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{jungkook's pov!}

right as taehyung said that, his mother's facial expression changed to pain but quickly switched back to unphased

"fine, pack your stuff and leave, i don't a deluded freak living in my house anyways," she says coldly

as we're walking out of the family room tae turns around and utters a simple phrase to his mom, "at least we're happy deluded freaks"

you could cut the tension with a knife at that point
"i'll wait for you outside tae," i said and he nods walking off

as i'm waiting i take the time to alert my friends

[kookie is typing...]
[kookie sent you a message!]

kookie: jimin
jiminiecricket: yes jk?
kookie: tae's moving in with me, alert the others
jiminiecricket: will do bro


[jiminiecricket is typing..]
[jiminiecricket sent you a message!]

jiminiecricket: i'm happy for you

as i'm about to reply, tae opens the door

"ready?" i ask
"ready." he replies back


"woah, kookie this place is so nice," tae exclaims as we walk inside
"how can you afford this place?" he asks
i let out a chuckle, "my studio pays for it, as long as i work and practice i can keep this place, i'm saving up for somewhere else though"

tae turns around to face me, "thank you kookie,"
"don't thank me, i'd do anything for you, plus i hated living alone it's better to share a home with someone you love," i tell him
tae lets out a giggle, "i love you too kookie"

my phone buzzes alerting me that my friends are ready for a night of karoke together

"tae, take your stuff to our room, our friends are ready, invite jin too while you're up there!" i shout as he's half way up the stairs

i just smile at nothing, i'm finally happy i think to myself


after a few moments tae comes jumping down the stairs into my arms

"ready?" he asks me
"ready." i respond while pecking him softly

"wow that was much better than when we did it at my house," he says while we exit our apartment
all i do is chuckle at him while being filled with pure happiness

{A/N - one chapter left :(}

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