Chapter 19

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Jameel kept watch as Aaliyah drifted in and out of consciousness. Aaliyah kept shouting out random things and crying. She kept saying they made her do it, she had no choice. Who was they thought Jameel? And what did they make her do? Jameel felt tired, so fell asleep holding Aaliyah's hand. Aaliyah woke up at night to see Jameel asleep, and smiled, then fell unconscious again.

In the morning, the doctors came round to check on Aaliyah and see how she spent the night.

"Your a very lucky girl. Your husband loves you very much."

"Husband? I don't have a husband."

"He must be your boyfriend then. We've never seen someone that worried for a loved one. We honestly thought he might faint or have a heart attack, the way he was reacting. He couldn't bear seeing you in pain."

The doctors, after checking Aaliyah walked away. "I know, said Aaliyah, Jameel loves me a lot." Jameel came back and questioned Aaliyah how she was. Aaliyah put on her game face and acted cold towards him. "Aaliyah, why are you being like this to me? My Aaliyah was never like this." "I'm not your Aaliyah anymore. I thought I explained that in my letter. Time and circumstances have changed me. I'm not the same girl you used to know. The Aaliyah who was in love, but naive. Who thought her love could conquer everything." Jameel was shocked at how cold and hard Aaliyah sounded. "Yesterday, you said you loved me." "I was under the influence of heavy medicine. I could of said anything. Doesn't mean I meant it."

"Anyway Jameel, I appreciate you bringing me to the hospital, but I'm fine. Now you can run off to Chammi and your perfect little life, and stop worrying about me and my life, which doesn't have room for you anymore."

Jameel was about to say something, when Aaliyah's family burst in. They all hugged Aaliyah. "Aaliyah, what have they done to you? I told you not to stay in that house, but did you listen? Everyone in that house is your enemy", wept Aaliyah's mum holding her. Jameel took this opportunity to leave. Jameel was about to go, when the doctors stopped him, and told him some information on Aaliyah's leg. Jameel turned to leave, when he heard Aaliyah weeping. He stood outside to overhear it.

"I've lost mum. You're daughter has lost. Everything in my life has been snatched from me. They snatched my happiness from me, mum. They took him."

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