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Whelve(v.): to bury something deep; to hide.

Error woke reluctantly to see Ink sitting next to him, drawing in a small, pocket-sized sketchpad. "Morning." Ink greeted without even looking up from his sketch.

"Mfvm." Error mumbled something incoherent as he stretches, cracked his neck and started cracking his knuckles and looked at Ink, who was giving him a look.


"Are you the only Sans that doesn't hate that noise?" He shivers. Error realizing what he was talking about continued to crack his knuckles with a shit-eating grin, "Stop it!" Ink squeaked.

Error laughed at that, "Heh heh, I'm special Squid."

"Whatever," Ink fastened the sketchpad on his sash with all his emotions. "Let's keep trying to find this culprit. They can't be too far."

Error made a portal to where they left off, in Outertale's Waterfall, but a new trail went the opposite way towards Hotland. "What?"

"Oh! This must be a newer trail! We'll find them soon!" Ink followed the path with hurried steps, Error trying to catch up with him, "Hehe, I feel like Sherlock Holmes!" Ink giggled to himself. Error wondered if Ink cared about falling asleep on his shoulder. He seemed to not, and maybe Error was just overreacting, he didn't have a lot of interaction anyways.

Ink was walking backward in front of Error, "I wanna take guesses on to who it is...a glitch and a new glitch is all we have. I don't know. Maybe another you?"

"Would I hate that? Meh." Error shrugged.

"What if it was a new type of enemy that's not a Sans? That would be int—" Ink falls back and lose the ground under him. Error's poor eyesight didn't see the large gaping hole in the middle of the road. Ink yelped but something caught him and pulled him back. Error pulled at the strings attached to Ink too roughly, and Ink came barreling towards him.

Error forgot Ink was a tiny boi.

Ink crashes into Error and they both fall to the ground. Ink groans as he chuckles, "Heh, thank Error—" Ink noticed what position they were in.  Ink was on top of Error and Error was glitching under him, about to crash. Ink quickly scampered off, his face a full rainbow.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Ink tried to say something more but he was too busy being flustered like an idiot.

Error sat up in the black grass facing the hole in the world, his eyes covered in glitches. "I just pulled the strings too hard..." Error mumbled his face tinted a magic yellow. He shook his head at the thoughts creeping up on him, going back to his usual anger self, "But watch where you're going, Squid! Next time, I'm letting you fall!" He growled. "Now I can't see."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Ink looked at the hole in the AU, realizing its size for the first time. "Holy noodles." He looked down into the abyss. "That's the Void right there..."

"Yeah." Error said his eyes were somewhat clear, and his glasses were on. "Now your face doesn't look like a pointless blob." Ink looked up at Error who was staring at him with squinted eyes.

"What?" Ink asked.

"Nothing." Error turned away, looking at the hole in the ground, "Don't fall again. I will let you fall."

Ink scoffed at the little faith Error had in him, "I won't—" There was a thundering crack heard between them. Ink looked down to see the ground cracking under both of them. "Oh...no." He said as Error glitched frozen to the ground. They both thought that if they didn't move the ground would do the same, and they were wrong. The ground slid into the hole from underneath them like a rug being pulled from under them, and it was pulling them in.

Hiraeth (Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now