Hard Knock Life

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I opened my eyes slightly to keep them from burning out of my head from the daylight, I looked at the clock and sat up abruptly quickly slamming the off button, I looked over at my son, Minho, who was still sleeping on the bed, I stood up and placed my pillow beside him so he couldn't roll off the bed and quickly ran to get ready for school

I jumped in the shower, skimming over my body with soap and rinsing off. I hopped out of the shower, dried my body and just ruffled my hair with the towel before running back into the bedroom and getting dressed in skinny jeans and a white t-shirt, I checked the time and cursed to myself as I quickly grabbed an outfit for Minho, I easily drug Minho from the center of the bed to the edge to dress him without waking him, I got his diaper changed and put his clothes on him before scooping him up and carrying him to the kitchen, I grabbed him a bottle and fixed it up quickly, by the time I started shaking the bottle Minho was up "Hey kiddo, hungry?" I smiled lovingly at him as I offered him the bottle, he accepted the bottle and suckled it

I managed to hold him in one hand while balancing the bottle with my chin as I grabbed my backpack and flung it over my shoulder, I replaced my chin with my hand and continued to feed him while I left my apartment to trek the 20 minute, 1-mile walk to school.


I arrived at School at 7:50 am and rushed to the first class, I flung open the door, panting heavily while Minho was smiling so sweetly, he liked how he bounced when I ran. The Teacher stopped his lecture and looked over at me "Jungkook, late again" I bowed to the Teacher "I'm sorry sir, I won't be late again" I spoke through pants, the Teacher opened his mouth to say something, probably threaten to tell the principal again, but he glanced over at Minho who was still smiling with sparkly eyes and he sighed "Take a seat, Jungkook" I looked up at the teacher in surprise and bowed again "Thank you sir" I mumbled as I slipped passed the desks and sat down in my seat

Hobi, who sits beside me, leaned over and whispered: "You're lucky, Teacher wouldn't be so caring if it wasn't for this cutie, aigoo!" Hobi smiled at Minho and pinched his cheeks, I sighed and nodded "I know.."


Hobi took Minho with him to his next class to give me a break, Minho gets took all over the school by me and Hobi because he loves him and also wants to help me out, so for the next few classes Hobi will have Minho and we'll meet back up in lunch


I arrived in the cafeteria and easily spotted my friends at our table, Jin, who comes by every day at lunchtime to see Minho, was baby talking Minho while Hobi was teasing Yoongi as he was the one currently holding Minho. Yoongi might seem like a bad boy and not care about anything but he treasures Minho and his friends a lot.

I sat down and smiled "Hey, how was Minho?" I took Minho from Yoongi to give him kisses and to offer him a bottle "He's been lovely" Jin smiled "He's always very well behaved! Always smiling just like me!" Hobi smiled and poked his dimples "Let me feed him, you should eat" Yoongi suggested and held his arms out, I smiled and gently passed Minho and the bottle to Yoongi "Thanks" Jin stood up and pulled me up "Come on, I'll help you pick the best food to keep your energy up!" I chuckled and went with Jin to the counter to get my lunch, he does this every time, just like a mother


We were now all eating our lunch, Yoongi wouldn't let anyone take Minho from him, he doesn't get to spend time with Minho a lot except during lunch since he has basketball practice. I looked at my plate and sighed "So, uh, guys...I need a favor" I mumbled and I could hear the Hyung's all reach into their pockets, I looked up to see cash tossed to the center of the table and smiled "Thanks, guys... I don't know how I would be able to pay for Minho's daycare without y'all" Jin put his hand on my shoulder and smiled "We're here for you. We know your jobs don't pay very well, and what little money you make goes towards groceries and to make your son's life as happy as possible" Hobi nodded in agreement "Yeah! We're always gonna be here for y'all" I smiled more "You guys are the best"


As soon as the bell rang, signaling school was out, I didn't waste any time and quickly left, Minho on my hip as I jogged the 5 blocks to Happy Tots Daycare, getting there at 3:05 pm, I burst through the doors and met a very startled Jennie "Oh! Goodness Jungkook, you always startle me!" She smiled regardless "I'm so sorry! I gotta get to work, here's Minho," I passed Minho to Jennie and then opened my backpack "Here's his bottle, diapers, change of clothes," I set the stuff on the table by the cubbies for the children's things "Jungkook, calm down" Jennie smiled and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, I exhaled then looked to Minho, kissing his cheek "Love you, buddy, be good" I looked back to Jennie and smiled as I turned to leave "Thanks Jennie! I'll see you later!" I ran out the door then 2 seconds later ran back in and passed the money to Jennie "Nearly forgot!" I chuckled nervously and quickly left after that.

I ran across the street and jogged 2 blocks back the other way to my first job, Nam's Cafe, I arrived at 3:13 pm, quickly going to the backroom and pulling my apron on, I began my work of taking orders.

When break rolled around I plopped down at the counter and pulled my phone out to see if I had any messages from Jennie, I sighed seeing there wasn't one "Hey, how's Minho?" I looked up to see my boss, Namjoon "He's good, always smiling" I smiled and set my phone down "That's good.....and how are you? You look tired" Namjoon frowned, I rubbed my eyes and cleared my throat "I'm doing ok, just trying my best to keep Minho happy" I gave Namjoon a small smile to which he nodded to "Well, you're doing great Jungkook" Namjoon patted my shoulder and smiled, showing off his dimples "Thanks Joon. I should get back to work" I stood up and slid my phone back in my pocket and took out my notepad and pen, going back to work


At 9:00 pm I tossed my apron on the hook and zoomed out of the Cafe, yelling out "Bye!" To my coworkers and boss as I ran 5 blocks to my second job, CHO'S GROCERIES, I arrived at 9:05 pm, the store was already closed and I went in the back door, slipped on my janitors clothes and grabbed the mop and bucket, I had to mop the whole store and restock shelves.


I was so close to falling asleep while restocking shelves, but my alarm woke me right up, I saw the time was 2:00 am and quickly ran to the back of the store, tossing off my clothes and leaving through the back door, I ran 4 blocks back to Happy Tots, Jennie and Minho were outside on the porch waiting for me, I jogged up the stairs and smiled, taking Minho "Hey Bud, I missed you" I whispered and kissed his cheek, which made him smile brightly, I looked over to Jennie who had put Minho's things in my bag "Thanks, Jennie" Jennie smiled and nodded, then her smile faded "Jungkook, you look exhausted, let me pay for you a cab" I shook my head "No, it's ok, my apartment isn't that far away" Jennie sighed "Your apartment is 25 minutes away, are you sure you can walk that far?" I nodded "I do it everyday" I heaved my bag over my shoulder and bowed at Jennie before taking Minho's hand and giving it a wave, Jennie smiled at Minho and waved back as we were leaving


We made it back to the apartment at 2:35 am, I tossed my bag on the floor by the door and carried Minho to the couch where I laid him down, I leaned back on the couch to rest but as I felt sleep creeping up I jolted up and scooped Minho up, taking him to the bathroom I gave him a bath, dressed him then took him to the kitchen and fed him dinner. After Minho ate and burped he fell asleep, I placed him on the bed and placed the pillows on either side of him so he won't roll off then I went to eat instant noodles, fix my bag up for tomorrow, as in restocking diapers, change of clothes, etc, then I went and showered, put boxers on and crawled in bed, I looked at my phone to see I had goodnight messages from Hobi and Jin, and one message from Yoongi to "get some sleep, dumbass" I smiled and set my phone aside and drifted off to sleep, making it into Dreamland at 4:50 am, only 3 hours before having to be up for school...


This was to give insight into how Jungkook and Minho's life is currently, the next chapter will be getting into the story. I'm sorry if any of it seems rushed, I don't have the muse to write much so when I do get a short burst of writing energy I have to get as much written as possible lol, hope it's still readable

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