Chapter 1: Cold

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Mason Gleeful stood there and gazed up at the beautiful icy structure encasing the castle type house. The wind whipping at his chestnut brown hair and making him shiver and he pulled his fur lined blue cloak around him to keep in some warmth. According to his Great Uncle's Journals, a demon lived within its walls. 

He was here to form a contract with it as he needed a servant. Someone to do his bidding, do his laundry and make his breakfast, the usual servant things. Sure he could summon some other demon easily from the comforts of his home. But he wanted this one, his selfish desires had made their choice, he would work nicely with the interior of his family' Manor.


He pushed open the silver gate and it creaked and groaned, grating against the pathway and protesting as he kicked it. He clenched his teeth as he walked up the slippery steps; the ice was far too smooth for his boots, he should have worn something with longer spikes.

The door was locked, either that or the mechanics were frozen, he jiggled the handle just to make sure, yes it was locked. Mason took off his backpack and pulled out one of his sisters daggers, a beautiful opal blade where the golden handles curled around into pentagrams, a rather beautiful knife, it was Mabel's prized dagger in her vast collection. He shoved it into the lock and twisted it around as he pushed the handle down, with a click the door unlocked and Mason walked inside.

The house was quiet and his footsteps echoed as he came in. The wind howled outside like an angry ghost, rattling the windows as if trying to free itself. Perhaps lost souls wandered the insides. Mason mentally shook his head, any soul lurking would be eaten by the creature that lived here. "Hello?" he called out, putting down his hood, but silence greeted him. He took a step forward peering around. "Anyone home?"

"Just me" came a voice, the young adult turned to see a young man with white skin, glacier white hair and light blue eyes glowing in the dim light. He was dressed in a white cloak that covered everything from the neck down, and he was rather beautiful. Mason thought he looked just like a ghost and it definitely explained the stories.

The villagers in the town at the bottom of the hill where he has stayed the night, had warned him of the ghost in the hills. Stories of the mysterious phantom that stole your soul and left your body to preserve in the frozen wastelands if you dared intrude upon its home.

"Are you the demon?" Mason asked, the demon smiled and bowed "My name is William Cipher, do you wish to form a contract?"

"Why else would I be here?"

Will smiled, and two rows of sharp teeth greeted his latest victim.


Will had been with the Gleefuls for over five years now, running to their beck and call, cooking, cleaning and whatever they thought up. Will never complained, never said a word and it bugged Mason that the demon could be so quiet. Whenever he passed Will in the hallway the demon would turn to him and stare as if he was very interesting to look at. "Is something wrong William?" he asked. The blue eyes blinked "No, sir" the demon said, a small smile on his face.

 William only stared at Mason for one simple reason, across time humans had always been easy to read, little tics or emotions that cross their faces made them easy to wrap around his finger and manipulate them. But Mason was different, he showed no emotions on his face, showed no tics, nothing. In all his years existing Mason was the only human who he couldn't read.


Stanford locked eyes with the demon as he came out of his study and the demon put down the feather duster, 


"Yes, sir?"

"Bring me some tea, no sugar," the man said.

Will bowed "Of course, sir, anything else?"


Stanford watched him leave, he hadn't been too happy when Mason had turned up with that thing, but he matched the decor so nicely, cooked far better, cleaned good and even stayed silent. Stanford knew William was dangerous, knew the moment the contract ended there would be no mercy. He would suck out Masons soul and leave disaster in his wake. He knew he had to stop William from taking Mason's soul; He closed the door to his study as he went back inside.


Will balanced the tray perfectly, the tea was hot and the sugar vacant, just the way Stanford liked. He knocked on Stanford's study door and waited "Come in" came his distant voice. William opened the door and smiled as he placed the tray on the mahogany desk, "Your tea sir" he said, making to leave.


Will stopped "Yes, sir?"

"What do you think of us?" Stanford asked, running a hand through his graying hair,

"I live to serve you and only you-"

"No, I mean what do you think of us?" Stanford interrupted, turning around to look at him, his piercing blue eyes boring into his own. Will blinked, there was a moment's silence before the demon answered, as if he had been contemplating it, thinking the perfect reply, "Cold" he said, a wisp of chilled icy breath exiting Will's mouth.

Stanford smiled and nodded, turning back to his work. Will left the study, closing the door and going back to his chores. 

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