Dream Boy

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Olivia walked through a field of poppies. She had just appeared there. She furrowed her brows. How did she get here? She's dreaming. Olivia was a bit taken back by the realization. She had never been this conscious in a dream before. She could be lucid dreaming. She remembered hearing stories about people who could fly or do anything on command. She smiled in delight.

Olivia closed her eyes and focused on what she wanted to appear. She took a deep breath before looking. Her smile disappeared when she found that nothing was there. She wanted her old dog, Duke. He had passed away recently.

She furrowed her brows. Maybe she just needed more practice. She closed her eyes again and thought of something more simple. Olivia held out her hand and willed for it to appear in her palm. She flung her eyes open when she thought she felt weight. But once again, there was nothing.

Olivia sighed and dropped her hand. She turned in a full 360, adverting her attention to the view. She was really stunned by what she was seeing. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the valley. Mountain ranges with snowy tops surrounded the landscape. Trees encased the pink, yellow, and blue poppies.

She breathed in the sweet air. The place almost felt magical. She couldn't believe her brain could come up with something so beautiful.

Olivia continued through the poppies. She felt calm and at peace. All of her anger and sadness of reality seemed to melt away in this alternate universe. She spun around. She wished she could stay here forever. To become one with the warmth and beauty-

She stopped. Something dark caught her eye. A chill ran down Olivia's spine as she looked in the direction of the dark image. She furrowed her brows as she didn't spot anything immediately. Then she saw it.

A boy that looked about her age stood about 5 yards away. He wore all black. His bright blue eyes held the same wondered look as she felt. His dark hair was a bit disheveled. They didn't dare move for what felt like eternity.

Warning signs blared in Olivia's mind. He seemed so real. Everything in her gut told her that this boy is really there. This isn't just some creation her brain made up. What did this mean? Who is this boy?

He opened his mouth to speak but then the world began to fade away. Fear struck her gut as the sky turned gray and the poppies turned black. The boy stumbled and faded away through a dark mist. Olivia reached out but she was too sucked up by the void.

Olivia sat upright in her bed. A cold chill ran through her body. Sun shone through the half open blinds. The room was still. Her friends faces stared back at her from her wall of photos. Harry Styles flashing her a smile from her ceiling. Her body shook. Olivia tucked her hair behind her ears and held her head in her hands.

She couldn't believe what she just experienced. Had she just shared a dream with someone? She had never seen that boy before. And the place she was in... It was so beautiful and warm- it felt like home. Now she was back in reality. It felt colder than usual. More gray. Olivia's gut sunk. She already missed her dream.

All day she thought about that place. Her friends or school would distract her for a little, but her brain always went back to the field of poppies and the golden warmth. She couldn't stay away. Olivia prayed that she went back to that dream. Maybe she would be able to find the boy again.

As soon as dinner finished, which was chicken pot pie, she raced up the stairs. Olivia changed into shorts and a loose tee and crawled into bed. She couldn't wipe the grin off her face or the fast beat of her heart. She took a few deep breaths. She tossed and turned for about an hour. Even willing her mind to sleep wasn't working.

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