Chapter 4

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They are back in mystic falls

Damon's POV:

"Get up we're going shopping" Rebekah yelled coming into mine and Elijah's room. "What time is it" I mumble as I get up noticing Elijah is not in bed anymore. "1:00 PM, you been sleeping forever" she said exaggerating it. "I'm getting dressed, I'll meet you in the car" I tell her, she nods excitedly and I get dressed. I head out to the car, Rebekah was already in it i walk over to the passenger side getting in. "So where are we going" i ask her, "to the mall of course" she says matter of factly. "We'l I hate to break it to you but there is no mall in mystic falls" I tell her, she just shakes her head "we're going to the mall in the next town over" she says like I was supposed too know that. So we head to the next town, and right before I know it we are infront of the mall. I get out along with Rebekah, she takes my hand dragging me inside. We go to a clothes store and she buys a whole bunch of stuff compelling some guys to carry it for her. We were then heading to- wait "Rebekah that's a peircing place" I tell her, she nods "I know, now let's go" she says grabbing my arm and dragging me into the place. She looks at the piercings and decides on the industrial, she gets hers done then somehow convinced me to do it to. We then headed to a shoe store, I got some nice high tops while she got over 20 pairs of high heels. Finally we went to the food court grabbing some lunch, we ate and headed home. Once we got back Rebekah had some of the staff carry her bags in. I went to look for Elijah, I found him in the library surrounded by books. I went and sat beside him on the couch laying my head on his shoulder ready to take a nap, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Stefan's POV:

So I finally decided to talk to Klaus. But just as I worked up the nerve here comes Elena, she just walks in like she owns the place. "What do you want Elena" I asked her annoyed. "Stefan I want to get back together" she asks me. "When will you get this through your thick skull, I don't love you" I tell her flat out, im not going to sugar coat it. "But if you don't love me then who" she asks on the verge of tears, "how do I put this, I'm in love with Klaus" I tell her. I watch as her face turns from terrified to anger in a matter of seconds "how could you love that monster" she asks effectively pissing me off. "Just get out" I yell at her "no, you have to be compelled or something" she says like it's the only plausible answer. "Fine if you won't leave then I will, I have somewhere to be anyway" I tell her and vamp speed out of the house. I was infront of the Michaelson mansion in a matter of minutes. I knock on the door, the door opens to reveal Klaus "I need to talk to you" I ask him trying to keep my voice steady im so nervous. "I'm a little busy" he tells me and my heart practically breaks. "Please" I sound a bit desperate I could see his face change, then it goes back to stone. "Fine, come in" he says walking from the door I walk in closing the door behind me, I see him head into the living room so I followed him in there. I look as see him standing there looking at me, "so what did you need to talk to new about" he asks me pouring him self a drink of whiskey. "I-I..." I cant seem to get it out with him looking at me, I turn around and take a breath "I'm in love with you" I say finally getting it out. I refuse to turn around im afraid to look at him I don't want to know.

Third POV:

Klaus stood there shocked looking at Stefan's back. He refused to turn around and Klaus could understand why, but there was no reason to be afraid cause he felt the same way. All of a sudden Klaus was infront of Stefan, Klaus puts his hand on Stefan's cheek leaning in until their lips connect. Stefan was surprised, he hesitantly started to kiss back wrapping his arms around Klauses neck. Klaus wrapped his arms around stefan's waist pulling them flush against each other. Klaus ran his tongue across Stefan's bottom lip asking for entrance, Stefan opened his mouth allowing Klaus to slip his tongue in. "Ahh" Stefan moaned as Klaus continued to kiss him. In a flash Klaus took off Stefan's shirt, he slammed him agaisnt the wall nipping and sucking on Stefan's neck. "K-klaus" Stefan moaned as Klaus devoured his neck. Klauses hand traveled down Stefan's stomach to his jeans, Klaus unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped the zipper. "Klaus can we go some where more private" Stefan asked Klaus, Klause picked him up vamp speeding him to his room. Stefan was dropped on the bed, Klaus on top of him in a matter of seconds. Klauses shirt was off, he pulls Stefan's pants and boxers off, Stefan blushed bare under- neath Klaus. Klaus took Stefan's member into his hand and began to stroke him, "K-Klaus ahh" Stefan moaned withering beneath him. "I'm gonna cum" Stefan says making Klaus stop moving his hand causing Stefan to whine, Klaus reaches over to the bedside drawer getting a bottle of lube. He positions himself between Stefans legs, he covered his fingers in lube. One of Klauses fingers rub the nerve bundle at his entrance before entering, Stefan tenses at the foreign feeling. Klaus leans down kissing Stefan taking his mind off of it. Stefan started moaned in pleasure letting Klaus know to add another, klaus added another finger moving both fingers in and out of Stefan. Klaus could tell this was Stefans first time so he was trying his hardest to go slow and be gentle with him. Klaus inserts another finger scissoring him, "ah Klaus" Stefan moans, Klaus removes his fingers. Klaus unbuttons his pants pulling down his zipper, Klaus lubes up his member and positions himself. Klaus thrusts into Stefan, he keeps going until he was to at the hilt, "I won't move until your ready" Klaus tells Stefan. Stefan nodded trying to get used to the feeling, after a bit "move" Stefan told Klaus. Klaus started to thrust in and out of Stefan, "faster" Stefan said through his moans. Klaus started to go at a steady pace, "K-Klaus I'm gonna cum" Stefan says, Stefan cumes on his and Klauses stomachs. Klaus thrusts a few more times before he fills Stefan with his seed, Klaus pulls out laying next to Stefan. Then Klaus gets up heading to the connected bathroom, Klaus walks in starting the bath. Klaus leaves the bathroom after the bath tub is filled, he walks over to Stefan picking him up bridal style. "Klaus" Stefan asked confused on what's going on "were going to get cleaned up, okay" he tells him, Stefan nods. Klaus carrys him in his arms into the bathroom, he sits Stefan in the bath tub. Klaus takes off his Jean's and underwear getting in behind Stefan, Stefan leans back against his chest relaxing in the water. Klaus takes a bottle of soap and starts to scrub it in Stefan's hair, Stefan sighs closing his eyes. Klaus smiles at that, Klaus washes the soap out of Stefan's hair. He grabs a bottle of body wash and scrubs it in all over Stefan's body, he then washes it off. Klaus washes his hair and body then gets out leaving Stefan in the tub. Klaus goes back into his room, he goes over to his dresser getting two pair of boxers he then goes to the closet grabbing two tee shirts he sits them on the bed. Klaus goes back into the bathroom, Stefan was looking at him. Klaus picks Stefan back out of the bathtub

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