Side Story: Ink's New Design

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(A/N: So as some of you may know, the creator of Ink Sans, Comyet, for New Year's made a new design for Ink. To be honest, I like the original design better. (Not saying I don't like this design, plz no hate) But change comes with life so, I will add the design to the story. I mean, you don't have to think that he has those clothes in your mind, but the story will reference the new design from now on.

Ok, onto the short side story!

"Should I change my style up a bit?" Ink thought out loud. "I kinda was thinking about it since New Year's."

"To be honest, I was wondering when you were going to."

"What do you mean?"

"Eh, any way you dress you look dumb."

"Oh, c'mon, that's mean!" Ink stuck his tongue out at him to mock, Error only grinned at the satisfaction of annoying him. "I had this since I was created, so I guess sometimes it felt rushed or not me exactly."

"Uh, knowing you that would take a while,  so I'm just gonna go to Outertale or something." Error disappeared though a glitchy portal. Ink was left in the Anti-Void, but he heard a portal open again, "Don't clutter my Anti-Void." He disappeared again.

"This will take a while," Ink sighed.

Ink was there for at least an hour and had parts of it done. He decided to keep his scarf and sash, but add something to it to hold Broomie. He didn't hear the teleporting noise behind him.

Error saw a practically naked Ink in front of him, "Ink! What are you still doing here?" Error looked away hastily.

Ink shielded his small, naked body from view with his oversized scarf, "Why are you here?" He screeched.

"I freaking live here!" He yelled back. There was angry glitch screaming heard. There was a small silence so Ink looked back to see if Error was still there or not. He was, but his back was faced to Ink. "I-I'll just leave⁠—yeah." He was gone before Ink could say anything else.

Ink looked at his sneakers that sat next to him. "Always wanted to go barefoot." Ink let his suspenders loose as well, "This feels kinda freeing,"

The rest was simpler than his old outfit and easier to put on. And less to wash. There was a lot of brown, he was thinking of doing a lot of colors but he decided against it. His suspenders were now green and behind his back, it was his new fashion statement and he would stand by it. He had loose pants too, and instead of shoes, he had stirrup tights underneath. It was cozier for his feet since he hated shoes and socks anyways. His sash became a holder for Broomie. His shirt was white with another brown shirt over top of that with yellow stripes on the sides.
(A/N: I tried to describe it as best I could)

He also replaced his old gloves with something similar. They reminded him of tablet gloves. Which reminds me, I need to start digital art! He smiled. He never tried digital art, but he always wanted to try.

He looked around at the mess he made in a circle around him, "Error won't be happy if I left this here. "He started picking up the clothes he created with his brush and teleported to his house. "I'll just put these here," Ink threw them on his bed, "I'll clean in here later..." He said not really meaning it.

"Imma go find Error—see if he thinks I'm fashionable too." He smiles at himself in the mirror before teleporting off to Outertale.

"Gah! Why did I walk in on him?" Error blushed. "I could've just gone and gotten chocolate from the shop!" He buried his face in his hand with embarrassment, his elbows resting on his knees.

"He looks smaller without clothes..." Error mumbled out loud unintentionally. He realized what he said and started battling himself. "W-Well, he's dumb! And forget a bunch!" He laughed nervously, "Even if he's cute—goddamnit." He caught himself in a loop.

"When is he gonna be done anyway? He's taking forever, and as much as I like stars they get pretty boring when you know where they all are." He grumbled. "I'll get that chocolate while I wait." He got up to go steal a candy bar from the shop.

Ink got to where Error usually sits in Outertale, "Did I forget where Error said he would be? I swear he said he would be in Outertale." He sat down, his feet dangling off the cliff. He watched a random comet(Comyet*cough*) go by, making a bright streak in the dark sky. He took out his sketchbook and drew something starry, probably a galaxy, he didn't know yet.

He heard someone behind him. He turned around to see Error, but Error didn't see him yet. He was looking at the ground, and even if he did look up, Ink would be a blurry ink blob. Ink got up and ran over to Error.

Error looked up to see Ink stopped in front of him, "Ta-da!" He seemed more excited now that he's showing off. "It took a while, but I think I did great. It fits, yanno?" He smiled up at Error, who has is glasses on now. "I don't know if you staring is a good thing or a bad thing..."

Error tries to say something, but the image of Ink keeps coming back to him. And he fumbles and mixes his words up. "Why can I fricking say words?" He yelled at himself angrily. Ink laughed, and he smiled too, "You look nice for a short skittle."

"Not short!"

"Sure." Error teased. "I thought you would go full rainbow."

"Eh, decided against it. Plus, I think I look fabulous." He said posing slightly. If anime were real he would have sparkles around him. "Told you that it wouldn't look stupid," Ink glared at Error.

"I was joking Squid, don't take it too seriously."

"I know. I know."

"Besides, we both know who the real asshole is." He smirks.

"Of course," Ink paused, "It's you." Ink grinned evilly as he watched Error's face scrunch up into a look of bitter betrayal.

"This is why Ink." He sighed. Ink laughed as they teleported to the Anti-Void.

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