Coming To Terms

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I woke up late, how surprising, this time instead of being up at 7:00 am on the dot I woke up  at 7:30 am, right when I needed to leave for school "Shit!!" I leapt out of bed and ran around the room, tugging on some jeans and throwing a shirt on, I pulled Minho's clothes off and changed him, of course, that woke him up abruptly and he started to sob "No it's ok, I'm sorry!" I held Minho close as I ran through the house, sloppily making him a bottle but he refused it, not because he was still sobbing but because I used cold water instead of warm "Damnit!" I tossed his bottle in my bag and flung my bag on my shoulder "You'll have to wait to eat!" I ran out of the apartment and down the stairs, honestly, a part of me was hoping that Taehyung guy was here so I didn't have to trek the 20 minutes, 1 mile walk to school, but he wasn't, fabulous


I burst through the doors of the school, Minho sobbing from hunger now, I ran down the halls and kicked open the classroom door, bowing before the Teacher as Minho was sobbing and screaming, the whole class looked embarrassed for me but all I could think of was not getting suspended or detention. The Teacher glared at me then took Minho from me causing me to stop bowing and look at the Teacher worriedly "Bottle." The Teacher sternly voiced and held his hand out, I stared at his hand for a second before scrambling to get my bag off my shoulder and pulled his bottle out, giving it to the Teacher, however, I noticed the bottle was now empty and I looked into my bag to find everything was sopping wet with formula "Shit...!" I slowly looked up at a very disappointed Teacher "Jungkook, I need to have a few words with you" I gulped and looked down to avoid the eyes of the Teacher and all the students, including Hobi


The Teacher took me outside to a picnic table after laying all my bag contents out to dry on one of the vacant desks, my head was hung low the whole time, the Teacher carrying Minho, who was so clueless to what was happening "Jungkook...I know you love Minho, lots of people do, I love the little fella too, but..." The Teacher sighed "Jungkook, have you ever thought about adoption?" My head shot up "No! I can handle raising Minho, there isn't a need to send him to an adoption agency!" The Teacher glared at me for raising my voice causing me to cower down some "Then maybe send Minho to his father for a while?" I shook my head defensively "That piece of scum will never lay a hand on my son." I clenched my fists and stood up "Sir, I will do better, I promise, but Minho stays with me" I took Minho from the Teacher, the Teacher sighed but nodded "If you find that raising a child by yourself is too hard there is always an option that's better for the child" The Teacher said softly and stood up "Now go collect your things and head back to class" The Teacher walked passed me and back into the building, I stood there for a moment, taking in what the Teacher had said, tears stung my eyes and I hugged Minho close "Daddy will never abandon you.."


During lunch Yoongi had Minho again, feeding him a warm and properly made bottle, Jin was going off about what happened last night, cause I had told them about that Taehyung guy and what he did, Hobi was complaining about the Teacher basically saying this was all my fault and that I shouldn't be allowed to raise my own son. With everyone speaking at once I was losing my mind, without thinking I slammed my fists on the table "Shut up!!" the entire cafeteria went silent, noticing this I sunk down and hid in embarrassment "S-sorry..." I mumbled, glancing at my Hyung's then down to the floor "Hey, we understand, it's cool" Hobi smiled, Jin nodded "Look, I can take Minho before school starts, I don't mind" Jin suggested but I shook my head "No, you work too hard to have to take care of my kid, it's fine. Things were so much easier before that guy came along.." I sighed "I can take care of that guy for you, he won't ever bother you or Minho again" Yoongi smirked, he made cracks like this about Minho's father too, I was worried he's not kidding... "Um....n-no thanks Yoongi" Yoongi just shrugged and focused back on Minho

Single Father: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now