed when something like this happens, and gave Blaine's hand a little squeeze. "Come here", Blaine's dad said, "are you okay?". Blaine hugged his dad and nodded. "Mom's doing some cleaning, but she'll be happy to see you", his dad rubbed his back and smiled at him. "It's good to see you again Kurt! Are you staying?", Kurt shook his head. "Oh on, my dad needs me home. Besides Finn's right there waiting for me", he said and pointed to Finn, who waved at Blaine's father. He smiled at him and waved back. "I understand. Can you thank your dad for me? It was nice of you to let Blaine stay over, you know you can come too any time you want" he said with a smile. "Oh thank you, I'm sure Blaine and I could hang out here next weekend?" he asked Blaine. Blaine smiled and nodded, "I'd love that". "I guess I have to go now though", Kurt said to the man. "I'll text you B", he stepped closer and hugged, and after looking to see if anyone was in sight, they kissed. "Call me when you're home", Blaine said happily. Kurt nodded and walked towards Finn's car, "I love you", Kurt said and Blaine answered "I love you too".

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