Character info(I think that's it,it may change.I'm making it up as I go along)

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Name- Kiara Takayuki

Real world Age- 11

Naruto world age- varies, mostly 7

Appearance- changes, generally short, innocent looking with hair that is slightly past her shoulders and has one side light blue the other is red with a rainbow strip in between the two. Her one eye is emerald and the other changes between the colors that represent each jinjurikii.

Powers and jutsu- She knows most of the jutsu shown on the show because of a photographic memory but she has only tried the basic ones. She is the ten-tails jinjurikii and has a massive reserve of chakra. She can fly, has a huge chakra reserve even without Horoku. She is a quick learner for taijutsu and ninjutsu, can read minds and move objects with her mind. She is not good at casting genjutsus but when one is cast on her she is the one who controls it instead of the original castor.

Kekai Genkai(sp?)- Unknown

Likes- freaking people out, being lazy, getting people to do things for her, surprising people, nice people, Naruto, the look on people's faces when she does something weird, animals, dragons and more

Dislikes- being yelled at, being looked down on, arrogance, the color pink, Spiders, and backstabbers

Attitude- kind, almost constantly being happy, depending on who is being dealt with can be very patient or impatient, outgoing, and can be very innocent at times. If you get on her bad side or make her mad she can be very cold, cruel, and vengeful if she wants to be or if she feels that someone went to far. She is also a person who knows there limits but is willing to push passed them even if she knows that she shouldn't. She can also be naive and has no clue what her dreams for the future are

Discontinued- the invisible girl no longer( Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now