Chapter 3: I Like Your Hair

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Mabel smiled as she took a champagne glass from a tray, and the waiter bowed and walked off to serve the others. "Brother?" Mabel questioned. Mason was watching the guests with tired eyes, this event were boring as hell, thank god for alcohol.

"Yes, Mabel?"

"Do you think Wills cute?"

Mason looked at his sister, an eyebrow raised "What are you implying sister dear?"

"Would you go out with him?"

Mason looked over at Will, who was talking to a woman admiring his brilliant ice sculptures "He is cute, but he's a demon, I can't, we made a contract"

"Sure you can! I bet if you asked him out he'd say yes,"

"Of course he would Mabel! It would be an order!" Mason scoffed, Mabel stood up "Will darling! Come here!" she said, waving him over.

Will bid the lady goodbye and came over to them with a smile. Mason sunk lower in his seat.

What was his sister doing!? 

"Yes Mistress?" Will asked, he was dressed in a suit of his own design, mostly white with hints of blue.

"Do you think Masons cute?" Mabel asked.

Mason hid his face as a red blush spread across his cheeks "Mabel!" he hissed. Will smiled "I like his hair" he said, and that was true, he had always admired that shade of brown from the very moment he has seen him standing in his house,

Mason looked up. "You like my hair?"

"Yes, it's a very nice shade of brown" the demon said. Mabel put down her drink "Yes but do you like him? Would you kiss him?" she asked, batting her eyelashes with a grin.

"I think you've had enough to drink, Mistress" Will said, taking the glass, Mabel huffed and snatched it back "Ughh! You two are useless!" she said, leaving the table in a flourish.

Will watched her leave and sat down in her place "Her and Master Stanford, they seem to be trying to get us together,"

"Oh?" Mason swirled his glass, the demon smiled "Do you like me?" Will asked suddenly. Mason was just taking a sip of his drink and choked on the contents, coughing as he looked up at Will through watery eyes. "What?" he asked, his voice strained. Those light blue eyes like the morning sky stared back at him intently. He could almost see the clouds. 

"Do you like me?" Will asked again.

"Well, you are cute, I guess, for a demon" Mason mumbled, turning away, his face red as a tomato. Mason's thoughts were all jumpy as he tried to keep his emotions under control. Will smiled at that. How adorable he was getting all flustered over him, where was the grumpy tone? The cold, emotionless voice? 

Will reckoned it must be the alcohol "Thank you, my brother says I'm far too pale, but he's an idiot and knows nothing, some people like pale" Mason laughed "Your brother? Is he nice?" he asked.

"He's Bill," Will said, rolling his slitted pupils and letting out a huff.

Mason did not understand what Will meant by that, but he guessed it had to be an inside joke. "Do you ever get into relationships, Will?" Mason asked, watching the people chatter and mull about.

"Sometimes, but since I'm immortal they don't last very long" the demon looked a little sad. Mason passed him a glass of Champagne with a smile and Wills heart skipped a beat at it. It was so unlike Mason to smile and yet here it was, in all his years with him, a genuine smile, it made him mentally gasp and it made him feel warm inside. It was so much nicer than his grumpy frown, or nasty smirk "Here, forget your woes" he said, giving him a wink, the demon smiled back as his face heated up "Thank you." 

Uh oh...

Maybe Mabel and Stanford were on the right path, Mason wasn't really that emotionless. He already owned his soul, why not the rest of him too? Will swirled the contents of the glass and took a sip, grimacing at the taste "This is awful!" he complained, Mason laughed.


Stanford watched the two from across the room, Mason laughing and his cheeks red as he talked to Will. The demon was smiling, a look in his eye that made it appear he was having a good time, was that a blush in his pale cheeks? 

Stanford gave an amused smirk as Mabel came over with a huff, clutching her glass "Honestly those two are pathetic."

"Actually, I think it worked, look" Stanford said, pointing to Mason and Will, Mabel looked over and smiled "It seems they're getting along, that's good" Mabel said.

"Yes" Stanford said, taking a sip of his drink "Now we just have to wait for the magic to happen" he said, wiggling his fingers at her, Mabel snorted "You're an idiot"

"Actually, I'm extremely smart" he said, Mabel rolled her eyes.


Will was left to clean up after the party, he absorbed the ice and cleaned the ball room top to bottom, a smile on his face as he thought of Masons smile. It had lit up the room and made his eyes sparkle; it had been nice. Mason had fallen asleep at the table three hours after their conversation so Will had taken him to bed. During the trip to Mason's room he had looked down at him from his arms. He was a lot prettier without all the frown lines, peaceful, smooth and calm.



Will looked up from sweeping to see Stanford standing there, a smirk on his face "Yes sir?"

"Did you and Mason have a good time?"

"Yes, sir" Will said, glancing at the broom, he was aware of the red creeping up into his pale cheeks as he remembered Mason's smile. He rubbed them in annoyance "Good, after you've cleaned up bring me a cup of tea to my study"

"Yes, sir." 

Will waited until Stanford's footsteps had disappeared before looking back up.


"Another human? Honestly, William! You need to stop playing with your food!" Bill said grumpily, Will huffed "It's not my fault! They set me up!" the demon insisted.

"Sure, sure" Bill said smirking, Will leaned the mirror up against the wall "I just need the box, please? For later"

Bill nodded, and it appeared on Will's desk "There, just be careful, I have very little left, I have to get more, and you know how hard it is to get that stuff" his brother said. Bill smiled and ran a hand through his fiery golden hair "So? what's he like?" he asked.

Will huffed "Nice hair, nice smile" he said, blushing furiously. Bill winked "Have fun, I have to go now, bye little brother!" Bill disappeared and Will shoved the mirror back in the drawer and picked up the box "Just in case" he muttered, putting the box into a drawer by his bed. William didn't need sleep but he liked it, it calmed him and passed the time quickly. He hopped under the covers and snuggled into the pillow with a sigh before closing his eyes. 

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