Chapter 5: Cold & Unpredictable My Ass

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The next few weeks Will and Mason got to know each other better, and Will decided to introduce him to his brother Bill via the mirror. Telling him about his previous relationships and talking about interesting topics that always seemed to cross their minds. "How old are you?" Mason asked, as they sat in the sun. Will threaded his fingers through Mason's own and smiled "Older than the Earth itself"

"Wow," Mason said, looking amazed, Will giggled "It's not that wow, I had to see your kind as cavemen, it was gross, it tempted me to introduce shampoo early."

Mason laughed and changed the topic to something different "Great Uncle Ford says in his journals that you're cold and unpredictable" he said.  Will rolled his eyes with a smirk and Mason kissed him softly. Will's face heated up and he looked down, embarrassed. Mason grinned "Cold and unpredictable my ass."


Mason joined Will in the kitchen as he prepared dinner that evening, showing Will what temperature was good for the food he was making. "I apologize, I'm not used to hot foods, or food at all to be honest, the last thing I ate was over 7 years ago" Will said, when he realized how easy it was to cool something down and heat things up. Checking the temperature was as easy as placing a thermometer into the mixture. "Its fine, I showed you how it's done, I expect you to remember it" Mason said. Will stirred the contents of the pot and smiled, turning back to face the stove. Mason noticed a mark on the back of his neck "What's that?" he asked, gently brushing away his white hair. Will felt goosebumps down his back at the light touch "It's a tattoo" Will said, lifting his hair up to show him. Mason glimpsed the triangle with an eye in black ink, "It's cool, where did you get it done?" Mason asked, rubbing a thumb across it.

"My brother did it for me" Will said, Mason smiled "He sounds like a bad influence" the adult said, "You have no idea!" Will said, laughing softly.

Mason chuckled and leaned in to kiss him, warm and soft, cold and sweet. But their moment was interrupted by a loud cough. They pulled away embarrassed and with flushed faces. Stanford smirked from the doorway "Did I interrupted something?"

"No, sir" Will squeaked, stirring the pot more quickly than was necessary. Mason shook his head in agreement. "Mason, can you come with me, please?" Stanford asked, Mason nodded and followed his Great Uncle out the kitchen.


"I did some research on William, I found something you probably won't like," Stanford said, passing him a piece of paper. Mason took it and grimaced at the red-haired man on the front, he looked nasty. "William has an enemy, this man wants Will to suffer, he does it by killing the people Will falls in love with, Will has tried to save them but to no advance,"

"That's, awful...but you're forgetting one thing-" Mason said, reading the info his Great Uncle had scrounged up "-Will said he's never been in love with anyone like he has with me."

Stanford pulled something from his pocket "Ah, but he has, I found this in his bedside drawer while searching for information for my Journal"

"What is it?" Mason asked, glancing at the purple box. Stanford shook some powder onto his desk and it sparkled in the rooms light "The powder has certain magical property's that make the takers feelings disappear, I believe he used it when his relationships failed, to stop feeling" Stanford explained. "Mason, I need you to be careful, if that man comes for you-"

"Relax old man, I think you forget just how powerful I am, I have magic too you know," he said, tapping the bolo tie around his neck, the blue gem glinted.

"What if this man also has magic?" Stanford asked, crossing his arms, Mason huffed "I'll talk to Will okay?"

"Good lad, thank you."

Once Mason had left the room, Stanford returned the powder to Will's drawer, a horrid feeling coursing through him, like he had just put Mason in more danger rather than save him. "Fuck sakes" he muttered, closing the door behind him. He needed a drink, maybe it was time to break out something strong. 

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