Falling into Konoha

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Ever heard of the show, Naruto? Well, I have and it's awesome! Well that's where I am, now, but I suppose I should start from the beginning.

My name is Kiara Takayuki, I am 11 years old, and today was one of those odd days where I got noticed at school. I know what your thinking, how in the world aren't you noticed at school! Well, I'll tell you. I'm actually a fairly weird person when it comes down to it, but my appearance seems to just scream normal. Thats probably because I look like I would be normal. I am taller than average, have short brown hair that I refuse to do anything to after I brush it and my eyes get hidden behind it quite a lot. Not that weird, right. So you now that person at school who's not popular but still has friends, they are good at sports but are still picked last for a team, they sit in the back of the room and you just know that they know all of the answers even if they refuse to give them. That kid is me, I'm the kid you'll never really notice unless you're one of my close friends or unless I want you to notice me. Being practically invisible has it's perks though. I can get away with almost anything at school! I mean I even told a teacher that I was skipping class, once( I wasn't but I wanted to see what they would do) and the teacher just looked at me smiled and told me to have fun! Now back to the story. The day started out like any other and I got to gym without being noticed. I love gym even if I was always picked last! Yesterday it stormed and today we were playing touch football outside! By the end of gym I was completely covered in mud and everyone else was clean( no clue how they managed that but then again my mud was on purpose, I love getting messy)! I really didn't care about the mud so I just went to my next class. Thats when people notice me. The people who knew me just gave me a smile and laughed a bit. Everyone else freaked out for five minutes before I became invisible once again. That was my second to last class of the day so after that happened again in the last class I was home free. I walk home so I didn't have to worry about being noticed there. When I got home my mom and dad are used to me being weird and proud of it do they just let me go. I told them I had no homework and then when I started to get bored i decided to watch some naruto. I hadn't seen it on for a while and I was getting bored with shippuden so I started with the beginning. A portal popped out of the screen when I went to start the show. Me, being me, thought "hey that looks kinda weird" and my immediate reaction was to try to poke it. As soon as my finger got close to the portal I got sucked through and the portal closed behind me. It was filled with swirling colors so I was distracted and next thing I knew I was falling from the sky. Instead of screaming like a normal person I did tricks in the air and managed to land on my feet from a quintuplet backflip. That was awesome and because of it I had excess energy!

I ran around for a little while and bounced around a bit too. After I did that for a little while before I noticed that I was faster and stronger than before! I shrugged I off and continued running until I passed a lake and noticed two things 1 I'm wearing a backpack and 2 I look completely different! I let the backpack part slide until later after I figure out what's going on. I figured out I was in naruto while I was falling and I saw the hokage mountains( didn't even question the fact that naruto was real). I started examining myself in the lake. I now had hair that went to a little past my shoulders and matched me in some ways, it was blue on one side, red on the other, and between the two was a stripe of rainbow colored hair. I ignored what I was wearing because I really didn't care other than the fact that my shirt said I ish a dragon hear me Roar!!! One of my eyes was bright green and the other was hidden behind my hair but I could tell that it was changing colors between pink and bright orange. Not only did my appearance change but my age did as well. I was a 7 yr old at heart and now I am 7 years old. I loved it, it showed how unique I was!

So after I decided I liked my appearance I ran in a random direction through the forest until I reached a road. Then I did cartwheels on it. Right before I did another cartwheel, I saw the gates of Konoha in front of me.I didn't care until someone stopped me mid cartwheel right before the gates. I hmphed but when I looked up I smiled it was Kakashi who stopped. I noticed that he was looking at me oddly so I asked him "do you want something, mister?" I might know who he is but he doesn't need to know that. He blinked a few times before smiling behind his mask and asking me where my parents were. I kept a smile on my face and shrugged even though on the inside I was in tears over never seeing them or my friends again. Then I did what I always did and let it go, taking it in stride. He seemed surprised at my response and while he was trying to figure out what to do with me I adjusted myself so that I was doing a hand stand a handstand since Kakashi was still holding my legs. He let go after I did this but I kept my handstand position up anyways. Eventually he said in a surprisingly gentle tone of voice "follow me, we're going to go see the Hokage"

On the inside I was doing victory laps in my head, but on the outside I kept I down to a calm "ok" I walked beside him, still on my hands all the way to the Hokage building. Once I was inside Kakashi started walking up the stairs but I paused for a second debating about what to do. I decided to risk it and started climbing the stairs on my hands and there were a lot of stairs. Not my best decision because 3/4 of the way up the stairs I slipped and started falling back down the stairs. Kakashi just watched, stunned, with a horrified expression on his face. When I finally hit the bottom, I was covered in bruises and Kakashi ran back down to see if I was alright. I giggled and said a very unenthusiastic "ow." I hopped right back up onto my hands and started up the stairs again! I was on the fourth step when I was picked up and put on Kakashi's back. I pouted and said in a voice close to tears "why won't you let me walk up the stairs?"

He just sighed and said " I just don't want you falling down them again!"

We made the rest of the way to the hokage's office without any mishap. When we got the the door Kakashi knocked on the door and I heard a faint come in. The Hokage noticed me on his back immediately and asked "well, who is this young child?"

"my name is kiara takayuki"

"where are you're parents?"

"I don't know"

"well, if you answer a few more questions then you could stay in Konaha if you want."

Okie dokie

"how old are you?"

"seven: )"

"how did you get those bruises?"

Kakashi answered that for me"she was walking on her hands, in fact I haven't seen her walk normally yet, and she slipped near the top of the stairs"

"I see can I look at them quickly?"

"sure I don't see why not?"

He took my arm and gently prodded my bruise while I sat there giggling.

"you should be fine but why were you giggling?"

"I was wondering if I could wear your hat and I like giggling"

He smiled and handed me his hat.

I put it on and my smile got even bigger.

"three more questions, do you have anywhere to stay?"

"I'm sure I can figure something out"

"no I'll just have you stay with someone, now do you want to be a ninja?"


"do you know anything about being a ninja?"

I have a photographic memory do I remember everything about the show but I just answered "I might..." in a shy voice.

"ok, you can stay with Kakashi and tomorrow we'll figure out what you know"

"who's Kakashi?"

They laughed and Kakashi pointed to himself and said "I am"

"why do I have to stay with him?"

"you need to stay with somebody"


"you're too young to live by yourself"


"just trust me, now I suppose I could get Gai to take care of you"

My eyes widened and I quickly said "no that's ok I'll stay with Kakashi!!!"

They gave me odd looks and I just brushed them off.

"Kakashi get her settled in, you are dismissed"

"one thing before I go, can I call you gramps you kinda give off a grandpa vibe?"


"yeah, bye Gramps"

I summersalted to Kakashi and I would have done that down the stairs if Kakashi wouldn't have stopped me by putting me on his back. I stayed on his back the whole way back to his house, eventually I fell asleep on his back. I was on my way to the start of my new life in the Naruto World.

*** Author's Note***

I Do Not Own Naruto

I do not spell correctly

I do not own a kangaroo

I would appreciate comments

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