xi. Christmas Bells

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CHRISTMAS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF BELLE'S FAVOURITE HOLIDAYS, simply because it means that her whole family will be together for just one day and that doesn't happen very often—her parents cherish their jobs, and one day off (that isn't a weekend) is torture for them. But, they always treat Christmas as a deserved day off, so they never spend it whining over how much work they will be coming back to, instead, they spend that time with their daughters, who they love and adore. Belle thinks back on last years Christmas, which they spent at her grandparent's house as they do every year. Waking up at the crack of dawn, Belle waking up her sister and gives her her present, eating homemade waffles for breakfast...

"What are you doing?" Ron asks the next morning when he catches her about to walk up to Harry, in an attempt to find out more about what she heard him say the night before in his bedroom. She couldn't decipher why he had said such a thing, as her mother has never told her that she had relations with Sirius Black, so where did that even come from? Was it true? Does it matter, if it is? Maybe. She misses her mother so much that she will take anything involving her at this point—and what if Sirius is the reason she is missing? He returns, is supposedly innocent, and her mother disappears, his, well, maybe ex-lover? Who broke his heart? Of course, she would never believe Sirius did something to her mother, but...she doesn't know. Anything's possible at this point, right? And after Violet's realization with her father...

"I heard what he said last night. About my mum," she explains, and Ron's face softens. She looks over at Harry, who is in conversation with Sirius, but Ron pulls her aside to stop her from looking. "I need him to tell me about it."

"No, he's—well, he isn't in the right headspace right now, alright? He's going through some stuff, and you know that the relationship between them happened ages ago anyway," Ron says.

She looks at him, confused. "No, I don't."

"You didn't hear the rest of what he said?" he asks.

"No, I didn't want to eavesdrop or anything..." Belle left right after hearing something she should not have, it's rude to listen in on a conversation that isn't meant for her (although this one was), as her mother always told her.

"Oh, never mind then." Ron attempts to go back to helping with decorating Grimmauld Place, but Belle grabs his arm.

"You can't just say something like that and not tell me, what else did Harry say?" she whispers this, as Harry is only a few feet away.

Ron sighs, but he gives in. "He said that it was back before Sirius went to Azkaban, like, when he was at Hogwarts. And Harry doesn't know what happened, but Sirius is still pretty torn up about it." Belle nods, urging him to continue. "That's all he said." he finishes.

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