Evangeline Millie Winchester (Evie, to everyone who doesn't want to get shot) is the third Winchester sibling. She's the middle child, the one who keeps the brothers together. Or, she was. Until Sam bailed and left her and Dean to pick up the pieces...
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November 23, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
The Impala
"So... what are we doing?" I asked, looking to my left where Dean was anxiously tapping on the steering wheel as he navigated us through the mess of cars blocking the road.
"Trying to get back up to get Uncle Bobby. And you know... not die?" Dean said sarcastically looking over at me with a strained smirk on his face.
"Do we really have to go get him?" The annoyingly shrill voice asked from the back seat, and I didn't even turn to look.
"Shut the fuck up Ruby. This isn't your decision. In fact, why don't you hop out, and go get eaten?" Ruby had been traveling with us for almost two weeks now. Sam had insisted that we let her come with us, and he has been acting stranger by the day.
"Evie? Shut up." Sam growled from behind my seat, adding a little kick to my chair for good measure, which in turn rattled Dean's chair, and he whirled around with a glare.
"Sam! Not the car man! God!" I glanced in the mirror to see Sam rolling his eyes but he didn't say anything else.
"Seriously though... can't Castiel just go get him? Because this is taking forever. I mean we've gone what? Two hundred miles? And it's been two weeks." I grumbled, sticking my feet up on the dash while I played with my machete that I had dug out of the trunk to keep with me after the last herd we had to drive through.
"He probably could. But he hasn't been answering any of my prayers. I haven't heard anything from him since he took Anna. So yes. We have to go get Bobby."
"Well do we have to go through the middle of the city? I think that's just the worst idea in the history of ideas." I said, looking to the other side of the highway where thousands of cars were sitting, dead.
"All the other roads are blocked Evie. You know this. We've been through this. Nothing else goes north. We need to get north. Damn it all to hell if we get trapped in this heat for the rest of our lives and leave Bobby alone. We're going through. We can make it."
"We're all going to die." Ruby rasped from the back seat. I spun around, reached my hand out, and thumped her on the head.
"Bad Demon. Shut your face."
Dean drove down I-75 leading into Atlanta, it was quiet. Almost too quiet. It was eerie. How quiet it is now. But that wasn't the important part. The important part was that I had my guns loaded, strapped to my legs, a machete in my right hand, and a knife in my left. I was ready.
I'm sure Sam and Ruby were ready too, but I knew Dean wasn't. If this didn't go well, we would lose the Impala. We would have to leave it if we were trapped, and I knew he didn't want to let it go. But we had to go through, to get to Bobby.
It was going well for about twenty minutes. I would guess that we were about halfway through the city when it happened. A man with a fancy hat riding a horse almost rode straight into us, and behind him, was a herd of the dead. More dead than I had ever seen, and for a moment, I felt it.
I could feel him nipping at my heels, desperate for my soul. And I knew it wouldn't be long until I gave it to him.
A/N: I promise the next one will be longer! But I wanted to ease y'all in.