Chapter 7: Ice Breaker

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Mason pulled Will to his bedroom and closed the door behind them, sitting the demon down on his bed. Will still looked pretty miserable and Mason sighed "Will?" he asked,


"You want to stay in here tonight? With me? Would that make you feel safer?" Mason asked, putting a hand on Will's shoulder. Will nodded "Yes, I'd like that," he said, a smile tugging at his lips at the prospects of cuddles. Mason stood up and smiled "Turn around, I need to get changed."

Will closed his eyes "No peeking!" Mason said, Will giggled "I'm not!"

Mason hurriedly put on his Pajamas and sat back down beside him, "Okay, you can look now."

Will opened his eyes, gone were Mason's fancy clothes, now all he wore was a pair of bright blue fluffy Pajama pants, his chest bare. Will felt his face heat up at the muscles and Mason smirked "See something you like?"

Will put his head down embarrassed "I, I uh" a hand lifted his head up and Will stared into his eyes "You don't have to be so flustered around me, I don't bite" Mason said, his eyes sparkling.

Will smiled "I love you."

Mason looked shocked for a few seconds but smiled back "I love you too you dork" he said, leaning in to kiss him. Despite the warm room, Will was freezing, but his skin seemed to warm up like it would an inanimate toy in a child's grasp. Mason pushed him down on to the bed still continuing the heated make-out session.

When Mason pulled away for air Will shrugged off his hoodie "Are you sure about this?" Will asked, Mason nodded, oh yes, he was sure. Will grabbed the waistband of Masons pants and pulled him back in, making the adult yelp as Wills freezing body met his warm one. The human shivered "It's like hugging a damn ice block!" Mason complained. Will giggled "Hang on a second, I'll warm up soon" Will said, soon enough Mason's body heat had done its job and it was back to, well, you know.


Will laid curled up in Mason's chest, his hair damp and his body cooling down rather fast, Mason smiled and brushed his hair away from his face, he was so cute all tuckered out. A knock on the door made them jump up in fright. "Mason?" came Ford's voice from behind the door "Are you decent?" 

Shit, it's Great Uncle Ford!

"H-Hang on!" Mason called out, pushing Will out of bed, the demon scrabbled for his clothes as he hit the floor and rolled under the bed like a ninja. Mason adjusted the covers and grabbed his book of the bedside table to appear as if he was reading. "Okay! You can come in now!" 

Stanford opened the door and peered in "I was just wondering what you were doing still up? Its 2am" Mason waved his book "I was reading, it's a good book" he answered. Stanford narrowed his eyes, 


"William?" he asked the room, Mason's eyes widened.


"Yes, sir?" came Will's muffled reply from under the bed.

NOOO! You bastard!

Stanford smirked "Don't keep Mason up too long"

"Yes, sir"

"Goodnight you two" Stanford said, still smirking as Mason threw the book at the door. 

Will poked his head out once Ford had left, "I'm sorry, Mason"

"It wasn't your fault, it was the stupid rules" Mason said, falling back onto his pillows "Your the one who made them up" Will said, getting back under the covers. "Yes I know" Mason grumbled, hugging him, Will was cold again.


Kill drew power from the ground, trying to destroy the ice that kept him bound and the ice made a loud noise as it shifted and cracked. He sent out another burst of magic, sending spiderweb cracks all around his prison as he used that power to chip away at it. Soon he would get back what was his. William would never defy him again, and piece of human trash would die! Everything would be the way it was supposed to be, like all those years ago.


"William?" Will looked up from his seat by the window, a book in his hands. His Father came in to the room with a red-haired boy following close behind him "This is Killian, he will be your mate when you come of age" his father said smiling softly, "I'll leave you to get to know each other" his father said as he left the room, closing the door behind him. 

Will blushed bright red as the Earth Demon came over "Hi" Will said timidly, Kill smiled and sat down next to him "Hi."


It had been eight years since his parents had introduced Will to his mate; They had been mates for two years and six months and Will counted the days like a kid counting his candy stash on Halloween, with excitement, contentment and a smile. Will spent most of his time with the Earth Demon, and he loved him, loved the time spent with him.

"Wow! That's for me!?" Will asked as Kill passed him the flower, a blue rose, thorn-less and beautiful as they stood in Kill's Garden. It was a beautiful utopia he had made just for them. Will had a rainbow flower crown on his head and a faint blush in his cheeks as he smiled, a smile Kill adored. "Yes, I grew them just for you my ice angel" 

Will took it happily "Its beautiful Kill, thank you" he said, threading it into the crown. Kill smiled happily "Glad you like it."

Will stood up on his tippy toes and kissed his chin, the only part of his small form could reach if he stretched high enough, his mate was very tall. Kill lifted him up and kissed him back as Will wrapped his legs around Kill's waist. His heart was beating fast and his breathing was quickening as they made out in the colourful vibrant garden. "Mine" Kill whispered into his ear once Kill pulled away for a breather. Will smiled and took his face in his hands, his face flushed and his eyes sparkling as he giggled "I love you"

Kill smiled "I love you too my ice angel."


With a final burst of power the icy prison exploded and icy crystals scattered all over the basement floor. Kill panted as he caught his breath, shivering as he brushed ice shards off his clothes and out of his hair. With his eyes glowing red with anger, he opened the basement door. A mouse scurried past, emitting a high-pitched squeak of alarm as Kill kicked out of his way. 

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