Chapter 27

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It was Aaliyah's birthday. Aaliyah knew her parents had planned something, but she was in no mood for it. She kept quiet as she knew with how much love and effort they had planned her surprise. All they would tell her about her gift was it was something she really wanted. Aaliyah knew they were trying their best, but she only needed one person in her life to complete it, and he could never be hers again. She felt tears coming on, and quickly wiped them away. She just wanted Jameel to be happy, and if that wasn't with her, then so be it. She just wanted him to be happy as that's what her love for him was about.

She went to work, where they made an effort with her. Aaliyah played along as she cut the cake and fed everyone. Then she opened her gifts and thanked everyone. Aaliyah tried to act happy, but she felt tears coming on. All she wanted was Jameel. Only he could complete her. But she knew this wasn't possible. Aaliyah was busy working when she heard some familiar music. She got up and looked around, but didn't see anyone. She ran around looking for him, but then thought that was impossible. How could he be here? But that music. It was their music. Only he and her knew about it, so if not him, where and who was it coming from?

Aaliyah was walking home, when she kept looking over her shoulder. She could of sworn somebody was calling her name and watching her, but every time she looked, there was no one there. Plus, she kept hearing the same music over and over again. She screamed in annoyance and ran home.  Her family were planning a party for her, so Aaliyah ran to her room. Aaliyah stared out of the window and sighed. She wondered where he was and what he was doing. She hoped that wherever he was, he was ok. That was her one wish. That he should be happy, even if she wasn't. She loved him so much, it had broken her to leave him twice. This second time was the worst, because she had been in his house and held him, and talked to him. Maybe in a few years, she would slowly stop thinking about him, like she had the first time. But she could never forget him.  He had a hold of her heart, that she couldn't make him let go, even if she wanted. He was her everything. She had never thought she could love like this. She remembered the way he hugged her, how happy she'd been when he told her he loved her.

Aaliyah got changed and went downstairs. Her family had really made an effort. She opened her presents, cut the cake, and fed everyone. Her mum came up to her and handed her a blindfold.

"What's this for?"

"You're surprise present."

"Mum, I'm a bit old for blindfolds."

"Humour me."

Aaliyah reluctantly put on the blindfold and let her mum lead her to her surprise present. Aaliyah came to a stop, and on her mums saying took off the blindfold. She gasped at the present in front of her. Suddenly, all her feelings overwhelmed her and she fell into Jameels arms, crying her heart out. Jameel hugged her tightly, whilst kissing her hair and crying.

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