Project Warp

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"Wake up sleepy head." Heather's voice was both soothing and some how frightening.

Marcus opened his eyes. "Who the hell are you two."

Heather spoke with a voice full of authority. "That information is irrelevant, however allow me to ask you something."

Marcus waited silently for Heather to finish. "I'll make this quick and simple... What is Project Warp?"

He giggled slightly to himself. "I always knew people were hungry for information, just never thought someone would go this far to get it, Who sent you two?"

"Don't worry about that." Tyler said coldly.

Heather shoved Tyler to the side and spoke over him. "Shard."

"So Shannon Shard is still interested in Nexus?"

"Project Warp tell us what it is."

"Please amuse me and explain what would happen if I don't."

Heather approached the man and extended her right index finger to the tip of his nose her razor sharp nail barley touched his skin. "I'll make sure you die a slow and painful death." She removed her finger leaving a small cut on his nose.

"I was afraid you'd say that...very well Project Warp is the next big step forward."

"I thought Nexus already made that step by discovering that Stone."

"Yes, the Rift Stone hard to believe such a small thing contains so much power."

"Hey! Get back to the subject at hand."

"I will you just need to be patient. Now you both might know that the Nexus Corporation found the Rift Stone, claiming that it's a new renewable energy source."

Heather rolled her eyes. "Yeah we've heard it."

"Well being an energy source is just scratching the surface. That stone has enough energy to bend through space."

"English please."

"The Stone is able to generate wormholes connecting two spaces together."


"Correct, and Project Warp is all about perfecting it."

"What else can the Rift Stone do?"

"We're still figuring all that out."

"Shard, This is Contagion reporting in we got the information."

"Great, disposed of him as you wish.

Heather hesitated before asking him another question. "Why was Shard fired?"

Marcus face turned into a grin. "What did he say happened?"

"He said he was fired because he wanted to use the Rifts power to change the world."

"You'd believe anything he'd tell you, wouldn't you."

"What are you trying to say?"

"The man's a fucking lunatic, he didn't just wanna use the power of the stone...he was obsessed with it. He was a danger to our corporation...not to mention his family."

"Danger how?"

"He spent hours on end studying that thing, making all sorts of crazy experiments...he started isolating himself from his family...even kidnapped his newborn daughter."

Heather got defensive. "He said she was sick, he could help her."

"You really are gullible, that baby wasn't sick we fired him and he lost his mind, left his wife and kidnapped his daughter. The police never could find The-..." Heather's nails sliced through Marcus neck stopping him mid sentence.

"Why did you do that?!"

"We're done, we got everything we needed."

"You ok? You look a little shaken up."

"I'm fine just don't like liars."

"So you didn't believe him?"

"Like I said were done here, let's get going."

"We're just gonna leave him here."

"Yeah now come on follow me."

Heather took one last look at Marcus before moving to the window she came through. "Arnt you coming?"

"What about the car?"

Heather reached in her pocket and pulled out a small remote, she stared at Tyler while she pressed its big red button. The sound of an explosion could be heard from outside. "What car?"

"Please tell me why you would do that."

"The car is evidence, speaking of which the police will be here soon, let's go."

A rope dropped down from the sky and Heather leaped out of the window and grabbed onto it. Tyler peaked his head out the window and seen Shard's jet hovering in the sky. He pressed the button on his backpack and his wings emerged. He jumped out of the window and flew up towards the jet.

Shard was sitting there waiting patiently. They both waited for Heather to reach the top. Once she got in the doors closed Shard activated a cloaking device after the jet was cloaked they took off.

"Ok now that we know what Project Warp is what are we gonna do?" Tyler asked.

"We're going to Star city."

"You still never told us why."

"It's the location of our new base of operations, besides an old friend owes me a favor."

"Great wake me up when we get there, this bachelor is gonna take a nap."

Heather's sharp glance pointed at Tyler. "Please never say that again."

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