"I miss you..."

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Fell, Sci, Dream, Cross, Blueberry, Outer, Geno, and Reaper were standing in front of a stone. A grave.

"Why'd we make a grave? We already know he's—"

"We are putting this in memory Fell." Dream looked up at Fell angrily, his eyes dull yellow. "He saved us all, the least we could do is this." He hissed and then, turned back to the grave. "Ink" was carved into it.

Blueberry pulled Fell away, "Let's leave him alone for now, he was his best friend after all." He whispered.

Fell looked at him confused, "You were too."

"Yeah, but I don't know the Multiverse like them. Dream could relate to him more." He looked around the small crowd and around the area. "Where's Error? I thought Sci told him that we were doing this."

Fell shrugged, "He said he couldn't come." Blueberry nodded, assuming he was too hurt to come. But he bet he would later. Error hated crowds to begin with. It's been a few weeks, no one has seen Error except for Sci. Sci did the best he could to talk to Error but Error would just shut him out—shut everyone out.

"Oh, Sci," Dream turned to Sci. "Do you know if Error kept those things?"

Sci glanced at Dream, "No. He took them though." He looked at his watch, "I need to go pick up Paps from school. I'll see you around Dream."


Geno whispered to Reaper, "Could you bring Ink back? Is that allowed?"

Reaper shook his head, "Ink didn't have a soul. And even if he did, yes, it's against rules."

"I was so scared when he said that he was going to do that. He helped me before, like you did." Geno touched his arm involuntarily. He was grateful for Ink, he didn't know much about him actually. But Ink found him, cutting himself up like a piece of meat. So angry at himself. He was there until he got better. Reaper was also a part of that too, but if it weren't for Ink he might be dead by now, and he would be just like another soul Reaper had to reap.

"Error is really distraught. I...know it seems invasive, but I went invisible and teleported to Ink's house. He was there and he just kept crashing. Over and over again. It seemed like he was becoming crazy." Reaper mumbled trying to remember the details.

Geno's eyes widened as he looked to Reaper and back out to the space around them, "Maybe I should go check on him." He mumbled.

"I hope I don't lose you," Reaper intertwined his fingers in Geno's. "You have a mortal soul. You can die."

"I won't die. I promise." Geno leans into Reaper slightly, touching sides.

"Hello Dream," Outer's voice sounded echoey.

"H-Hey Outer." His vision still trained on the stone.

"You're doing a whole lot of staring," Dream looked up at him.

"Y-Yeah," Dream brushed away a runaway tear that escaped his eye. "I miss him already. But it's different than just missing him. The fact I'm not seeing him again is starting to sink in I guess."

Outer hums in thought, "You were close, weren't you?" Dream nodded. "It might take longer to heal, but it heals eventually. It might leave a scar, but it heals. And scars don't make us weak, they show we are stronger."

"I-I..." Dream collapsed over Outer in a hug, "I'm sorry. Is this okay?" Outer nodded and held onto him for as long as he needed. "I need to go now, I sense my brother's presence and I need to stop him."

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