Chapter 3

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Xiao Zhan almost tripped as he fast walked to his table. He was hella nervous and wanted to give himself a smack. "Zhan-ge, what's wrong?" Yu Bin asks worriedly and gave him a pat on the back.

"Yu Bin, I think I'll probably get fired!" He panickingly said and held his co-worker's shoulders. "Where's your coffee? And why so suddenly?" Yu Bin is even more worried that before. He doesn't want to lose a close friend who can only relate with him!

"It's a long story but I really messed up."

"Okay, calm down and try writing an apology letter?" Yu Bin suggests and Xiao Zhan sighs.

"I wish it was that easy. Say, was there supposed to be an important guest today at the company?"

Yu Bin pauses for a while to think and said, "Ah, yes. The new CEO? Why are you asking?"

"I've probably hit him with the door," Xiao Zhan said and little did they know the people around them were eavesdropping. "Xiao-ge? Seriously? How did it go?" Mianmain asks and stood up from her chair.

"What does he look like?"

"Was he an old man?"

"Ew, hopefully not!"

"What's wrong with old people?" His co-workers flooded him with questions and the office became noisy. Xiao Zhan was having a headache. He puts his fingers between his brows and heaves a sigh once more. "I'm not sure if he is, okay? And no, it wasn't an old man," he says and some of his female officeworkers gasped. "Oh my God, is he hot? Is he single?"

"Shut up Mira! What are you gonna do? Apply for secretary?" Her friend teased and earned a smack from the woman called Mira. "Nonsense!"

Ignoring the chatters and gossips with the people around them, Xiao Zhan leans back on his seat.

"Zhan-ge, did you apologize properly though?" Yu Bin softly asks him again. Xiao Zhan just nodded as he massaged his temples. "I should resign before I get fired. Being fired is really embarrassing," Xiao Zhan said as he immediately opened the microsoft word on his desktop.

"That's terrible! Please stay, I don't wanna deal with He Peng alone," Yu Bin cried and grabbed Xiao Zhan's arm. "I'm sorry Yu Bin, my pride can't accept it. We can always hang out after work," he explains apologetically and there's nothing Yu Bin can do.

Xiao Zhan quickly typed his resignation letter as his fingers dance through the keyboard.

With a loud thud, the door of the 5th floor building opened with a bang. "Oi! Where's that dumbass Xiao Zhan?" He Peng's voice echoed through the office and everyone immediately became silent. Xiao Zhan, not bothering to listen or mind anyone, he didn't clearly hear what the other man just said.

"Zhan-ge! He Peng's calling you!" Yu Bin whispered yelled as he taps Xiao Zhan's shoulder. "Not now, Yu Bin," he hissed as continued to work on his letter.

"I said, where the fuck is Xiao fucking Zhan?" He said with an irritated tone and the workers then pointed at the man typing vigorously on his keyboard.

He Peng dryly laughs and went to Xiao Zhan's table with stomping feet.

"You dumbass, are you listening?" Before Xiao Zhan could say anything, he was grabbed by the arm tightly and was dragged outside their office. "Mr. Peng, what are you-?"

He Pengs lets go of him harshly as Xiao Zhan stumbles a bit as he tried to balance himself. "I don't know what you did to earn the CEO's favor but you're so dead meat. If you say some shit about me, I'll fucking kill you," he says with a venomous tone and glared at Xiao Zhan.

"Uh, I won't say anything. But why did you suddenly dragged me outside?" Xiao Zhan asked as he tried to hide his annoyance.

"Go to the fucking 8th floor. The CEO is waiting for you," before Xiao Zhan could reply, he storms off back to his office.

Xiao Zhan is currently beyond confused and then realized, he's gonna get fired! Quickly rushing back to his table again, he finished his raw letter and immediately prints it. Not bothering to talk to anyone, he quickly made his way to the elevator.

With shaking hands, he presses the 8th floor and fixed himself. Okay, here's the plan. Before the CEO could say anything, I'll quickly hand over my resignation letter and explain myself.

As much as Xiao Zhan doesn't like to lose his job, he doesn't have a choice, being fired from a well known company will truly bring shame to his family. He might as well resign before hand.

Feeling nervous, he looks at the numbers of the floors go up and until finally, it stops at the 8th floor. He gulps and fixed his tie. There was no one in the 8th floor except for the CEO of course. The hallway leading to a single door is extremely empty and dead silent.

Xiao Zhan felt like he was in some sort of horror movie that at any second something is going to jumpscare him. His heart was racing as he walks through the carpet floor and approaches the door.

He presses the buzzer nervously and said, "Um, i-it's Xiao Zhan? Mr. CEO?" Xiao Zhan waits for a couple of second for the CEO's reply until someone spoke, "Come in, the door's unlocked."

With a gulp, he turns the doorknob with a click and the door creaks slowly. He saw the handsome young man from earlier and indeed he was the man he hit at the door. The man was directly looking at him with an impassive look and Xiao Zhan averts his gaze somewhere else.

He looks at the table of the man and sees his black mug there. Ah, did he drink the coffee? His eyes continued to scan around the CEO's office. The place is extremely looking neat and clean. He never went to the CEO's office before even from the previous one.

The office was painted with pure white and there were tall shelves at both sides with a lot of books in it. There was a black couch not too far and a small tinted glass table at the side. So basically, the CEO's office is absolutely huge since it take up almost the whole 8th floor. Even the back of the CEO where he sits in his black leather chair is filled with glass, an over looking view of the city outside.

With a short cough, Xiao Zhan snapped out of his trance and said, "Uh, sir, I'm truly sorry for earlier." As he places his resignation paper on the CEO's desk, he saw the man's desk name, 'CEO Wang Yibo'.

Upon reading the words, he couldn't help but think. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"What's this?" The CEO asks coldly as he takes the letter in his hand with furrowed eyebrows. Fuck, did he had a typo in his letter? Wrong grammar? That's even more embarrassing! He should've stayed a bit more to edit his letter.

"Ah, resignation letter?" He dumbly replies. Of course the CEO knows it's a resignation letter! "I mean, I want to resign since I shamed you earlier and-" Xiao Zhan immedaitely shuts up as he sees the man crumples his paper and throws it in his small trash bin.

"No," the CEO simply said and leaned on his black leather chair. Xiao Zhan is completely bewildered with the whole situation. What does he mean, no? No, for he can't forgive him?

Xiao Zhan wanted to cry and beg for mercy. Just get me the hell out of here!

"B-But sir," Xiao Zhan starts and gulps from time to time. "I'm a good for nothing worker, I should be fired, right?" After saying those words, the atmosphere became heavy and it suddenly became icy. The CEO gave him a cold look and said, "Who told you that you're good for nothing? Should we fire this person?"

Xiao Zhan immediately jumped and quickly replied, "N-No! Sir, it's just me."

"Then you can't be fired and you're not allowed to degrade yourself."

"A-Ah?" Xiao Zhan replies idiotically and is currently so lost with everything. "You'll be my PA from now on."

"What?" The office worker exclaimed and he couldn't help but let his jaw drop.

Sorry for the typos! Please do point it out!

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