Chapter 5

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A/N: Guys!! I'm back from the dead! It's been an awful long time since I updated and I finally had some new ideas. I hope everyone is doing okay during quarantine?

Disclaimer: This chapter starts with a 'scene' from last chapter. I recommend reading it if you haven't. Also, the flashbacks are still written in cursive.

Burt didn't know what to do for those two seconds. Yell to Kurt, talk to Blaine? He decided on the latter, he thought calming Blaine down was a bit more important. "Blaine? Just breathe for me buddy, I'm getting Kurt right now, okay?" Burt held his hand on the phone so Blaine couldn't hear him yelling. "Kurt! Somethings not right with Blaine! Come down here!" He immediately heard heavy footsteps coming down and before he even knew it, Kurt had taken the phone out of hand and was talking to his boyfriend.

"Blaine?", Kurt looked scared Burt thought to himself. Burt could hear a few words at a time, Kurt was mostly listening to Blaine crying. "It's okay B", "I know, I know, breathe", in the meantime Kurt was collecting his keys and jacket. "Blaine, where are you baby? It's alright. I'm coming to get you, okay?", Kurt looked Burt deep in the eyes and mouthed 'I'll be back', before running out the door.

Kurt jumped in his car and raced over to the location Blaine had given him. And there he was, sitting on one of the swings from the playground only a couple feet from Blaine's house. He was crying, his hands in his hair and not wearing any long sleeves. Kurt could see the bloodlines from his car, he fastened his pace to Blaine.

"Blaine?" Kurt said while gently placing a hand on Blaine's shoulder. He knew to be gentle, his boyfriend could get completely out of his head and he didn't want to scare him. Blaine looked up and saw Kurt, his breathing immediately slowed down.

"Kurt", Blaine said it so breathless it was heart-breaking to hear. Kurt rubbed his shoulder, "It's okay". He held out his other hand and waited for Blaine to take it. They slowly walked over to Kurt's car, Blaine still silently hiccupping. When Kurt walked Blaine to the door, he hugged him, as tightly as possible. "We're going to my house, okay?" Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear. He could feel Blaine nodding and let go of him. Kurt helped Blaine sit down and once he was also in his seat, he took Blaine's hand. Kurt didn't dare to put on the radio, he wanted to give Blaine his full attention. The car ride was quiet, only Kurt's 'it doesn't matter' drifted throughout the car a few times while Blaine just let his tears flow.

Blaine slept a bit on the way to Kurt's house, and when Kurt led his boyfriend to the living room, he didn't even budge. He was completely out of it. Kurt kissed his forehead, and turned around seeing his dad, he bit his lip. What was he supposed to say to his dad? He had never told him about Blaine's anxiety and self-harm, and he didn't think it was fair to tell him. That decision was only Blaine's to make. Kurt decided to avoid his father's questioning look and get the things he needed to support Blaine. Kurt turned back around and rubbed Blaine's upper arms. "I'm getting some water and a sweatshirt, I'll be right back B", he walked to the stairs and took Burt's arm to leave Blaine alone.

Once they got to the stairs, Kurt immediately walked to his room and got his old Dalton sweatshirt, one of his boyfriends favourites to wear if he was staying over. He almost fell down the stairs, trying to get back to Blaine as soon as possible, but Burt stopped him. "What's going on Kurt?", he sounded concerned, but Kurt could definitely hear his dad's somewhat angry undertone. "I'll talk to you about it later dad. As you can tell I have something more important to take care of first" he said. He usually wasn't this rude to his father, but couldn't he just wait? He had seen how distressed Blaine was after all.

After putting on the Dalton sweatshirt and giving him some water, Kurt took Blaine to his room. While Kurt had been getting the water Blaine had cleaned his arm up with his shaking fingers, at least trying to minimize the damage. "I'm so sorry" Blaine sobbed, looking at his arm and back to Kurt. He felt extremely guilty, he had promised his boyfriend to stop.

I'm such an idiot, I'm such a burden, why does Kurt still want me? Maybe I should just go, I fucked everything up with Burt so it's the best thing. He wouldn't want this for his son. "Blaine", Kurt saw Blaine thinking deeply and getting noticeably more upset. Blaine's thoughts stopped. He reached out his hand and his boyfriend took it. After about ten minutes of Blaine just calming down and Kurt petting his hair, Kurt got up to clean the wounds. "I'm going to clean them now okay?" Kurt said. Blaine looked calm and nodded, and he was. He had Kurt to take care of him.

Once everything was settled, Kurt took Blaine back downstairs and they sat down on the couch again. Burt wasn't there, he didn't want to distress Blaine even more after he seemed to have calmed down. "Project Runway?" Blaine asked Kurt, he just wanted things to go back to normal. Kurt smiled at him and softly said "yeah". He turned on the tv and gave Blaine a soft peck on the cheek.

They laid down together, Blaine being to big spoon. He still wanted to take care of Kurt and besides, he always was the big spoon. Kurt smiled again, he knew Blaine wanted to please him and just take his mind off of everything that had happened. After Blaine tried to sit through the first episode, he fell asleep once Kurt started tracing patterns on his hands and arms.

Burt re-entered the room and Kurt explained the situation. He didn't say what had happened exactly or what Blaine had done, but Blaine was allowed to stay over that night and soon enough Blaine had asked Kurt to tell Burt what had happened that night.

Burt thought back to that night, they laid there once again. After about twenty minutes since Blaine fell asleep, Kurt gently pushed Blaine aside so he could sit up straight. "You did good Kurt. What did he say?" Burt whispered, he didn't want to wake Blaine. "Just.." Kurt let out a big sigh, and turned to look at his boyfriend again. He started combing his fingers through Blaine's hair, hoping he could calm down too. "He held it in dad. Since Karofsky, he held everything in." Kurt felt sick to his stomach, he didn't want his boyfriend to feel restricted to express his emotions.

A/N: This feels like the end, and maybe it is. So thank you to everyone who took the time to read my story. It means a lot to me. I have gained back my 'passion' for fanfiction again, so be on the look-out for some new stories maybe? We'll see.

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