6) Sick

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Melony POV

A week has passed by and HEAVENS is shining way more, than when they worked for Raging. Saotome-san have given them work after work, and I was in charge to help them, when they are here at the Master Course. I prepared some food with my uncle, tell them to go to bed and wake them up if they are napping for too long. Raging Otori was, and still is, super mad that his price idols have changed agency. He had tried to put Saotome-san to a judge for stealing his stars, but Saotome-san won that, because he had prove that their contract was over and that they have the right to choose and change agency. That is where Raging found out about me. Now he blames me, because I am the one who point out the contract and came up with the idea to switch agency. I don't now why, but he just does. 

''Melony-chan. Time to wake up.'' Whispered uncle gently and shake me a little. I open my eyes, but my vision is blurred. My head does also feel weird, a little lightheaded. And warm.

''I am op, uncle.'' I mumble back as I yawn and stretch my body the best I can.

''Are you alright? You look really pale.'' Uncle touch my forehead, then sighed. ''You are sick. Stay in bed. I will see if one of the guys can watch over you today.'' Says Uncle and walk out, leaving me alone. I just lay down and close my eyes again. I hate it when I am sick, cause then I can't do any Cutie-Doll work.

3rd POV

Ringo walk to the dinning area and found both STARISH and HEAVENS eating breakfast together.

''Oh, Ringo-san, good morning.'' Greeted Haruka and spot the adult first. Ringo greeted back, but remember what he wanna talk about.

''Is some of you free today? Melony is sadly sick and I have some work to do, so I am busy today.'' Ask Ringo hopefully at the two idol groups.

''I have some shooting later today, but I can look after her until then.'' Speak Syo up and is the first to stand up.

''The same here, thou it is a photo shoot.'' Added Natsuki happily and hug Syo, to tight might I add. ''We can watch her this morning, Ringo-chan.'' 

''Let go of me, Natsuki.'' Complained Syo and try to get out of the tight hug. 

''So Syo-kun and Natsuki-kun look after Melony this morning, who can take over in the afternoon?'' Ask Ringo happily that they can use some time to take care of Melony for him.

''I just need to write something for my father, so I can take over in the afternoon, but I need to attend a meeting in the evening.'' Says Masato.

''Then I join you.'' Says Kira with his usual monotone and look at his fellow company heir. 

''Then I will take over at evening and dinner time.'' Says Eiji quickly, wanting to help the little girl, who has been very helpful to HEAVENS this past week.

''That is great. Thank you very much. I will try to come home before night time, but until then, please take care of my niece.'' Says Ringo and bowed, then speed walk to get ready for todays work. Syo and Natsuki both walk into the kitchen to find something for Melony.

''What could have cause little kitten to have a fever?'' Wonder Ren with a small smile. Otoya hummed a little loud while thinking.

''Mmmh, this is just a guess, but maybe she has over worked and her body couldn't take it anymore?'' Suggested Otoya, starting to feeling bad for her if that is really the case. 

''She has been working a lot more this week because she is the current manger for HEAVENS.'' Pointed Tokiya out.

''Are you blaming us for her to be sick?'' Ask Yamato annoyed. Tokiya quickly shake his head.

''No, but she has been moving and doing a lot of work this week being your manager and maintaining her work as Cutie-Doll, so maybe her body couldn't take that much work and shut down, giving her a fever.'' Says Tokiya calmly to calm the athlete member of HEAVENS.

''Let's not fight about it and just make her better.'' Says Syo and came out of the kitchen with a bowl of cold water and a towel. Natsuki has a tray with some breakfast on it. They excuse themselves and together walk towards Melony's room. Syo knnock on the door before opening and walk in. He and Natsuki walk closer to her bed, where she is sleeping. Red color is covering her cheek and her nose, which indicate she is very sick.

''Melony-chan. Wake up.'' Whispered Natsuki and shake her lightly. She grumble, but open her eyes slowly. Syo help her sit up, so she can better eat. ''We have breakfast for you. We picked the oatmeal since that is easy for you to swallow.'' Melony nodded and take the bowl of oatmeal. As she slowly eat the oatmeal, is Syo wrinkleling the towel to remove the extra water. Melony can't eat all of it and stopped half way, but that is fine. She drink the hole cup of water, then lay back down with Natsuki's help. Syo place the towel on her forehead and move the blanket closer to her head.

''We will come back and check on you later, so sleep and get well.'' Says Syo. Melony nodded slightly and close her eyes, getting back to sleep. Before Natsuki and Syo could get out of the room, sit Melony up quickly with a gasp.

''Please tell Van that his actor appointment is at 8:30 am.'' Mumble Melony and fight her tiredness and sickness.

''Okay, now go to sleep.'' Promise Natsuki and help her lay down again. As Natsuki stand up, does he notice the little stuffed bunny on the ground beside the bed. He picked it up and place it under the cover beside Melony's face. She unconsciously wrap her arms around the bunny and pull it closer to her. Natsuki awed in silent at her cuteness and took a quick picture with his phone. She look so innocent. Back at the dinning room, is the hole conversation about theory of Melony being sick, is now over.

''Yo, Van. Melony just remember that you actor appointment is at 8:30 am, which is in about half an hour now.'' Informed Syo for the sick manager. Van look at the clock, then jump off the seat.

''That's right. Need to go if I wanna make it. See ya all later.'' Says Van as he run out of the dinning room.

''Even though she is sick, does she wanna work. Is that even healthy for a child?'' Ask Otoya confused and look at his friend.

''Normally a child should play and have fun, not working until they can't anymore. Poor Melony for loosing her childhood.'' Says Nagi and pouted at the last sentence.

''I can inform you that she chose to work like she does. Something bad happen to her, that scared her for life and lock herself from the real world.'' Inform Cecil and remember what Ringo told them. They all know there is much more to the story, but they don't wanna be rude and ask for the remaining part of the backstory. 

''How sad. I hope she can at least loosen up and be like a child again without fear.'' Says Eiji with sympathy. The other agreed silently. Then Natsuki remember the picture he took and took out his phone.

''Let's not be sad about that and stay positive. I took a really cute picture of Melony-chan as she sleep with her stuffed bunny. She look so damn kawaii.'' Says Natsuki and held out his phone, so the others can see the picture. The picture shows Melony, laying a little sideways to the right with her bunny close to her neck as Melony lean her head on it as a second pillow. Her mouth is slightly open, but that is because she was breathing deeply while Natsuki took the picture. Everyone is awing the picture of how cute and innocent Melony looks. 


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