Chapter 8

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Camping trip day 2

Damon's POV:

I wake up the sun shining in my face, I look around realizing Ellijah was gone. I looked at my feet seeing Sam still there, I reached out petting his head "in least your still here" I told him with a smile. I get up and change my clothes, I then head out of the tent Sam following. "Took you long enough" Tyler says sitting on a log, I sigh going and grabbing me a blood bag. "Where is everybody" I ask him sitting down drinking my blood bag, "they went ahead to hunt, I got nominated to wait until you woke up" he tells me. "Well then lets go" i tell him throwing my blood bag away, we start walking into the woods.

Meanwhile in Florida

Third POV:

Kol michaelson was walking down the street, he was terribly bored and wanted something to do. He saw a very hot guy that appeared to be a werewolf. So for a bit of entertainment he decided he was going to turn this wolf into a vampire. Kol vamp speeded over to the wolf into a alley, he quickly bit into his neck drinking his blood until he was dazed. Kol took his wrist to his mouth biting into it, he put his wrist up to the wolf's mouth forcing him to drink his blood. Kol snapped the guy's neck, he picked him up carrying him to the hotel he's been staying at. Once Kol entered the hotel he went to his room, he walked inside. Kol played the guy on the bed, he knew it would take awhile for him to wake up so he went to go get some blood bags.

20 minutes later

Third POV:

The guy stirred on the bed, he opened his eyes but everything was blurry he couldn't see anything. He could hear a door open and close. Kol walked over to the bed seeing that the guy was a awake but couldn't focus, Kol opened one of the blood bags moving it to the guys mouth moving it so he could drink. The guy drank the blood slowly, his eyes started to focus as he looked up at Kol. Kol ran his fingers tight through the guys hair, he really is good looking. "My name is Kol" Kol told the guy still running his fingers through the guys hair. The guy didn't really mind he actually liked the feeling, Kol threw the empty bag away. The guy sat up on the bed looking at Kol, "my name is Mason" Mason said a little nervous, Kol smiled he really did like this guy. "Why did you turn me" Mason asked curiously, "if you want the truth im terribly bored, and you are really good looking so why not" Kol said with a smirk. That last part caused Mason to blush, Kol chuckled "your adorable" Kol said as he walked over to the Kitchen area he grabbed another blood bag walking back over. "You still hungry" Kol asked Mason, Mason shook his head no "can I take a shower though" Mason asked Kol. "You can but I will have to go get you some clothes" Kol said walking towards the door, "I'll be right back, please don't go anywhere" Kol told him leaving the room. Mason got up heading to the bathroom, he went inside the bathroom. Mason slipped out of his clothes and turned on the shower, he got in the shower. Mason took some soap lathering it in his hair, he scrubbed his hair.

Meanwhile with Kol

Kol's POV:

I'm not totally sure what to get him, I know what I want him to wear but not to sure if he would wear it. I decided to go with the black skinny jeans, red v-neck, and some black high tops, I went to the cashier paying for everything then leaving. I walk back to the hotel, I walk into my room. I can hear the shower going, I walk over to the kitchen getting a blood bag out. I turn around dropping the bag on the floor, damn, I see Mason standing there in nothing but a towel around guys waist. I blush hard, "like what you see" he said with a chuckle causing me to blush even harder. I grab the bag of clothes throwing them at him turning around, "get changed" I tell him refusing to look at him. Once I heard the bathroom door shut I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding, which is strange since I don't need to breath. This guy is going to be the death of me, *Ring* I answer my phone "Well hello brother" Niklauses voice comes through the phone. "What do you want" I say annoyed "can't I just call my little brother" ha says sarcastically, "Not you, now out with it Klaus" I tell him. I turn hearing the bathroom door open, damn he's hot. "I need your help" Niklaus asks somewhat seriously, "what's up" I ask a tiny bit worried. "I have a bit of a witch problem" he tells me, "give me one reason why I should help" I ask him. I can hear him sigh "I'll get you a new car" he says hopefully, "fine, I'm coming" I tell him hanging up. I look up at Mason, he was looking at me questioning. "My brother needs some help" I tell him going over and packing my bags "so road trip" he says with a smile causing me to smile. We head out getting in my car, I put it in gear and were on the road.

Back to the campers

Damon's POV:

"We didn't really kill that many" I say as we head back to the campsite, Sam is following close beside me. "Yeah your right" Jeremy says with a sigh as we finally reach the camp. "I say we go home, I sick of this mud" Rebekah says angry as she throws another pair of shoes into the fire. "Don't worry sister we're going home once we're packed up" Klaus says as he starts packing his stuff up. I sigh packing my and Elijah's stuff up. Wait what about Sam, I turn to the wolf in question i get on my knees petting his head "you want to come with" I asked him as usual I could tell he wanted too. I get up as Bonnie is putting the last of her stuff in the car. I walk over to the car helping Sam get in the back and shut the door. We were on the road again, I laid against Elijah falling asleep.

At the mansion

Elijah's POV:

When we got back to the house I picked up Damon, he was still asleep. Jeremy goes and lets Sam out of the back, he is immediately by me and Damon. I walk into the house carrying Damon, Sam follo- wing me all the way to our room. I lay Damon down in the bed covering him up, Sam jumps in bed curling up beside him. I walk out of the room and down the stairs, "Ahhh" I heard a man scream. "I can't believe you just forgot about your prisoner!!" I hear Rebekah yell at Niklaus I presume. I walk into the kitchen grabbing a blood bag and drink it, I threw the empty bag away heading back upstairs. I went into my room, Damon was still asleep. I grab some clothes heading into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, I strip out of my clothes getting into the shower. I hear the bathroom door open, then Damon enters the shower with me. "You still tired Day" I ask him he nods leaning against me, I smile as I take some soap and scrub it in his hair. He sighs as I work the soap into his hair, I bring him under the water scrubbing it out. I then start to wash my hair, after I rinse the soap out of my hair I start washing Damon's body. "Day why are you so tired" I ask him causing him to tense, "I've been having nightmares" he says honestly. Im glad he didn't lie to me there is no reason to I would never judge him, "maybe we should have Bonnie make you something for that" I tell him as I wash his body off. He nods, I wash my body then we get out, I dry us both off. I change Damon into a pair of boxers and one of my shirts, I put on a pair of pajama pants and a shirt. I lay Damon back on the bed, "you are getting a bath tomorrow" I say looking at San. I walk down stairs to the living room, Bonnie was sitting down on the couch watching TV. "Hey Bonnie, can i get you to fix something for Damon" I ask her she looks up at me "Yeah, what do you need" she asks me. "I need something for nightmares" I tell her in which she nods, she goes in the kitchen fixing it. She comes out with a coffee cup full of some mixture, "it may be a little bitter bit it should do the trick" she says handing me the coffee cup I nod thanking her. I head back upstairs, I walk over to Damon waking him up. "What is it Elijah" Damon said groggily "drink this" I said handing him the cup. He downed it with a very dissatisfied face, "I know it doesn't taste good but It should help" I tell him. He nods trying to pull me in bed, I chuckle "let me turn the light off first" I tell him causing him to pout but he let go. I turn the light off then get in bed with him, he nuzzled his face in my neck cuddled agaisnt me. We both drift off to sleep.

Sorry it took so long. Play practice is killing me. I'll try to update more. Have a nice night. And thanks for staying with me. Make sure to Like, Comment, Follow.

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