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{jungkook's pov}

"why would you do this to me?" i asked.
"it was easy," juhan said
"easy? it was easy?" i looked at him with complete and utter disbelief, "it was easy for you to act like i was nothing, to completely just void my emotions? easy for you to use me, to destroy me like that?"
"yes, you see, you were impressionable. you saw someone like me and you wanted me, i needed someone new so i chose you"
"yeah because you know you could dangle me on a string?"
"exactly, and you never knew," he said with a stone cold face, "i never loved you either, i gave you the bliss of having a 'perfect relationship' when in reality all i was doing was getting with others," juhan said with a slight chuckle.
"and you think that's okay?"
"never said it was okay, but it's how the game goes, and you were played, it happens."
"yeah well this game can shut people out of love forever," i said with my voice cracking
"i can't help that you fell in love," he rolled his eyes
"you never loved me, you lied, every single time and night you'd say it, it was all a blatant lie??"
"yes it was, you were just a game for me, just a toy for me to play with when i got bored, that's all you'll ever be, you think someone could want someone like you? really?"
"what do you mean?" i asked, not prepared for the answer that was yet to come.
"your best quality is your face, that's it, what else is there. you have issues, you're clingy and you're always wanting attention and affection. no one wants that, no one will want you," he replied with no sign of guilt in his voice, "you're unlovable."
little did he know that i would i think of myself like that from there on out, i would think i was unlovable for the rest of my life. 

or well, until i met taehyung.

kookie: there you go
taetae: kookie...
kookie: don't give me sympathy
taetae: you told me you weren't in a relationship before
kookie: that wasn't a relationship, all i ever got from it was hate for myself
taetae: i'm sorry.. 
taetae: you know i wouldn't treat you like that
kookie: i didn't think he would either but people can change

[A/N: your girl over here has finished the outline for this story so you can expect regular updates woohooo! on another note, i have so many AP interviews next week, help]

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