All In The Pocket

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The roaring sound of the waterfall echoed throughout the forest. There laid Noah passed out on the ground inches away from the river. His eyes popped open as he started coughing up water uncontrollably. He was still weak but managed to get up.Once he was on his feet He inched his way towards a tree and laid his back against it.

Flashbacks of what happened flooded his mind. His eyes traced the rivers long and narrow path until he could eventually see the cliff he was thrown off of. he tried to clear his mind and got up to examined his body. He couldn't see any lasting damage. "How the hell did I survive that?" The question he had answered it's self once he looked at the gauntlets on his arms. "Huh, maybe cats do have nine lives."

Noah's train of thought was interrupted by the realization that he was still lost in the woods, but this time he was all alone. He had no phone, no Bow, and no friends. As he shifted around he could feel a unfamiliar shape in his pocket. As he reached into it he pulled out a strange looking device.

it was unfamiliar to him but he located a button on its side and pressed it. The small device was soaked but surprisingly still still worked. It lit up and produced a holographic green arrow, it pointed in the direction of the cliff. He waited a second to see if anything else would happen, but nothing did. "Ok Noah think, you could follow this dumb little arrow, or I could trust my instincts." he stuffed the device back into his pocket and started to walk away Not even three minutes had passed before Noah tripped on a branch and fell into a ditch. "Yeah I'll just follow the arrow."

The arrow lead Noah to the bottom of the cliff and pointed up, signaling he would have to climb. "It's just like climbing a tree, except it's not." His gauntlets activated and released razor sharp nails. He leaped from the ground and sunk his nails into the cliff's body. With his new and improved upper body strength he was able to propel himself up carefully scaling up the cliff's side.

Once Noah reached the top he took a moment to catch his breath then looked to see where the arrow was pointing. It pointed directly north of his location, he finished resting and took off towards north. He traveled a familiar path, the very path He and Heather fought. "How did I let her get the best of me?" As he said that the side of his neck started to burn. "Oh yeah...she bit me. Next time things will be different." he said reassuringly  

Along the forest path he stumbled upon his bow and quiver. The bow was damaged severely but the quiver was in good shape. He put the quiver on and held the mangled bow in his hand. It served as just another reminder of how things were before all this. He gripped it tightly and continued down the path.

He finally reached a building, the arrow was now a bright shade of red and started to flash, it flashed faster and faster as he walked closer to the building. Noah's eyes widened as he looked at the building, it was Shard's lab. "Why did it bring me here?" He ran to the door and attempted to open it, however it was locked. The device was now emitting a sharp ringing noise. Instead of showing an arrow it showed a holographic image of a lock. His eyes immediately went towards a small screen on the right side of the door, the screen showed the same imagine as the device in his hand.

Noah searched over the device again trying to see if there was something he was missing. He turned it face up and saw a small little removable piece. Once removed it revealed a small nickel like hole it was a port. The device's beeping was getting on Noah's nerves and he acted fast to try and figure out this puzzle. Then the realization hit him. The left side of the door had a very small circular piece sticking out if it. Seeing as there was nothing else he could do he lined up his device with the object in the wall and inserted it. The beeping finally stopped and the automatic door opened.

The inside of the building was silent, but Noah still kept his guard up. Every since the accident he couldn't really seem to be able to relax himself.  As he ventured into the building it became apparent that it was vacant. He finally reached the room where he witnessed the death of his father.

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