Chapter 2: A Plan

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"Cool this down, it's too hot!" Mason complained, pushing his bowl of soup towards the demon, Will sent a tiny flurry of snow raining down on the contents from his spot in the corner, his eyes glowing in the light as he used his powers "My apologies Master Mason" Will said.

"Yeah, you should be sorry, you always make hot things too hot, would it kill you to make it the right temperature?" the adult asked, slurping at his now perfectly cool soup, Will didn't answer. For a being that had no need for human food he was doing the best he could, hot foods were difficult with him being used to cold, he preferred cold, he lived at the top of a freezing mountain for goodness' sake! He was a Frost Demon, not a Fire Demon like his twin brother. He smiled as he remembered Bill swimming in the lava pools near his house, the fire demon rarely visited him, since they were opposites. But when he did Bill would practically live in the burning orange red liquid. In fact Will had closed off the caves because Bill hated it being messed about with by the cold winds.

Will watched them intently, Mabel was picking at something between her teeth, humans were so gross. They reminded Will of those weirdly shaped fruits an intruder had bought with him, horrible on the outside but juicy and delicious on the inside. The man's soul had been good too. He had left the body in his front yard, no one dared intrude then, that was until a blizzard had sent it away, his peace had been interrupted about two months after that.

Stanford noted Will always watched Mason with the look a lion would give its prey, it unnerved him, made him worry, and he was far too old to be worrying about his family. "William!" he said loudly.

"Yes, sir?" the demon swept his gaze towards him.

"Go get me more wine, you know the one I want" he said, waving his cup at him. Will bowed and left the room, leaving the family alone. "Why does he watch you like that Mason?" Stanford asked, taking a bite of his dinner.

"I don't know, maybe he's hungry?" the young adult said with a smirk, Mabel snorted with laughter.

Stanford sighed putting down his fork "This isn't funny Mason, he's going to devour your soul! You'll seize you exist the moment you enter his mouth!" he said, Mason was so damn stubborn, it was the Gleeful in him, he had been the same as a boy. His Nephew glared "Look old man! I didn't ask for your opinion on my contract, this is my deal! My demon!" Mason spat.

Will choose the perfect time to come back in, holding the bottle Stanford had requested perfectly in his hands "Your wine, sir?"

"Just leave it there" Stanford said, gesturing next to his wineglass, Mason gave Stanford a nasty look, not going unnoticed by William, the demon put the bottle down and bowed "Anything else, sir?"

"No, that will be all."


Stanford spent that night trying to figure out a way to stop Masons looming demise, kill William? No, that would be impossible without a demon blade, those were rare and scarce. What about if he hid Mason? No, that was a stupid idea too. Stanford rubbed his eyes tiredly and let out a sigh. Mabel knocked on his door and he let her in, an idea popping into his head as he noticed the blue hearts on her pajama pants "Great Uncle Ford you need to go to bed, it's like 11pm! Your old, you need sleep!" she said.

Stanford huffed "Yes yes, in a minute, Mabel my dear? Is Mason gay?"

"I uh, would that be bad?" the adult asked on the spot, looking somewhat nervous about the question. Stanford shook his head. "I don't care what his sexuality is. I'm asking if he is gay, is he or not?"

"Yes, yes, he is" Mabel said, tying her hair up in a ponytail, his Niece looked so different without her makeup, more real, he honestly hated her wearing so much of it

"Good, this will work" Stanford said, going back to his notes, his eyes lightening up. Mabel came over and gazed at his writing "What are you doing?"

"Trying to stop William from taking Mason's soul, I figured I should try to get them together, it seems the only plausible option"

Mabel laughed "Can I help?"

Stanford nodded "If you must"

Mabel grinned.


The annual Gleeful Ball for all the rich and famous was nearing and William was tasked with setting it up. He loved using his powers to create amazing ice sculptures for the ballroom. The ice never melted and people loved them, he'd beam as they praised him, and warm feeling like no other would enter his heart. He had always been alone in his empty house, waiting for his next meal, boring loneliness had made him a little insane, so it was nice to be appreciated.

When Mason had come into his quiet home, he had been shocked to find not a flicker of fear or fright cross his face when he had turned to see him standing there; It had amazed him; He knew that because of his lack of emotions, Mason's soul would be the best he had ever tasted.


He was setting up the tables, the big one in the middle would hold the two ice sculptures, Mason had given him two pictures of the sculptures he wanted and once the tables were set up he started on them. "Your good at that" Mason said coming in, Will looked at him "Of course, it is my specialty" he said, wiggling his fingers, sparkles of ice glittered between his fingers as he did so "What else can you do?" Mason asked.

"Well Master Mason, if I told you all my secrets I would have none left for myself," Will said with a smile, his eyes sparkling, Mason rolled his eyes.

The demon had changed his usual cloak, for a simple white hoodie made of muslin cloth, and a pair of light blue jeans, his extremely pale feet bare as he floated above the table. The Gleefuls had tried to make him wear their servants outfit and he had refused. Not wanting to anger the demon Mason had allowed him to wear his own clothes as long as he dressed nicely in front of people. Ice flowed from his fingertips as he created the design from the drawing floating beside his face "You look so normal in those clothes" Mason said.

"All the better to be human with my dear" Will said, finishing the icy art "There, what do you think?" he asked, floating back to admire it.

"Good, well done" Mason said, giving Will a nod, the demon grinned at the praise "WILLIAM!" a voice yelled from down the hall, Stanford wanted him. Will floated back down and walked away but not before saying "Excuse me Master Mason, but it appears I am wanted" to his Master.


"What's your sexuality?" Stanford asked him, Will frowned, he didn't know, it's not like he had company in his house, let alone human company "I don't know, sir"

Mabel jumped off the desk and came up to him, poking his chest. "If you saw a girl and a guy, which one would look more appealing."

"Both, everyone has a decent tasting soul, some are more delicious than others," Mabel face palmed "No you, idiot! Sexually, which one would you want to fuck!?" Mabel exclaimed.

Will was taken aback oh, that type of appealing. 

"Again, I don't know."

Stanford waved his hand at him "Mabel enough, we'll just take our chances that he's bi-sexual"

Will smirked "If you're trying to set me up with someone I applaud your efforts, but it's not going to work, I have no need for human companionship"

"Leave!" Stanford said, pointing to the door, Will did so, wondering what on earth they could be up too. 

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