No one survives alone

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A short zombie apocalypse story that just came into mind.

There's no beginning and no end.

Just an entry into the life of a zombie survivalist.

He was bleeding. He was bleeding a lot.

A group had jumped him. They were ready to string him up for the zombies. A horde suddenly rounded the corner of the abandoned city street. The gang of 4 to 5 had to disperse. Michael barely got time to get away-but not before getting a bullet to the stomach.

He had managed to stumble into an old drug store that had been long raided. Michael found a spot behind the clerk desk. He knew he should be looking for something to treat the wound, but he was losing energy fast.

He was scared.

Michael just wasn't ready to die. He couldn't have survived this long and die to a bullet wound. He'd watched his friend and father die. He wasn't going to go out like this.

He tried his best to put pressure on the hole. The bullet needed to come out. But he just couldn't get up. Michael's vision started to blur and he could feel himself losing consciousness. There was so much blood. So much.

Maybe he could just sleep. Just for a little...


May ran through the streets of the big city. She had to be careful here. She knew the Hordes were here. But she had found herself this way after fighting back her own mother.

She had always been a city girl. She didn't know how to shoot a gun or survive on her own. No one had taught her those things. So now she had to go through her memories for the those stupid unrealistic Hollywood zombie movies to somehow get through this apocalypse.

As she rounded a corner cautiously, May laid her eyes on a group of 3 to 4 zombies much on what she assumed was a person. She went to turn the other way when she saw about 2 other creatures roaming mindlessly. The blonde saw a little drug store to her left and she quickly, but silently, made her way into the shop.

May wore her ballerina shoes. She had grown up to the talent. Her parents would call her a natural. They did her well now. She was as quiet as a mouse when she walked streets. The only noise was her soft breathes.

When she entered the store, the last thing she expected was to see a boy bleeding out on the floor.

Her first instinct was to get the hell out of there.

But May made herself wait a second. She saw his stomach got up and down and she knew right away that this guy needed help.

He had been shot somewhere near the stomach. The hole was closer to the right side of his body, but it looked deep.

Before she even touched the unconscious brunette, May searched around in the small drugstore to find any tools to take out the bullet and sew it up.

May was disappointed to only find a little sewing kit and tweezers and a bottle of beer hidden under the clerk's desk. It was the best she could do. And May wasn't the person to leave behind someone.


Michael awoke to a searing pain. Red clouded his vision as he felt a slight pressure and throbbing coming from his side. He let out a moan and seethed at severe ache.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're gonna be alright, okay?"

It was a lady's voice. It was young, but it a bit reminded him of his mother. He couldn't quite make out her face, but he could see the dirty blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. Michael felt her hands working around on his side. He couldn't figure out why at the moment. Did I know her? Why is she helping me?

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