Sorrowful Anger

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I awoke in my bed in my apartment to the sound of my alarm going off, the time was 7:00 am. I pulled myself out of the bed, the events of last night still fresh in my mind as I went to get dressed before pulling Minho to the edge of the bed and dressing him as he slept

I carried Minho to the kitchen, fixed his bottle onehandedly and went to grab my bag, by then Minho was awake, looking up at me, I smiled at him and offered him the freshly made bottle, which he gladly took as I started down the stairs to the door heading outside the building, I then began the 20-minute walk to school, back to regular routines


I went into the school building and went into the classroom where Hobi was sat, the Teacher noticed me but didn't say anything about me being late or nothing he continued his lecture, Minho was passed to Hobi as soon as I sat down, Hobi looked at Minho then at me with a worried, confused look "Hey, everything ok?" He whispered I nodded as I dug my books out of my bag, the conversation ended there and I was silent through the rest of class

During lunch I met up with the usual people, Hobi, Yoongi, and Jin, of course, Yoongi had Minho in his lap. I sat down in my spot, Jin immediately picking up on my down mood since I didn't say anything like I normally do "Jungkook, come with me a minute?" Jin stood up and grabbed my arm, dragging me away from the table and to the food line before I could even say anything "What's wrong? You can tell me and don't even try to lie to me boi" Jin pointed at me as he walked in front of me, piling food on my plate, which he grabbed just before the food line, without my sayso cause Jin knows best. I sighed deeply "Yugyeom's what's wrong..." I muttered out, Jin snapped his head up from the selection of food to look at me with wide eyes "Yugyeom? I thought he left you when he found out you were pregnant?" I nodded "He did. Now he's making money as a CEO at his father's business and thinks he should get me and Minho back. He said we will be a family, one way or another, he's not gonna give up..." Jin stared at me, people going around us in the line "And what about Taehyung?" Jin's expression saddened, worried for the answer "I broke up with him last's for the best, I don't want him getting hurt" I looked down, exhaling. Jin set the tray of food down on the rail in front of the food display and pulled me into a tight, comforting hug "I'm so sorry Jungkook...but don't tell this to Yoongi, you know how protective he is of y'all" Jin pulled back and looked at me, waiting for me to reply. I nodded "I know, I won't tell him..." Jin nodded and ruffled my hair before picking the tray back up and continuing down the food line with me trudging behind him, eventually ending up back at the table where things continued on like normal, except with me being a little quieter than most times


Taehyung sat outside a tall, glass building, his hands clenched into fists on the steering wheel, he was enraged from last night, he stayed up all night crying after Jungkook broke up with him, it wasn't fair, he wanted revenge, he wanted to show Jungkook that he can protect him and Minho from Yugyeom, he had to. Taehyung pushed open the car door and stepped out, he slammed the door behind him and stomped into the building, heading up to the receptionist "Hi, can I help you?" The girl smiled up at Taehyung, who couldn't help but calm down slightly in her presents "Uh, I'm here to see the man in charge" The girl nodded "That would be Mr. Kim. He's on the top floor and here is his room number" She passed Taehyung a sticky note with the room number on it, he bowed to the girl and headed to the elevator

Taehyung got off on the top floor, walking confidently to the room number wrote on the sticky note, he stopped in front of the door and took in a deep breath before knocking "Come in" A gruff voice spoke on the other side of the dark wooden door, he opened the door and stepped in, seeing an older man in the chair behind the desk, a guard on either side of him in the corners of the room "Oh, I think I have the wrong room...You're the man in charge?" Taehyung looked confused and slightly embarrassed, the man looked at Taehyung with disinterest "I'm the head of this business, Kim Yoo-suk. Perhaps you were looking for my son?" Taehyung bowed deeply "Ah, my bad, I didn't know his name" Taehyung sighed, Mr. Kim motioned to a guard as he passed a note to him, the guard stepped towards Taehyung and handed him the note "That's the room of my son, Yugyeom" Taehyung looked at the note then bowed to Mr. Kim before leaving the room and heading down the elevators to Yugyeom's office, God, how embarrassing...

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