Chapter 24

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"Mum, have you finished packing? We need to leave before anything else happens."

"I'm done Aaliyah. Have you finished?"

"Nearly. Just a few more things to put in my bag. I was just waiting for you."

"Well, hurry up. You know what you're dad and brother are like."

Aaliyah ran upstairs to finish packing. Her leg was healing nicely. She couldn't believe it had come to this again. Her coming back here, and now leaving had brought it all back for her. She felt the same things she had felt when she had left him the first time. I can't focus on that she thought. She would do anything to protect her loved ones, and right now leaving was the best choice for them. She quickly stuffed her gifts from him, into the bag and went downstairs. His gifts were a part of her. No matter what happened in her life, she would never regret her time with him. Their love was special to her, and she'd always protect it. She got in their van and off they went. Aaliyah felt her heart breaking all over again. She was feeling dejavu. Leaving him because of the threat to her family. She felt like she couldn't breathe, so asked her dad to pull over. She got out, wiping tears from her eyes, and took deep breaths. She climbed back into the van, and lay on her mums lap. Her mum understood her pain, and kept trying to reassure her. Aaliyah, with tears in her eyes, kept saying it was for the best.

A lone tear fell from Aaliyah's eye, as she silently said goodbye to her love, her life Jameel. She just hoped he was happy, even if it wasn't with her. She wished she could of said bye to Jameels mum, she was always nice to her. Why  was fate so cruel to her? She had never done anything bad to anyone. All she had done was fall in love. That wasn't a crime was it? Yet Jameels dad had ruined her happiness and Jameels. Maybe Jameel didn't know the full truth and was happy with whoever his dad had chosen for him. She prayed for his happiness and wellbeing. She closed her eyes, and tried to sleep as they kept moving towards their destination.

"Jameel, I want that teddy bear. Can you win it for me?"

"Anything for you, my princess."

Aaliyah sat up and cuddled her teddy bear closer. It was one of her gifts from Jameel. She didn't know if she would ever see him again, so his gifts were the next best thing.

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