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Yuanfen(n.): two people meant to be together; destiny

Two years later...

Error had everything he wanted to say in his mind, he just needed to get everything else that wasn't memorizable. Like the courage, for starters. "Okay," He looked himself in the mirror. He felt kind of stupid, and it was four in the AM, but he would feel even more nervous if he didn't.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm the glitching going on around him, "Ink," He felt himself blush, "I was thinking—no, that sounds dumb. Uhm, I was...wondering?...no, that sounds dumb too." He felt extremely stupid now speaking to his own goddamn reflection. Like it was going to tell Ink what the hell he was doing talking to his reflection at four AM. Suddenly he heard light steps. Error fumbled with something in his hands and blue strings caught it. It flew through the ceiling and was now probably on the roof, just like Error's fear.

"Error?" Error's head snapped towards the door, Ink appeared in the doorway rubbing his eyes, confused as ever. "Error, what suspicious thing are you doing now?" Ink looked up, "Was there always a small hole in the ceiling?" He asked confused.

Error definitely looked suspicious, he tried not to wake Ink up. He even memorized all the creaks in the floorboards. "Uhhh," Error was sure that made some kind of sound. "Probably not."

"Are you going to tell me what you're doing up so late?"

"There isn't time in the Anti-Void." Error said avoiding the question, or trying to at least, as much he could.

Ink mumbled the same thing in a mocking voice, "You know what I mean Glitchy," He said with a yawn in between.

Error smiled at Ink, bringing the images he had in his mind to the back. "Okay, okay. I'm going back to bed." Error followed Ink back to bed.

Ink left to go help Blueberror with the Omega Timeline, so Error was left alone for the day. He teleported to the roof. The box he threw through the roof had no damage to it besides a small dent in the top. He picked it up and looked inside, hoping he didn't destroy the contents inside. He let out a sigh of relief and closed it, holding it close to his chest.

"How the hell am I supposed to ask him if I can't even ask myself as practice?" He muttered, letting his hand fall down on his face. "All I have to do—is say four words. Well, other stuff before that, but just—" He grumbled in frustration, letting his hands fall next to him.

"Hey, radical glitch broski!"

Error jumped, "Fresh, what do you want?" Error groaned.

"O! Nothin' brah, just heard you complainin' 'bout somethin' and decided to help a bro out! I have 'ta stick with my homies!"

"I'm not telling you anything 90s trash! Go back to skating or something," Error muttered, unsure of what a 90s trash would do with their time.

"I'm just trying to help brah, c'mon, please?" He leaned closer to Error, "I'll leave you alone right after!" Error leaned away from Fresh his face tinted yellow, contemplating whether he should actually consider telling him. "Pretty please?"

"Ugh, fine. But don't you dare say anything to Ink." He jabbed a finger at Fresh.

"Whoa, wait, why? Keepin' secrets in relationships are totes unrad bro!" He frowned.

"No, it's...not like that." Fresh was confused, "It's like a surprise..."

Fresh mumbled to himself, trying to find out this riddle himself, "Is it his birthday or what? Tell me, I don't got many guesses left!"

Hiraeth (Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now