Chapter 5

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By the way Carol is still alive along with Mason but im going to make it so Mason hasn't come yet. Tyler's dad is still dead, Jenna is Dead and Alaric took off. And everyone is still in school except for Stefan. Tyler is a hybrid though. Just to clear some things up, sorry it's complicated but I'm trying.

Tyler's POV:

I wake up and get ready for school, I'm heading down to eat breakfast. I walk into the dining room my mom already at the table, I eat my breakfast then head out to my car. Once I'm in my car I start it and pull out of the driveway heading to school. All I can think about is how im going to tell Jeremy im in love with him, I'm scared he'll reject me I haven't really been that nice to him after all. I arrive at school going to my locker putting my bookbag in and grabbing my books for English. As I walk down the hall to English I notice everyone is tense I wonder why I haven't heard anything. I stop infront off the English classroom, I walk in and go sit at my seat putting my books down on the desk. The bell rings and everyone heads into the classroom. Once everyone is seated Miss. Pollington starts the lesson, which I only half listen to anyway. Soon it was time for my second class, which was history. I walk into the classroom sitting my books down then taking my seat, Mr. Stevenson the man who replaced Alaric when he took off, he's a total dick. I don't know why put he seems to really hate me. "Okay class, today we will be talking about Adolf Hitler" he says as he writes something on the board. "Now you should know this, what did he do, bonnie" he said calling on Bonnie who was on her phone talking to Elena I presume. "Umm, didn't he do something to the Jews" she asked unsure "you are correct" Mr. Stevenson told her. "Adolf Hitler, killed the Jews. But can some one tell me why" he asks looking around, and of course Cindy the know it all History nerd raised her hand "yes cindy" Mr. Stevenson said looking at her "Adolf Hitler killed the Jews in concentration camps and extermination camps. Hitler believed there was a superior race of blue eyed blonde people. But the twist is that Hitler was a jew himself" she said matterfactly "excellent as always Cindy" Mr. Stevenson said writing some more stuff on the board. Then the bell rung signaling lunch time. Everyone excited the classroom, I headed out and sat at the park for the 20 minutes we have for lunch.  I headed back to the school, it was time for P.E. which im actually good at. I head to the locker rooms changing into my P.E. clothes then head out into the Gym, coach told us to run 5 laps witch I finished before everyone I did cheat a little. "Okay today we're going to play dodge ball" coach told us as he split us up into teams, the two teams split up each going to one end of the gym floor. The dodge balls were just thrown out, once the whistle was blown it was on. I took down 4 guys and is hasn't even been a minute, of course im the last one on our team but who cares I've got this. I win the game, the bell rung so everyone went and got changed.  I head to my last class which is art, this class is terrible. I enter the classroom, I already get a glare from the teacher. She's hated me from day one, I don't even know why. The bell rings signaling that it's time to leave. I head out of the class to my locker, I grab my bookbag and go straight out of the school. I go to my car getting in, I started my drive to Jeremy's house. Once I arrived I parked outside, okay he hasn't been to school in a couple weeks I wonder what's wrong. I have to tell him how I feel, with that in mind I get out of my car and knock on the door. I can hear shuffling inside until the door opens, Elena is standing there "oh hey Tyler what do you need" she a asks me with the phone still up to her ear. "Can I talk to Jeremy" I ask her she nods pointing to the stairs walking off talking to the phone.

Third POV:

Tyler heads upstairs to Jeremy's room, he knocked and heard a faint come in. Tyler opened the door walking in, he saw Jeremy at his desk drawing. "Umm Jeremy, I need to tell you something" he told him Jeremy continued drawing.
"What it's it" Jeremy asked not looking away from his drawing, "I-Im in love with you" Tyler says hesitantly. Jeremy drops his pencil and freezes, Tyler got scared and vamp sped out of the house and into the woods forgetting about his car. Jeremy turns around and vamp speeds after him straight into the woods "Tyler wait please" Jeremy yelled trying to keep up he's not used to his powers yet. Tyler stopped and Jeremy ran and wrapped his arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss which Tyler immediately kissed back. Jeremy pulled away "I love you too ty" he said to him with a smile, Tyler smiled too but then he realized what just happened. "Jeremy tell me honestly were you turned" Tyler asked him, Jeremy sighed and nodded not sure if lying to him would be for the best.  "Sorry ty" Jeremy said thinking he upset him, "shh baby im not upset" Tyler told as he leaned in and there lips connected in a heated kiss. Tyler pulls Jeremy's shirt off, nipping and sucking on his neck "ahh ty" Jeremy moans. Jeremy helps Tyler get his shirt off, Tyler unbuttons Jeremy's pants and pulls down the zipper. He pushes his boxers and pants to the ground, Tyler grabs Jeremy's member beginning to stroke him causing Jeremy to moan. Tyler's other hand slips around, his finger slowly slips into Jeremy. Jeremy tenses at the intrusion, Tyler's finger moves in and out slowly. Once Tyler thought Jeremy was good he added another finger.  He moved both his fingers in and out, Jeremy was moaning so Tyler added another finger. "Ty I'm ready" Jeremy tells him, Tyler takes his fingers lifting Jeremy up against a tree. Jeremy wraps his legs around Tyler's waist, Tyler slowly entered him until he was all the way in. "I won't move until your ready" Tyler tells Jeremy, "move ty" Jeremy tells him and Tyler starts to thrust in and out of him. Tyler hits Jeremy's prostate dead on causing him to cry out he continued to thrust hitting it everytime. "Ty I'm gonna cum" Jeremy tells him, Tyler continues to thrust in and out of him. "Ty" Jeremy yells as he comes on both of their stomachs, Tyler continued to thrust until he came deep inside Jeremy. Tyler pulled out of Jeremy, it was dark as they headed back to Jeremy's house fully clothed, when they got there the lights were out and there was no sign of life. "She took off again" Jeremy said with a sigh as he walked into the house Tyler following him. Jeremy walked into the kitchen getting two blood bags out of the fridge, he threw one to Tyler. Tyler caught his biting into it and drinking it, he watched as Jeremy's fangs extended from his gums as he bit into the bag.  Once they were finished they played some video games, and then decided on a movie. They were both sitting on the couch watching the movie, Jeremy's head was laying on Tyler's shoulder. The movie ended and Jeremy was asleep, Tyler got up and turned off the TV.  He went and picked up Jeremy off the couch carrying him upstairs, Tyler laid Jeremy on his bed covering him up. Tyler was about to leave but Jeremy reached out grabbing his hand "p-please don't leave me" Jeremy said on the verge of tears. "Baby I won't leave you" Tyler told him, Tyler went around and climbed in bed beside him.  He reached out putting his hand on his cheek as Jeremy came closer snuggling agaisnt him, "will you be here when I wake up" Jeremy asked him. Tyler smiled and nodded "always" he told him as he leaned in giving him a passionate kiss. When Tyler pulled away he saw Jeremy with the brightest smile on his face, "I love you ty" Jeremy tells him. Tyler smiles "I love you too Jer" Tyler told him making Jeremy smile as he snuggled against Tyler. "Goodnight Jeremy" Tyler says as he kisses his forehead, "goodnight ty" Jeremy tells him he snuggles his head in the crook of Tyler's neck. They both fell asleep.

Another one, I'm doing awesome. Please comment and vote it is much
appreciated. I'll start the next chapter as soon as I can.

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