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{jungkook's pov!}

i sat in the back of the taxi seat shaking nervously while staring at the tae's location on snapchat. my messages finally delivered but they have yet to be opened. i have thousands of thoughts running through my head, was his family okay? is tae hurt? my mind just wouldn't stop running.
eventually, i was taken out of my dazed state by the taxi driver saying we had reached my destination. i quickly paid him and got out of the taxi. i stared up at the decently sized home in front of me.
here goes nothing i thought.

the door opens almost right after i ring the doorbell.
"hello, may i help you?" a woman says kindly. this must be tae's mother.
"i was just wondering if tae was around? and if i could see him for a little?" i replied so quietly that i wasn't even sure if she heard me.
the still unidentified woman quickly changes her expression. "you don't happen to be the deluded freak that turned my son gay right? what was his name.. oh! yes jungkook?"
so this is what this is about i thought to myself. i have to think quickly, if i tell her i am jungkook there's no way she'll let me see her son. think jungkook, think.

"ah no actually, i'm juwon, i work at the cafe with taehyung," i lied as calmly as possible.
"oh!" suddenly her disgusted expression turned to welcoming. "come in! i'm taehyung's mother. taehyung is going to be so happy that a friend stopped by, he hasn't wanted to leave his room at all recently."
"taehyung!" his mom yelled up the stairs "your friend from work, juwon is here to see you!"

faint steps are heard walking down a hallway from upstairs.
"friend from work? juw-" tae utters quietly till he sees me, "what are you doing here jun-"
"juwon," i said, cutting tae off before he could blow cover.
tae stares at me for a moment before he comes to realization
"oh! ju-juwon!" tae stuttered. i smiled back and waved cutely.

"alright well i'll leave you guys be! will you be joining us for dinner juwon?" his mom
i didn't react to my fake name at first, but tae 'coughed' and i went back into character.
"ah no, i won't be here that long," i replied. his mother nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"uh, my room is upstairs, we should talk there," tae said in a hushed tone while scratching the back of his head.
we walked up the stairs and down the hall towards his room. this is the first time i have ever been in my boyfriends house and i can't even act like i'm dating him. as we walked to his room, tae seemed out of it, he wouldn't look me in the eye or talk to me the whole way. maybe he doesn't feel the same towards me anymore.

once we got into his room, he shut and locked the door. "kookie," he said while he ran and hugged me. i relaxed into his grip and hugged him back. the hug felt as if it lasted forever when in reality it was most likely a few seconds. we eventually drew apart, slowly.
"tae what happened? i have so many questions. are you okay? do you want to leave me? why weren't my texts going through to you?" i babbled all in one breath.
"i'm sorry," tae started quietly, "i came out to my mom and told her i was dating you and she lost it. she didn't accept me at all. i had you blocked on snapchat because my mom took my phone as punishment. once i got it back, i unblocked you but couldn't bring myself to read them." at this point tae had started to cry.
"tae, it's okay, it's going to be okay," i reassured.
"how do you know? i just want to date you publically and be happy for once, i want us, i want my mom to accept me. why won't she just accept me!" he pleaded hysterically.
"she'll come around. the number one thing she wants for you is to be happy."
"then she'd let me live here and let me date whoever."
"did she threaten to kick you out?"
tae paused, "if i didn't comply with her rules of not seeing or talking to you, then yeah," he sighed, "and i would've left and gotten a place, but i don't have enough saved right now from the cafe for a house."
i sat on his bed with him and hugged him while he cried into my shoulder.
"i'm sorry tae," i whispered to him.
after a few moments passed he lifted his head to speak, "you should go," he muttered, "dinner will be ready soon"
"we'll figure something out, i won't leave you," i reassured as i walked out of his room and down the stairs saying goodbye to ms kim.

eventually, i made my way back to my empty apartment. i sat on the white sofa pondering who i could talk to for help and how i could help. there's a way for us to fix this, right?
that's when a thought popped into my mind. tae would always mention jin from the cafe he worked at, they were best friends. maybe he could lend some advice.

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