xiii. Stood Up

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     BELLE MORALES BELIEVES IN LOVING PEOPLE FROM A DISTANCE. Her romantic life is non-existent, anyway, so she doesn't need to worry about loving anyone, only her family, and her friends — all of which are purely platonic. Her experience with romance doesn't exist, other than Ernie, but does that count? It doesn't really, she never looked at him in that way, she occasionally questions her true feelings for him, but she knows what love is supposed to feel like (courtesy of her novels). Belle used to listen to Ginny talk about Harry often, and Ginny would constantly use the word love to describe her feelings for him, even though they had barely spoken. She would wonder, how does Ginny just know?

     She imagines that it would be nice to have something like true love, something that makes life have meaning — someone who can make her darkest days lighter, and her lighter days brighter. But she has always been terrible at reciprocation and telling people how she truly feels, half the time, she isn't sure how she feels since her mind is always caught up in everything else.

     She spent her childhood watching her parents share their love for each other constantly – they never fought, and if they bickered, it would always be about the smallest things. The only real fights that happened in their household were between her and Amelia, to which her parents would break up if it got too heavy, but laugh if Amelia was fighting about silly things. She wonders if that is the reason she is such a romantic, to which, it probably is.

     Ron asked her on a date and she couldn't see the signs, how many other signs has she missed?

     "Belle, come on, tell us!" Amelia whispers, a slight whine in her tone, but Belle knows once she tells her, she'll wish she never asked.

     "Amelia, don't you remember what happened over Christmas?" Ginny says.

     "You expect me to remember that far back?" she takes a moment to think, "nope. No clue."

     "Ron," says Ginny, to which Belle looks at her, seeing if there is any anger in Ginny's expression, which there isn't. She knows she is okay with it, she said so over Christmas, but she still isn't sure if Ginny was telling the truth. If one of her close friends were to date Amelia, she would be a bit weirded out about it.

     Amelia rolls her eyes. "Of course it's Ron! Do you think I'm daft? You two have been annoying me since the holidays. Well, did you say yes?"

     "Of course I did, I just didn't realise it was a date..." she wonders if her response to Ron was enthusiastic, did she seem excited, or unbothered by it? She can't remember exactly what she said to him.

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