The Toxic Girl

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Lyla was the first to be released from her chamber. Not much force was needed so Charles retrieved her. Even though she was awake she would occasionally slam her eyes shut while recoiling in pain. Her parents stopped working and called out to her. Hearing their voices brought great pain to her. She collapsed on the ground and covered her ears.

"Very interesting." Shard said while examining her."

Charles tried to get her attention but she ignored him. She was now on the ground clenching her ears while tears ran down her face.

"Too loud." She whispered.

"Speak up." Shard demanded.


"Very well, Charles can you please escort her back to her cell."

"Yes sir." Charles picked Lyla up and carried her out of the room."

"Hey wait!" Lyla's mother called out. "Where are you taking her."

"Just get back to work and I can assure you she'll be fine."

Up next was Tyler, Shard walked over to his chamber and examined him. He sat there on the floor seeming to be unphased. Shard opened his chamber and stepped back. "Step out please." Tyler didn't listen, Shard pulled out his gun and aimed it at Tyler. "I won't ask again." Tyler got to his feet and left the chamber. He seen an opportunity and took it. With a new found strength he forced the gun away from Shard and aimed it towards his head.

"Tyler let's stop with the games and hand me the gun."

Tyler smiled and pulled the trigger, nothing happened. "Well Would you look at that." Shard grabbed the gun from his hands and pistol whipped Him. Tyler fell to the ground.

"Charles, it looks like we'll have to release her after all, i don't want things to get too intense down here."

Charles returned to the terminal, once again the underground chamber rose to the surface. He pressed an addition sequence of numbers and the water within the chamber began to drain. The girls eyes flashed opened. Shard walked over to the Chamber and pressed a button, The chamber opened up.

"Hello Heather." Shard said.

There stood a tall teenage girl with long brown hair and beautiful green eyes ."Hello....father."

"Heather I'm gonna need your help handling out new friends."

"Ok, so what exactly do you want me to do?"

"I would like you to escort him to his room."

"Whatever you say."

Heather stepped out of her chamber and approached Tyler who was still on the ground. Tyler got to his feet inorder to defend himself.

"Step back!" He shouted.

"And if I don't?"

Tyler's eyes were filled with rage, he stepped closer and took a swing at her. Heather gracefully dodged the attack and grabbed Tyler's arm. "Just make this easy on yourself."

Tyler stopped struggling and  eventually went with Heather to his cell. She returned shortly after.

"There's one left, I'm not sure how he'll respond."

Heather approached Noah's chamber and released him. The two stood face to face to each other without speaking. Heather started to smile deeply. "I like this one, what's his name."

"Heather your job is to escort them, not to make friends."

"You know you actually cant stop me right."


"I've been locked down here all my life, a girl can get lonely."

"Heather now isn't the time."

Heather's veins turned a dark color. "So when is the time? Am I suppose to be down here for the rest of my life."

"Everything well happen in due time Heather, just trust me."

Heather calmed down and her veins returned to normal. "Yeah..." She grabbed Noah by the arm and escorted him. "Does this one talk?"

"He was pretty active earlier today."

Heather lead Noah out of the room and through the hallway returning him back to his cell. "You gonna say anything?"

Noah didn't respond he just walked into his cell and stood their. "You're no fun at all." Heather locked the cell and began to walk away.

"Why are you doing this?" Noah said calmly.

"You know, I ask myself that question all the time, still haven't found an answer."

"You could let us out, you don't have to do this."

"Yeah I could couldn't I? In fact I can do a lot of things so can you."

"What do you mean?"

"He introduced you to it didn't he?"


"Yes, just in case you didn't know that shit does crazy things to you. In fact I'm guessing you already feel it inside you."

"What can you do?"

Heather's face dawned a huge smile. She reeled in closer to Noah she brought her face directly in front if his. "Do you really wanna know?"


Heather leaned in closer and kissed Noah on the neck. Before her mouth left his neck she dug her fangs into the side of his neck. Toxins were released into his body. Noah tried to back away but his body wouldn't respond. Seconds later he fell to the ground and Heather locked his cell.

"Man, that was a rush."

"You're sick." Tyler said behind her.

She turned and faced him, she looked deeply into his eyes. "I've been sick my entire life."

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