Late Day Bump

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The day passed by just like all the other days since Minho came along, fast and hectic, but today I was running late, later than usual, I was currently taking my apron off at Nam's Cafe, tossing it on the hook I ran out of the backroom to the front door, which opened just before I could open it myself, I had to turn to my side before tumbling into the person coming in, however, our shoulders roughly bumped but I kept running "I'm sorry about that!" I apologized while running still

The boy I ran into side smiled and continued his way inside the cafe "Hey Namjoon, who was that boy?" Namjoon looked over at the boy and chuckled some "That's Jungkook, he works as a waiter here. I could have sworn you met him before, Taehyung" The boy, Taehyung, thought about it but shook his head, "I think I would remember somebody as beautiful as him" Namjoon chuckled again "He's got a kid, Taehyung" Taehyung's eyes lit up "That's even better! I need you to tell me everything you know about Jungkook and his kid!" Taehyung scrambled to sit down at the counter, looking like a child being read a bedtime story

Namjoon sighed and told Taehyung a little about Jungkook, it wasn't much but it was all Namjoon knew about him "Hmm...Hyung, give me the location of Minho's daycare" Taehyung stood up, holding a pen near his palm, Namjoon looked confused but told him the location "Don't do anything stupid, ok?" Taehyung finished writing then waved his hand "I'm not stupid!" Taehyung headed for the door when Namjoon spoke up "Hey! What did you come here for before running into Jungkook?" Taehyung looked over his shoulder and smiled "Oh yeah! I was wondering when you're gonna allow me to sing here! You've got a stage, why can't I sing?" Namjoon rolled his eyes "You think with you singing here people will be able to eat? They'll be too busy drooling over you!" Taehyung cheekily smiled and quickly ran out when Namjoon grabbed a menu and threw it at him

Taehyung made his way across the street and walked 2 blocks to the location written on his palm, he noticed a cute little building with bright colors and childish drawings on it, the big letters in a bubbly font on the building read "Happy Tots Daycare" he smiled to himself and went up the stairs, going inside "Um, hello?" He looked around and a girl popped out of a room labeled "Office" Taehyung jumped a bit "Can I help you? I haven't seen you here before.." The blonde-haired girl narrowed her eyes at the boy and looked him up and down

Taehyung chuckled a little "Um, I'm actually here to pick up... Minho" just as the name left his lips another girl came over, this time out of two big doors with the words "Play Room" on it "Sorry about her, she's a stick in the mud. I'm Jennie. Who did you say you're here for?" Taehyung turned his attention to Jennie "Uh, I'm here for Minho" Jennie furrowed her brows "Minho? Funny, the only person who ever picks up Minho is Jungkook... Did something happen?" Taehyung shook his hands in front of him "N-no! He just told me he's running late and needed me to pick him up" Jennie seemed to believe Taehyung and smiled "Oh, ok, I'm glad he's got friends to help him out, he's been looking so wore out recently" Jennie got a bag and placed all Minho's things in it since Taehyung didn't have anything to put them in, she then went and got Minho "Here he is" Taehyung gasped and squeezed Minho's cheeks "Oh my gosh! You're so adorable!!" Jennie and her wife, Lisa, looked at each other "Oh, give this to Jungkook if he comes by, thanks!" Taehyung passed a note to Jennie and took Minho, leaving the building, Jennie and Lisa shared a confused, worried look with each other


I finished my work at CHO'S GROCERIES and made my way back to Happy Tots to collect Minho, I was so exhausted but I had to keep it together, I still needed to walk 25 minutes home. I arrived at the daycare and went up the stairs, the lights were out in the building and the 4 girls were on the porch, Lisa was holding their twin daughters, Jisoo and Nina, on either of her hips, both girls pretty much asleep, Jennie fixing to lock up "I know I'm later than usual, but you can't be thinking of keeping my kid with you" I joked and chuckled tiredly, Jennie looked up at me and furrowed her brows "Didn't you have a friend come pick Minho up?" My smile faded and I furrowed my brows "What? Since when do I have other people come to get Minho? Guys, where's my son?!" I felt panic and worry rush through my veins

Jennie bit her lip and pulled out a small note from her pocket "I don't know his name but he left an address, he said you sent him to pick Minho up, he knew y'all's name, I figured it was ok, I'm so sorry Jungkook" I snatched the note from Jennie and looked it over "Are you kidding me? That's 2 miles the opposite direction of where I live! Ugh..." I lowered my head then looked up at the girls "What did this guy look like?" Lisa laughed "He looked like he didn't know what he was doing, like a child" Jennie shushed Lisa and looked back at me "He had blue hair, round face, slim body, about an inch taller than you" I hummed and rubbed my chin "I don't know anybody with blue hair...I gotta go!" I quickly took off, clutching the note with the address in my hand, I had a 40-minute run ahead of me


I arrived at an apartment building at 2:50 am, it looked fancy, not like rich fancy, but like, fancy trash fancy, I jogged up a couple of flights of stairs, panting heavier than before

I reached the room number that was written on the note, I was about to knock when I heard a feminine male voice arguing with a deeper voiced male

"You stole a baby, Taehyung! A baby!"

"I didn't steal the baby, calm down"

"Then why is there a baby here that isn't yours?!"

I clenched my fist and started to bang it on the door "Hey! Open this door! Don't make me call the police!!" The door opened shortly and a blue-haired boy stood before me, in the background I saw a pink-haired boy standing in the living room and on the floor of the living room sat Minho, playing with blocks "That's my kid!" The blue-haired boys' eyes sparkled some "Hey, easy! I was helping you out!" I clenched my fist tightly "Help me out?! You made me run 2 miles in the opposite direction of where I live because you stole my kid!" The pink-haired boy walked over and smacked the blue-haired boy on the back of the head "I told you!" The blue-haired boy rubbed his head, guilt on his face "I'm sorry...look, come inside and I'll explain, ok?" I stared at him for a minute then sighed, relaxing my clenched fists "Fine" I only agreed because of how tired I was

We sat on the couch, Minho still playing, I noticed there were all sorts of things on the floor for Minho to play with, blocks, pots, and lids, etc, Minho seemed so happy... "Look, Namjoon told me about you after we bumped into each other earlier today-" I cut the boy off "Namjoon?! Wait, that was you?!" The boy shushed me and continued "Namjoon is my friend, and yes, it was me you bumped into. So, I asked about you and Namjoon told me you were a single dad in high school who works two jobs, barely having any time with your kid unless you're running, I thought I could help you out by picking Minho up and playing with him. I left a note at the daycare" I huffed "That doesn't matter! You still kidnapped my son, I didn't know that you picked him up and I don't know you!" The boy gasped some and bowed before holding his hand out "I'm sorry, you're right, my name's Taehyung! This lollipop is Jimin, he's also my friend. It was wrong of me to take your son, I was just thinking about how to help you I completely forgot I didn't know you" Taehyung sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck

I looked at Taehyung in disbelief then sighed and shook his hand "I'm grateful you want to help me but there is no need, now if you two will excuse me" I stood up, bowed to the two and picked Minho up "Hey wait a minute, where do you live? I'll give you a ride" Taehyung stood up "No, it's ok, I can walk, my apartment is..." I groaned "An hour away..." Jimin stood up and smiled "Hey, let him give you a ride, it's the least he can do for making you come out of your way for his idiocy" Taehyung pouted cutely, I exhaled and nodded "Well, ok..."


Taehyung pulled up outside my apartment, I had to hold Minho in my arms but hidden from sight since Taehyung didn't have a car seat, how did he even pick Minho up at daycare?! I opened the door and got out, fixing to thank Taehyung but I noticed he got out as well "Um...?" Taehyung looked up at me and smiled "Let me help carry your bag in" I furrowed a brow "I'm good...thanks though" Taehyung frowned but nodded "Ok...hey when do you go to school? I can pick you up so you don't have to walk" I shook my head "I'd rather be the usual kind of late then having to wait for you to show up, now if you'll excuse me, it's already 3:40, I haven't even done our nightly routine" I shut the car door, heading inside the building without giving Taehyung a chance to say anything

Single Father: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now