Chapter 11

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Damon's POV:

"Elijah" I mumble, I look behind Elijah at the dark figures coming closer. I realise they are vampires, maybe one of them attacked that girl. They started laughing as they come into view, "what do we have here" the one in the middle says looking at us. I tighten my grip on Max, Sam is still growling but he doesn't dare get close which I'm grateful for. "I believe you have picked the wrong people to mess with" Elijah says his face stone cold, they loose their swagger a bit. Stupid new borns I swear, I see headlights coming. The car stops someone getting out, "what's going on" I can hear the amusement in their voice 'Kol'. I turn around "what are you doing here" I ask turning towards him, I can see someone else in the car "Nik called, said he needed some help" he says walking over. "Finish them Elijah I want to go home" I tell him, he nods turning towards the vampires. In a flash the vampires hearts were on the ground, "so who's this little guy" Kol said walking over to me. He was talking about Max, Sam growled I pet him on the head "it's okay boy" I tell him turning towards Kol. "This is Max" I tell him in which he nods, I look seeing Elijah cleaning blood off his hand with a handkerchief. "Who's in the car" I ask Kol looking at the car, "his name is Mason" he says looking at the car then turning back towards me. "New toy" I question, "hopefully some- thing more" he mumbles. "Let's head back" Elijah says standing next to me, I nod "meet you there" I told Kol he nodded heading back to his car. He drove by and me and Elijah headed back to the house after he called somebody to clean up.

🔹️Time Skip🔹️
Back at the house

Damon's POV:

We walked in the house I could hear taking in the living room. "I'm going to go shower" I tell Elijah walking towards the stairs, I head up to 'our' room. I sit Max on the bed, heading to the bathroom. I take my clothes off and get in the shower, i wash up then get out. I head into the bedroom. I pull out a pair of black boxers and put them on. I then pull on a pair of black jeans, i walk over to the closet and pull out one of Elijah's white dress shirts. Sue me. I put it on and button it, i look over at the bed to see max asleep. I smile, Sam nuzzles me with his nose. I chuckle "hungry" i ask him, he walks to the closed door. I open it and walk down the hallway. I reach the stairs and head down them. Those guys are still talking in the living room. I walk in the kitchen with max, and fill his bowl with food. I then go in the living room. Kol was sitting on one couch with who i assume is 'Mason', and Klaus is pacing looking frustrated. I smile as i see Ellijah on the other couch by himself. And me being me, i went straight over to him, sitting his lap. He chuckled, kissing my lips "finish showering love" he asks i nod leaning against his chest. "What i miss" i ask Ellijah but Klaus answered "bloody newborns mate" he said growling. "You mean theres more" i groaned, "somebody has to be making them" Kol said which is obvious. "Okay i'll call Liz and see if there any people missing from the sorounding towns" i say pulling my phone out and getting off Elijah's lap. She picked up on the second ring "Damon" she says "why hello sherrif" i say with my usual smirk. "We need to know if there has been any mass missing people in the surrounding towns" i ask her, she takes a sexond to answer "now that you mention it there has been" she tells me. I sigh "why you asking Damon" she asks "i fill you in later. Bye" i hang up the phone. I then go back to Elijah curling up on his lap. "So their taking people from the surrounding towns" Kol surmises, "yeah the only problem is who" i sighed into Elijah's chest. I heard the door creak and saw it was sam. He walked over to me and sat down. I pat the couch and he jumps up, laying his head on my knee. "Wheres the pup" Kol asks me as i pet sams head "asleep he had a long day" i told him. "So how did you convince nik to let you keep them" Kol asks, Klaus stops pacing and turns towards him "contrary to popular belief i actually like dogs" he tells him. "We're getting off topic" Elijah says looking at us, i nod "we'll split up tomorrow and head to the surrounding towns and see what we can find out" i tell them as i get up. Sam follows me to the door "sounds like a plan" Kol says getting up Mason folowing him "now if you dont mind im gonna show Mason to my room" he says heading to the door, leaving up the stairs to his room. "Im gonna get some blood, then pay my brother and his friends a visit" i tell them walking to the kitchen. I grab a blood bag drain it then throw it away. "You coming with me" i ask sam as he flollowed me to the door. His answer was following me out. I walk over to my car. I let him in the passenger seat shutting the door. I walk around and got into the drivers seat, driving off to the boarding house. When i reach there i can hear my brother and his friends discussing the originals as always. Sam gets out of the car with me, i walk up to the door him following me. I open the door then we both head inside together. Next thing i knew i was pinned to the wall in the living room. "What are you doing here" stefan hissed out his vampire face on full force, i hear paws hitting wood as sam ran in here seeing me pinned to the wall he growls. I kick stefan knocking him away and sam comes right over to me still growling protectively. I put my hand on his head "im good" i tell him, he licked my hand then kept his eyes on stefan. "Need a guard dog damon" he says sarcastically, i sigh walking over to the couch and sitting down next to bonnie. Sam sits on the floor next to me keeping his eyes on everyone i noticed. "Hey bon bon" i say to her "hey damon" she looks at sam "sam" she says with a smile. He looks at her in acknowledgement then looked away. "So ill cut to the chase the only reason im here to tell you is the newborns that have been attacking people are all from surrounding towns" i tell them, Caroline snorts "and how you come with that damon" i sigh "does everybody to speculate every thing i say barbie" i ask it was Elena who decided to open her mouth "yes, because your dating a original and living with them i might add" she screched. "My love life has nothing to do with this" i tell her, then a smirk appeared on my face "if thats the reason tthen you should exclude stef to" i tell her. She gasps as Stefans pacing faltered, i couldnt stop from laughing. "Stef did you really think you could keep that a secret" i ask him "not forever, we havent even made it official damon" he sighs. I stand up patting him on the shoulder "talk to him" i tell him and he nods, "okay we are meeting up then spliting up and checking the surounding towns for clues if you would like to join" i tell them. I then head up the stairs to my room, i grab some clothes out of my closet and put them in a bag. I hear sam jump on the bed "best matress ever" i tell him sitting down he huffs. I zip my bag shut and head to the door "come on sam max is probably ready for food" i tell him. He jumps off the bed and follows me down the stairs. I head straight out the front door not sparing any of them a glance. I get in the car throwing my bag in the back as sam gets in, i get in shutting the door and turning on the car. We head back, we head inside after i grab my bag. I heard noise in the kitchen, so i head that way. I walk in seeing Elijah dranking a cup of blood and Max eating food on the floor. I smile walking over to Elijah our lips met in a passionate kiss, his arms wrapping around my waste. We pull apart breathing the same air, i smile "they may or may not be joining us tommorow" i tell him. "I dont really care" he says nipping my neck, "ah Elijah" i moan then a second later at vampire speed we were in bed naked. Elijah was already slowly entering me, i moaned as he was fully sheathed in me "Elijah ah move please" i groan as he starts a steady rhythm. Our lips meent in a heavy kiss, his tongue slips in my mouth. Then he hits my spot and i moan out, "im close" i tell him he thrusts were getting harder and faster. I knew he was close. Then he hit my spot once again and i came hard over both our chests. He came inside me then pulled out laying beside me, we were a mess. "Shower then we can sleep" i said getting out of bed, he followed and we took a shower. We headed back to the bedroom putting on boxers, he got in bed as i headed to the door. I let max and sam in, then shut the door back, they both curled up in sams bed. I walk back to the bed, i got under the covers. Elijah wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

Finally. Sorry it took so long. And thanks everybody who really like my book.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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