Chapter 3

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Damon's POV:

So today me and Klaus are heading out of town to meet a witch, which im not to happy about. "So how long is it going to take to get there" I ask as I watch the scenery outside the car. "About a hour and a half mate" he says with a smirk, "Smartass" I say annoyed. We have been driving for at least an hour right. I closed my eyes, hoping to get a little rest when the car came to a stop. "Damn it Klaus" I yell at him "were here" he tells me getting out of the car, I get out too. I look around "we're in the middle of nowhere Klaus" I tell him irritated that he dragged me all the way out here to the middle of nowhere. "Come on Damon, it's just a short walk" he says as he starts walking I follow him with a sigh. "We've been walking for thirty minutes Klaus" I stop and yell at him. "We're lost just admit it" I tell him, I can tell he's getting irritated. He turns to yell at me but we heard noises all around us. "Okay come out, I'm not in the mood" Klaus says angrily looking around us. All of a sudden a lot of vampires rushed out of the woods. Me and Klaus were fighting against all of them. I felt something at my neck and all of a sudden I was injected with virvain, "run Klaus g-get h-help" I mumbled as my vision starts to get blurry I see him vamp speed to the car then he was gone, then everything went black.

Elijah's POV:

"What do you mean you left him" I growl into the phone, Niklaus is on the other line. "Elijah I know your angry, but there were two many of them" he tells me trying to get me to calm down. "Elijah get Caroline, Stefan, and Bonnie there, were going to save Damon" he tells me hanging up. I texted them all to come and not even 5 minutes later they were here. "What happened, where's my brother" he asks worried "he was taken, him and klaus went to see a witch and were ambushed" I tell him. Caroline says "quick question is Klaus dead" Klaus walks in "sorry love im still alive. Living room" he says as he walks to the living room. They (Stefan and Klaus) were trying to hide it but I can see the looks they exchanged with each other. "So we will all go tomorrow night" Klaus says and everybody nods. "They wouldn't have let him live if they didn't need him" Bonnie says.

Back with Damon

Damon's POV:

I woke up, it's dark I think im in a building. My body hurts, I look up my eyes meeting brown ones, there was something familiar about these ones. "Wakey wakey Day" the voice called this voice is familiar, I know that accent "Enzo" my voice is raspy as I say his name.  My vision cleared up, "but you were dead" I said as some tears slipped out of my eyes. "Oh Day don't cry" he said with a smile as he wipes my tears from off my face. I then realize im in chains "where am I" I ask as I look around. "A bit of a hide out, this  stupid witch knows nothing about class" he says I laugh at that and he smiles, I drop my smile. Enzo's not on my side, I have to get out of here and back to Elijah. "Da-" he was about to say something when I felt the power of magic,  damn witch. "So you brought him" I hear a female voice, said witch walks over grabbing my chin and moving my head around "you are as handsome as the rumors say" she says with a wicked smirk. "I'm sorry but I'm taken" I growl at her pulling my chin out of her grip. She scoffs, "well you're here for something else anyways" she says as she walks away,  Elijah hurry. One of the newborns came over and tried to touch me "don't touch me" I growled as I swiped his hand away. "If you touch him I will kill you" Enzo said with a growl and a glare at the newborn that quickly ran away.  I don't know wether to be relieved or not. I close my eyes wanting some sleep, Knowing Enzo will protect me hopefully.

Back with the others

Elijah's POV:

"Okay so we have all the stakes right" I ask as we load up the van "of course I don't make a habit of forgetting" Caroline says, I really hate this girl. "Okay let's go" Klaus says as he heads to get in the driver's seat. "I have to run to the bathroom first" Bonnie said everyone looked at her "not my fault I'm human" she grumbled. Once she was done we all headed there. Once there we all got out each grabbing a bag of stakes. Bonnie used her magic while the rest of us staked all the newborns. We made it to a old building.

         Inside the Building

Damon POV:

I open my eyes, I can hear him "Elijah" I called out hearing the door being kicked in. I see Enzo sneak out, out of the corner of my eye. I was engulfed in Elijah's warmth as he wrapped me in his arms, effectively breaking the chains. I wrap my arms around his neck nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. He picks me up carrying me out of the building. We all pile up in the car, I'm sitting on Elijah's lap with my head against his chest. "It took you long enough" I say to Klaus "Well it wouldn't of taken so long if Bonnie didn't need to go to the bathroom" he says with a smirk "really Klaus, did you seriously just go there" Bonnie says angry "okay, okay" Stefan says "Klaus stop at that motel we can stay there for tonight" Stefan says everybody nods in agreement and Klaus sighs turning into the hotel. We all head inside compelling anyone who asks questions and soon everyone was in their rooms. After we all showered and got some better clothes that Rebekah went and bought. We all headed to a restaurant to eat. We all sat at a booth, a waitress came around "and what can I get for ya'll" she asks "I would like chicken strips and fries, and a doctor pepper" I tell her she writes it down, she then looks at Bonnie "I would like a hamburger, fries, and a coke" she tells her. She then looked at Klaus "a hamburger and fries will do, and I would like some pepsi" he tells her she then looks to Rebekah "I'll take the same thing as him" she says pointing to Klaus she nods then looks to Stefan "I will take a basket of fries and a root beer" he tells her she nods writing it down then finally turns towards Elijah I'll take the same as him" he says pointing towards Stefan she nods writing it down "it should be a few minutes then I'll have them out" she says then walks away. Caroline turns towards me "so what happened there" she asked me. "I saw a old friend that should have been dead" I tell her and she brightens "who was it" she asks excitedly "his name is Enzo, we were both taken by the Augustine's in the 40's" I say as a tear runs down my cheek. "But I thought somebody took those bastards down" Rebekah said I nodded "it was me, me and Enzo were going to escape but I had to leave him behind because I couldn't break the bars, turning off my humanity switch and leaving" I say with a sigh. "By the way Klaus what would a witch need with me" i ask him still remembering that bitch. "I'm not sure, why do you ask" he asks me "because I saw some witch bitch at that place, she said she needed me for something but didn't say anything else" I tell him, he nods looking like he's thinking. The waitress brings our food and we eat.  Im just ready to go to bed. "Are you guys ready to go" Klaus asks in which everyone nods. I sit on Elijah's lap as we head back to the hotel. Elijah carrys me inside. I lay on bed beside Elijah as he looks through some big old book, that I don't understand. I pull his phone out of his pocket. It had no password as I thought it wouldn't, I download a game color land. It's very fun and it let's me take my mind off of everything. I continue to play the game. I look over at Elijah, he is so cute when he's thinking. He looks over at me "you ready for bed Day" he asks me and I nod and yawn.  He smiles making me smile as I sit his phone on the bedside table. I snuggle against him, nuzzling my face into his neck he shuts the lamp off wrapping his arms around me. We soon fell asleep.

Another chapter done.

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