Good Day

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I got out of the shower, sneaking out of the bedroom after I got dressed in pajamas because Minho was fast asleep in the center of the bed. I smelled something I hadn't smelled in 4 months and ran to the living room where Taehyung was sitting on the couch with takeout sitting on the coffee table "Oh my God, is that takeout?!" I ran over and plopped on the couch, going through the bags to see what was there, Taehyung chuckled "Mhm, I was gonna make dinner myself but you don't have anything but instant noodles and formula..." Taehyung's expression saddened but I shrugged it off as I pulled out some food to eat "It's all I can afford" I started to stuff my face, Taehyung going silent


I groaned and stretched out as the sun hit my face, why wasn't my alarm going off? I looked over at my alarm to see it was 6:30, damn, how am I up so early?! I looked to my other side to see Minho sleeping soundly and on the other side of the bed Taehyung was sleeping, I sat up quickly and grabbed my pillow, hitting Taehyung with it "Yah!!! What are you doing here?!" I continued to beat Taehyung with my pillow, Taehyung waking up abruptly "Hey! Cut it out!!" He curled up to block some of the blows "Get out!" I shouted and smacked him once more with the pillow before he rolled out of the bed "Jeez, what the hell!?" Taehyung looked at me and rubbed his head, I held the pillow up like I was gonna throw it at him and Taehyung made a break for the door, I exhaled and looked down at Minho who was now awake and smiling, I smiled at him and picked him up "What a creep, huh?" Minho giggled and used his little hand to rub his eye


I got Minho changed and dressed then dressed myself and left the bedroom, heading into the living room to see Taehyung standing at the door holding my bag and waiting for me "Sorry I was in the bed, the couch was uncomfortable and you did say I could stay the night" Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck, I huffed but smiled "Next time you can sleep on the floor, how about that?" Taehyung pouted, opening the door for me "Be nice to me, I'm giving you a ride" I rolled my eyes playfully and walked passed him, going down the stairs and out into the parking lot, Taehyung right behind me, this was the first time since Minho came along that I was leaving the house at 7:00 am, still late for school cause school starts at 7:00 am but with Taehyung's car I'll be at school by 7:02 am instead of 7:50 am, maybe Taehyung wasn't so bad?


Taehyung stopped the car at the front of the school building, I reached into Minho's car seat to unbuckle him, I rode in the back seat so I could feed Minho his morning bottle "Why don't you let me take him for the day? I can take him to the park and give him some time away from school and daycare" Taehyung smiled, I stared at Taehyung then looked down at Minho "I don't..." I saw Minho smile at me, his eyes so round and full of youthful wonder, it wasn't fair for me to keep Minho cooped up. I sighed and nodded, kissing Minho's forehead before opening my bag and pulling out all the stuff I had packed for him "Ok, just this once. Don't, and I mean don't, mess this up" I pointed at Taehyung who smiled brightly and bowed softly "I promise! Minho will be 100% ok!" I nodded and got out of the car, waving bye to them and watching them drive off before going into class


I entered the class and the Teacher looked at me and noticing I was alone, he lifted a brow "Jungkook, where's Minho?" I bowed to the Teacher then stood straight "He's with a friend today" The Teacher smiled and motioned to my seat, I went through the desks and took a seat by Hobi, who leaned over "What friend? Jin?" I shook my head "Remember that Taehyung guy?" Hobi gasped "Jungkook! He kidnapped Minho, how can you let him have him?!" I shushed Hobi "He apologized. Plus, he's been giving me rides and he's a nice guy, and Minho seems happier being out and about instead of constantly on the move..." I frowned and sighed, Hobi finally shutting up


During lunch, Yoongi reamed my ass for letting Taehyung take Minho "How could you let some random dude take Minho? That's so immature of you!" Jin nodded to Yoongi's words "Yeah! What if that guy takes off with him?!" Jin was also reaming my ass about it "Guy's Minho shouldn't be corraled in a highschool..." Hobi backed me up though. The only reason Yoongi was upset was that he was waiting to see Minho at lunch and Minho wasn't here, Jin was upset because he came all the way from work to see Minho at lunch like he always does and Minho wasn't here, Hobi was the only one who understood until Hobi reamed Jin and Yoongi out "Guy's! Shut the hell up and think about Minho's needs! Minho shouldn't be stuck coming here and going to Daycare, he needs to get out and have fun!" Yoongi and Jin shut up and looked at each other before sighing "You're right Hoseok" Yoongi looked down "I'm sorry Jungkook" Jin frowned, I shrugged "It's ok, don't worry about it. Look, if either of y'all wants to you can take Minho for the night?" Jin and Yoongi looked at each other and both of them began to argue about who got him tonight. They were still arguing when I left the cafeteria, I figure one of them will text me when they come to a conclusion

Single Father: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now