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It's been a couple of days since the incident at Nam's Cafe, the weekend was right around the corner as it was Friday today, Namjoon told me I could take today off, I figured he was still shaken up about that cheek kiss Jin gave him so carelessly and didn't want me asking any more questions like I had done the past few days


It was 5:35 am, I was fast asleep trying to get as much sleep as I could before my alarm went off at 7:00 am, I was having an ominous dream at the time, my body was shivering from the cold sweat I broke into due to my dream, suddenly my eyes popped open at the same time a thump was heard in the bedroom, I lifted my head and looked around the pitch-black room, the sun hadn't yet broken over the horizon so it was still dark out, I didn't see anything out of the usual but decided to look around

I got out of bed and tip-toed through the dark bedroom, I checked the bathroom then wandered out into the living room and looked around it before glancing to the kitchen...nothing was out of the ordinary so I headed back to the bedroom, feeling a little uneasy, I checked the window at the end of the non-existent hallway and noticed it was unlocked, I took another glance around before locking the window and heading back to bed. As I got in the bed I looked over to Minho who was covered with the blanket and seemed to be fine, I didn't want to wake him so I didn't mess with him and instead laid back down and headed back to sleep. I wonder what that noise was...?


My alarm started to blare which woke me up abruptly as my ominous dream was replaying over and over as I slept. I was wide awake now and slid the bar on my phone to turn the alarm off, I was still tired, which wasn't new to me, I sat up and stretched a little before looking over at Minho, I froze, Minho wasn't there! All that was there was the pillow I used to keep him from rolling off the bed, and it was slightly covered by the blanket. Did that thump I heard last night have something to do with Minho?! I scrambled to the other side of the bed and looked on the floor "Minho!?" He wasn't there. I slid further down the side of the bed and looked under the bed, and there he was, sleeping soundly under the bed "Oh thank God you're ok" I mumbled to myself and slid off the bed completely before reaching under the bed and pulling Minho out by his feet, Minho blinked his eyes open, completely oblivious to why I looked so worried "How did you get under there you little rascal?" I scooped Minho up and hugged him, relieving the worry I previously had, Minho stretched his back and arms out as I hugged him, he let out a big yawn then started to fuss, I sighed and pulled away "I know, you need a change and you're hungry. Can't I at least get a hug first?" I looked at Minho who just stared at me with a blank look, his bottom lip pouted out, I sighed again "Fine, I get it" I stood up with Minho in my arms and carried him to the kitchen


After Minho was fed, changed and dressed I laid him on his tummy time blanket before rushing to the bedroom to get dressed, I was in a hurry as the time was 7:40, I was 10 minutes late on leaving the house! As I came back into the living room to get Minho and leave the door flung open and Taehyung stood there "Hey, I figured you weren't ready yet" Taehyung flashed me a boxy smile, I felt all my anxiety on being late flush away at the mere sight of Taehyung

I left Minho where he was and ran over to Taehyung, throwing my arms around him and crashing our lips together, not like "I wanna fuck" or a tooth clashing kiss but more like a "Thank you so much" kind of kiss, and Taehyung obviously felt that as he placed his arms around my waist and lifted me gently as his response. I smiled brightly into the kiss and pulled away moments later "You're a life savior, Tae" Taehyung chuckled and pecked my lips before placing me back on the ground "Well, I wouldn't say that, you're still late for school" I frowned and pulled up Taehyung's hand with his watch on it "Shiiii- Grab my bag, please!" I ran over to Minho and swiped him up off the blanket, Taehyung picking up my bag by the door then leading me out to his car, smiling the whole way

Single Father: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now