Chapter 30

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Aaliyah slowly walked out of her room and down the stairs. Everyone went quite as they waited for her decision.  Aaliyah sat by her mum and looked at Jameel.

"I love you Jameel, and I always have and always will."

Jameels heart sank, as he thought this was the end. "But I refuse to go with you to that house with no relation. Call me old fashioned, but that's my point of view." Jameel sighed, "well in that case" he said, walking over to Aaliyah and getting on one knee, "will you do me the honour of being my wife?" Aaliyah gasped as Jameel held out a box, containing a silver, diamond encrusted ring. Aaliyah nodded, then wept as Jameel slid the ring on her finger, and hugged her tightly.

Everyone cheered and hugged Aaliyah and Jameel. Aaliyah went upstairs to pack her stuff. Her mum came in and they hugged.

"Mum, am I making the right decision?"

"Yes Aaliyah you are. You've done a lot for this family. Now please go and live your life with the guy who absolutely adores you."

Aaliyah hugged her mum, and wept. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you to. But a child is always going to leave home one day. As much as I want to, I can't keep you here. Go spread your wings and fly." Aaliyah wend down and sad goodbye to her dad and brother. Her mum took Jameel to one side. "Please look after her. Me and her dad have nurtured her for her whole life. Now we hand her over to you, so help her blossom and grow. This is a mother's wish to you." Jameel kissed Aaliyah's mums hand. "Don't worry. She is my responsibility now. I will never let anyone hurt her again." Aaliyah, with tears in her eyes left home holding Jameels hand tightly, ready for their new life and new adventures 

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