Chapter 7

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Day 1 of camping trip

Damon's POV:

Waking up and having to pack is not the first thing I would like to do in the morning. Ellijah is already packed, he is trying to explain to Rebekah that she doesn't need to bring her whole wardrobe. Im just finishing packing throwing my swim trunks in my bag, because I'm really going to swim. I walk over picking up Elijah's bag sitting it on the bed going through it. As expected there was a suit some underwear and stuff, I pull out some swim trunks out of the dresser some jeans I bought for him and a tee shirt, not forgetting some boots cause let's face it dress shoes aren't good for hiking no matter what he says. After im done doing that I zip his bag back up, I grab our bags heading out to the car. Their was two cars outside, I walked over to the car that im riding in and put my bags in the back. I turn around hearing Elena's voice, "who invited her" I asked annoyed "she insisted on coming" Caroline says with a sigh. I turn to see Klaus and Stefan walk out with their bags holding hands, I turn back to Caroline "so you just couldn't say no" I tell her. "Ugh, she just wouldn't shut up about how if Jeremy could go she could too, forgetting the fact that Jeremy is a vampire and she isn't" she said exasperated, "doesn't know how to take no for a answer" I say heading back towards the house. "You know im right here" Elena yells putting her stuff in the trunk, Jeremy and Tyler were already in the car. "Yeah I know I just chose to ignore you" I said sarcastically as i walk into the house, I head to the kitchen. I enter the kitchen grabbing blood bags putting them in the cooler on the counter I shut the cooler, I go grab another one out of the garage filling it with ice, I put some food and drinks in it for Bonnie, and Elena. I then grab the coolers heading back outside and putting the coolers in the van. I get in the van sitting beside Ellijah in the backseat with Rebekah on the other side. Klaus was driving of course with Stefan in the passenger seat. In the other car Caroline was driving with Bonnie in the passenger seat, Elena, Jeremy, and Tyler in the back. Both cars pulled out of the drive way and on the road.

30 Minutes Later

Damon's POV:

We pulled over at a gas station because Elena had to go to the bathroom. I got out of the car "where you going" Rabekah asked me, "I'm going to get some snacks" I told her "okay then get me some cheetos, and a Pepsi" she told me handing me her credit card I nodded. I headed into the gas station, I went down one isle grabbing a bag of cheetos and a bag of Cheddar Ruffles. I went over to the fridges grabbing a Pepsi, Dr pepper, and a coke for Elijah. I went up to the front to pay, as I reach the cash register Elena comes out of the bathroom. The guy at the cash register rings my stuff up, I grab a pack of mint gum throwing it on the counter to. I made sure to tell him it was separate which he nodded.  I payed for Rebkahs stuff then mine, I walked out of the store with the bag in my hand. Elena was just getting in the car when I came out.  I walk over to our car getting in, Klaus starts the car and gets back on the road with Caroline following. I hand Rebekah her card, I reach in the bag getting Rebkahs Pepsi and Cheetos out handing them to her. I pull out the coke I got for Elijah giving it to him, he smiles taking it out of my hand. I open my bag of chips eating some of them, I take my Phone out plugging my headphones in and turning on some music. I lay my head on Elijah's shoulder shutting my eyes.

Bonnie's POV:

I cant take it much longer Elena just wont shut up she's driving us all insane. I get on my phone texting Damon.

Hey Damon

What is it Bon Bon

I can't take much more, She won't shut up



What do you want me to do about it.


Damon's POV:

"Klaus can we drop her on the side of the road" I asked annoyed, "who" he asked me looking through the rear view mirror. I take a hold of Elijah's hand playing with his fingers, "it's Elena, Bonnie says she won't stop complain- ing" I say with a sigh Elijah's other hands fingers start running through my hair in a soothing manner I lean into the touch. "I say we drop her on the side of the road and be done with her" Rebekah says fed up with this bullshit, "not a bad idea" Klaus says with that mischievous smirk he seems to always to have on his face. Stefan doesn't seem to care so I guess he's finally moved on. "Okay lets do it" I say excitedly, we're finally getting rid of her. Klaus pulled to the side of the road and Caroline did the same, Klaus got out of the car, me and Rebekah got out because we wanted to watch but Stefan and Ellijah stayed in. Klaus went over opening the back door grabbing Elena's jacket and yanking her out of the car shutting the door. Me and Rebekah were laughing, "what do you think you're doing" Elena yelled in witch Klaus ignored her telling Caroline to go which she did.
"You can't just leave me here" she yelled, Klaus chuckled "watch me" he told her. Klaus then came and got back in the car me and Rebekah got back into the car and we headed out again leaving Elena behind. I lay my head on Elijah's shoulder deciding to get some sleep.

To camping

Damon's POV:

I woke up hearing the car doors open, I see everyone getting out so I got out too. "Okay we have to set up tents first, then build a fire" Bonnie said while grabbing her bag, I grabbed mine and Elijah's tent picking out a spot. I open the bag starting to set it up while Elijah stands there, "let me guess, you don't know how to set a tent up" I say with a chuckle knowing all to well he doesn't. "I- okay I dont" he tells me somehow just admitting it, I put the tent up before everybody else "I'm going to get fire wood" I tell everyone heading into the woods. I walk around picking up large sticks, I hear a whimper like a wolf. I follow the noise, I reach a black wolf (not a werewolf) stuck in a bear trap. I walk over to it carefully, It growls seemingly scared of me "shh I won't hurt you" I tell it trying to calm it down. I reach over taking its leg out of the bear trap,  I then cut my wrist bringing it over and letting the wolf lick the blood effectively healing its hurt leg. Once it stands up I grab the fire wood and head back to camp. The black would wolf followed me for some reason, once I reached the camp I go and start making a fire "what took you so long, and what's with the wolf" Rebekah asked me as she got blood bags out for everyone. The wolf sat beside me as I lit the fire, I walk over and sit at the end of a log beside Elijah. The wolf came and sat next to me, I reached out to pet it. The wolf looked at me as I put my hand on him running my fingers through his black fur which was soft. I smiled, bonnie started to put hamburgers on the grill that I didn't even know she brought. "You hungry Sam" I said to the wolf it looked at me and i could somehow tell he was. "Sam" Tyler laughed at me "you named it" Tyler laughed even more, Sam growled at him I don't know why. "What is it wolfy dont like your own kind" I asked causing Rebe-
kah to laugh. I walked over grabbing a hamburger from off the grill throwing it to Sam, he caught it in his mouth eating it. "Okay, s'mores anyone" I say grabbing the chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers out of the trunk. "I'll take one" Bonnie said so I made her one and also made me one, I ate mine making one for Rebekah which she ate. I stood over by the lake, I wanna try something "Hey Sam come here boy" I called him. He looks up at me then gets up walks over to me,  I smile petting him. "He's a fast learner" Elijah says I nod, "okay we should all go to bed we've got hunting to do tomo-
rrow" Bonnie says going into her tent. Everyone heads into their tents I go in mine and Elijah's Sam following, Elijah lays down covering up. I zip the tent getting in bed too,  my back is to his chest Sam curls up at my feet I close my eyes falling asleep along with Elijah.

Sorry it took so long had a bit of writers block but I got it up. I think I was a little mean leaving Elena on the side of the road, but I think it makes things a little more interesting. I appreciate all the votes and comments thanks for reading my book.

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