Chapter 2

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A/N: So I know its been a while, but I finally have time to write again. I had a hard exam today, so now I can relax haha. Oh and real quick, I've read a lot of fics and most of them write about Blaine's parents not being around much. I kind of like this idea, so I'm using it in my story as well. Also because I love Burt and Blaine together. I hope you like the story, if so please leave a review or something else, I don't really know how wattpad works to be honest. 

"What do we do?" Kurt tried to sound normal, but after every word he was sobbing. Mr. Shue appeared calm, but he was also stressing inside. "I can take him." Finn said. Kurt looked around, surprised, the whole club had gathered around him and his boyfriend. "I think that'll be a good idea, Finn. We can take him to the nurses office, she already left anyway since the last period ended an hour ago." Finn took Blaine while Kurt still held his hand. Finn and Kurt were walking to the nurses office with Mr. Shue, the others staying behind, not wanting to overstep their boundaries. Blaine started waking up halfway, tears still flowing. He didn't say a word, he was still very disorientated and closed his eyes again.

Finn laid Blaine down on the bed, this time really waking him up. "Kurt?!" Blaine tried getting up, starting to panic again, but was held down by Mr. Shue and Finn. "Shh Blaine. Try to lay down for a little okay?" Blaine wanted to protest, but he just didn't have the energy. Mr. Shue crouched down next to Blaine, laying his hand on Blaine's arm. "I think it's a good idea to stay here for a while Blaine, maybe drink some water. I'll call your parents." Blaine opened his mouth, but Kurt already started talking. "His parents are away Mr. Shue. Don't worry, I'll call my dad." Kurt took Blaine's hand, preparing his boyfriend for what he was about to say. "I'm going to call my dad Blaine. I'll be right back, don't worry." Kurt walked out of the office, his phone already in his hand. Blaine immediately started panicking again and stood up. "No dude you have to say here. You just fainted." Finn grabbed Blaine's shoulders, hoping he would obey. "No, no, no. I- I- I need to go to Kurt. I can't. Please let me go. Please!" Blaine was practically screaming. Mr. Shue made eye contact with Finn and together they held Blaine down, and made him lay on the bed. "I'm sorry Blaine, but you have to stay calm. Otherwise you will faint again." Blaine was shaking under Finn's and Mr. Shue's grip, but he had to accept. "Just close your eyes for a bit.", Mr. Shue said, hoping it would calm the boy down. Luckily it seemed to work fairly quick.

"Kurt, buddy, you home already? Something wrong at home?" Burt asked his son, with little to no worry in his voice. "Dad?", Kurt said in the tiniest voice. "What's wrong Kurt?", this time Burt had worry in his voice. "Blaine just had a panic attack, I", Kurt paused for a moment, he couldn't hold his tears back any longer. "I really tried to calm him down, you know? I tried everything, but he just couldn't listen." Kurt sniffed, 'get yourself together' he thought. "Is he okay now? Is there something else, bud? Don't worry Kurt, I'm sure you did your best." Burt thought back to about three weeks ago when he heard crying coming down from his son's room, but recognizing it wasn't the sound of Kurt. "No, it's not okay. He fainted. He was out for almost ten minutes. And his parents aren't even home." Kurt started crying again, not used to feeling so helpless. "Do you want me to come get you guys?", Burt asked already knowing the answer. "Please dad. He needs us.". "I'll be there in 15 minutes, don't worry." Burt grabbed his keys and raced to the car.

"Is he sleeping?" Finn asked Mr. Shue, while taking a few steps closer to his step-brothers boyfriend. "Just let him be Finn. He's calm now.", Mr. Shue answered when Kurt came back inside. "He'll be here in 15 minutes." Kurt took Blaine's hand again, and started wiping the tears from his boyfriends face with his other hand. "Do we need to wake him or something?", Finn looked at Kurt with questioned eyes. "He's not sleeping. He's just really out of it.", Kurt said while squeezing his hand a little bit tighter. Kurt could tell by the way Blaine was breathing and by the way he was laying that he wasn't sleeping. Kurt couldn't forget Blaine sleeping next to him last weekend that easy. After about 15 minutes Kurt's phone rang. "Kurt, I'm in front of the main entry. You coming to me, or do I need to come to you?", Burt asked. "We're coming dad.", its all Kurt could manage. He felt Blaine tensing, Kurt knew he probably wasn't going to be able to walk immediately. Blaine was so out of it. "Can you take him again Finn? Dad's by the main entry." . "Yeah sure", Finn picked Blaine up, this he could feel a slight resistance. They had only taken a few steps but Blaine had started 'waking up' again. "Kurt? Kurt? Please take me. I don't like this anymore.", Blaine said while still breathing uneasy. Finn looked at Kurt for approval, but he was still thinking. "I can't hold you Blaine." "It doesn't matter, I can walk.", Blaine answered weakly. "Okay" Kurt said, immediately slipping his arm under Blaine's waist once Finn had let go of him. "Let's walk", he said as he could feel Blaine was heavily dependent on his boyfriend.

When the group of men got to the car, Blaine was looking pale again and gasping for air. "Sit with him in the back Kurt, and make sure he puts his head between his legs. That way he can breathe better.", Burt said, opening the back door for the two boys. "Can you drive my car Finn? Here are my keys.", Kurt asked his step-brother. "Yeah, I can do that.", Finn didn't know how to respond. Blaine was finally settled again, Kurt rubbing circles on his back, just like in the choir room. "Shh Blaine. I love you.", Kurt said close to Blaine's ear. He gave him a little peck and his ear. "We're going to my house, Blaine.", Kurt said to Blaine just so he knew what was happening, he was a bit disorientated. "Yes, my parents are away Kurt. I thought you knew.", Blaine answered. 'He's really out of it', Kurt thought while a tear fell from his face.

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