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Error heard his phone beep with worry almost every week. Either Sci, Fresh, Reaper, or Geno texted him asking where he was. He didn't really come out of Ink's house or the Anti-Void much. He stayed there for a long time.

After a while, he lost little things in Ink. Like the colors and shapes of his eyes, or the smell of him in the house and scarf.

The scarf. Error looked at it sitting on the table. He touched his own scarf and then an idea formed in his head.

He pulled one thin, blue string from his eye socket and pulled it through a sewing needle. He pressed his scarf close to Ink's, making a simple stitch along the gap of the two scarves. He started stitching up the gap, thinking.

I used to know what shapes your eyes would go to. I think not seeing them for this long makes it all fade somehow. He let his mind wander further in the forest of his mind. You would probably laugh and try to challenge me if I said that to you. But you were so unpredictable that who the hell could know? The unpredictableness never ceased to amaze me—

He felt something stab his finger slightly. He yelped and pulled away, inspecting the prick the needle left on his ring finger. A spot of blood sprouted from the little wound. He licked it and continued, he wanted to finish this project he started.

After he was done he broke the string and tied a knot at the end. "There." He sighed, looking at the now larger scarf. "Now it's ours." He nuzzled his face into the Ink part of the scarf. "I don't want to forget you, Squid." He brushed his thumb against the stitches in even strokes. He sat with the scarf until he fell asleep.

Geno heard a knock at his door, he crept out of bed and downstairs. Slightly pissed and ready to show it, he opened the door to whoever woke him. "What? I—" He stopped for a second when he saw Error. "Error! What the hell? No one has seen you for, like, a year and a half!" Error mumbled something Geno couldn't catch.

Geno noticed the scarf Error was wearing. He stitched his and Ink's scarf together with blue string. Geno was about to say something but Error spoke first, "Where's Reaper?"

Geno looked at him confused, "He..." He realized why Error asked. "Error, I doubt he could—"

Error had desperation written on his face, "Please."

Geno looked at Error, then away, "Probably at Reapertale, but I'm not sure. He does his job at night." Error nodded in a dull response. "You do know if you ever need to talk—"

"I know." He glitches a bit.

"Just...maybe it's time to move on, I think Ink would rather you do, knowing him." Error didn't respond to Geno that time. As if he was stuck with that idea in his head, and didn't want to let it out and accept it.

"Thanks. Sorry to bother you so late at night." Error teleported off. Geno sighed and closed the door silently.

"Mom?" Geno turned around to see Goth. "Who was at the door?"

"Uh, n-no one." Geno lied. Goth didn't know that it was Error but Goth still looked suspicious and still wanted to know who it was. "Why aren't you asleep?" Geno asked quickly, guiding the small skele to his room.

"I couldn't sleep." He mumbled. "Can I stay with you tonight?" He paused at the doorway to his room.

Geno smiled, "Sure."

Reaper sighed as he leaned against a tree. He closed his eyes for a second taking in the calm air around him. He felt a presence. A dark one. "Who's there?" He was surprised when he saw Error in front of him. "Er—"

Error pulled Reaper's cloak to him, his face close to Reapers but not in a threatening way. He wasn't scowling or aggressive. He was desperate and sad. He was pleading him. "Bring him back."

Hiraeth (Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now