A Time To Act

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The room was silent and dark. Noah woke up to the freezing cold metal ground he was laying on. He could hear voices close by but they were faint. He didn't know where he was the last thing he could remember was the forest. Suddenly the room became lit, Noah could finally see his surroundings, he was locked in a jail cell. Across the room he could see Tyler. They stared at each other for a moment. Noah gave a look of confusion while Tyler gave a look of malice.

A door opened. "Good morning." Said a mysterious man.

"Hey why are we here?" Tyler asked.

The man walked deeper into the room and stood in front of Tyler's cell. His spotless white suite shined in the light. "Well you three were meddling around in my forest after."

The realization hit Noah. "Where's Lyla?" He shouted.

Shard turned and faced Noah. "Ah don't worry she's ok in fact shes just in the other room."

"Where are our parents?"

"Well aren't you full of questions today. They're safely working on my project."

"None of this makes sense."

"It will in due time, now if you'll excuse me in going to have a word with Lyla." Shard exited the room.

"Tyler we have to get out of here."

"We? Funny how you say that after you left me for dead."

"What are you talking?"

"In the forest while we were running I lost my footing and tripped...i called your name but you were no where to be found."

"I didn't leave you Tyler."

"Ok Noah, so tell me what happened."

"I-I hid."

"Not surprising."

"I heard you call for help, I wanted to do something I really did."

"Yeah? So why didn't you?"

"The odds were stacked against us."

Shard entered the room once again. "Looks like you three will get to see your parents. Shard went to Noah and opened up his cell. "I wouldn't try anything stupid if I were you." He proceeded to unlock Tyler's cell. "Follow me."

Shard lead them out of the room and through the massive hallway constructed in the facility. There they entered a big room, Noah immediately spotted out Lyla, she was in the middle of the room standing next to Charles. Noah's and they others parents where also there.

"Now that your children are here I expect you to get back to work."

"Bite me!"

Shard pulled out a gun"Mr Lexington we both know that isn't appropriate language to use in the work space."

"Don't hurt him!" Lyla screamed out.

"Oh don't worry, luckily for you I actually need him alive."

"Why are you doing this?"

"It's very simple actually, there are powerful things hidden within this world. Im sure you guys have heard of The Nexus Corporation correct?"

"Yeah what about them?"

"Well they are a prime example of wasted potential. They uncovered an ancient relic, a relic of infinite power, but they continue to research it, they continue to waste time. Me on the other hand, I like to act luckily enough for me I also stumbled upon a source of power. A power so great it changed the life of my daughter. With a power like that I could change the world."

"So you're gonna change the world by forcing innocent people to create weapons for you?"

Shard raised his brow and stepped closer to Lyla. "The world will never change if you just sit around and twiddle your thumbs. I've witnessed with my own eyes the miracle this element can do."

"G-17." Noah said.

Shard set his attention to Noah. "Correct."

"Yeah and these weapons let you harness that power?"

"Also correct."

"You spoke about your daughter, you said it changed her what exactly did it do."

"My daughter was born sick... Deathly ill the doctors said I couldn't take her home, they said she wouldn't even survive the night. I didn't listen to them...i took her home to my lab and ran countless tests on her I tried everything. I spent hours trying to figure it out. Then it hit me, element G-17; an experimental energy source I created with the use of Nexus."

"You worked for Nexus?"

"Once upon a time yes, I didn't like their philosophy and they didn't like mine. Tensions grew once my wife became pregnant. Instead of waiting for them to act I acted myself and created G-17."

"It's unstable isn't it?"

"Very... And that's where your parents come in. The things you call weapons are harnesses. They allow you to effectively control the energy."

"You're insane."

Shard smiled and walked towards their parents. "I imagine you're almost finished?"

"Yes, just give us more time." Noah's father said."

"More time? John I've given you enough time I've given all of you enough time and now I'm tired of waiting."

Shard aimed his gun at Noah and Tyler. "Now I want results." He ordered the boys the left side of the room there were several glass chambers he ordered the boys to each get inside one. Noah walked in without incident however Tyler turned and sent a fist flying towards Shard's face, the hot didn't seem to phase him. Shard smiled and pushed Tyler inside the chamber. Charles then escorted Lyla to the chambers next to them.

"Now everyone I shall ask again, are they almost complete?"

No one answered.

"Very well, Charles you know what to do."

Charles walked over to a terminal and proceeded to activate it. The tubes the kids were in started to light up.

"Shard what are you doing?" John asked.

Sparks of green energy erupted from the top of the tubes. Cries of help could be heard from each of the chambers. The waves of energy causer Lyla to pass out but Noah and Tyler were still enduring the pain.

"That's enough!" John cried out.

"Charles lets ease up shall we." Charles powered off the terminal and the waves of energy stopped, along with it the screams of pain.

Tyler's mother spoke out. "What did you do to them!?"

"I simply infused element G-17 into their bodies."

"And what the hell is gonna happen to them?"

"Nothing too major, bit there will be side effects."

"You bastard."

Noah could barely see, his vision was severely blurred. He gazed through the chamber and could faintly see his father.

"Now ladies and gentlemen I assume you'll be working extra hard today."

"Sir, its that time of the day again." Charles said.


Charles activated the terminal and another chamber emerged from the ground. This one contained a teenage girl suspended in a mysterious Liquid.

"How are her vitals?"

"Everything is normal sir."

"Good, send her back."

The chamber was slowly lowered back into the ground. As it descended the name Heather could be seen on the very top of the chamber.

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