Chapter 25- Standstill

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A week later, I found out Malcom was going to begin Tempest. All week, we tried to figure out what was going to happen and what it was that Malcolm had planned. I rarely saw Oliver, Felicity, or Diggle.

Walter was brought back safe and sound but left Moira soon after, claiming he couldn't take the lies anymore.

I empathized with her.

I spent more time at Laurel's apartment, getting to know her better and ended up moving in with her. It was good to be with family.

I was standing in the apartment folding laundry, Laurel just having left to go to CNRI, when a floorboard creaked behind me.

I spun around, dagger pulled from my sleeve, to see a man dressed in all black standing in the corner. He had a bow and quiver of arrows on his back.

"I found your boyfriend." Malcolm Merlyn said with a soft hiss.

"I don't have one." I said immediately.

He chuckled. "It makes sense. Oliver Queen being the Vigilante. You know, I wasn't going to trigger the machine. Almost had a second thought. But then again, I thought, if I was going to hell, I might as well bring the good for nothing people of the Glades with me."

I clenched my jaw and snarled under my breath, "Well? What are you going to do? Shoot me? Fill me with arrows? Go ahead. I promise your bowstring will be cut before you could fire one."

He chuckled. "Oh, I'm not stupid, Mia. I'd never win against The Demon's Second."

"Something tells me you're still bitter I got the position and you didn't."

He glared at me. "Believe me, Mia. I'd want nothing more than to kill you where you stand. Right here. Right now. But I have things to do. Important things. Now, you have a choice. Go find Oliver and help him before my men disembowel him completely, or chase after me. Your choice."

Then, he disappeared out the window in a cloud of smoke.

I hit Dig's number in my phone and he picked up.

"Find Oliver! Track his boot! Now!"

"Mia? What's-"

"Malcolm's going to set off the machine! Please go find Oliver!" I shouted frankly. He merely grunted in affirmation and hung up.

I launched myself out the door, pulling my black jacket on and racing for my motorcycle. I got on and drove off, not caring if I was breaking speed limits, and parked at Verdant. I sprinted into the cellar, leaping the stairs and scared Felicity silly.

"Felicity did you find it?"

"Yes." She said and stood from her chair and handed me a paper with the coordinates.

"What are you going to do?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"Can you disable it? From here?"

"No. I already tried." She said weakly.

I nodded and began to strap on my Vigilante suit and belted on my swords. "I know who will help. Call Quentin Lance. You know him. Call him. He'll do what's right. I will go to the police station. And sound the alarm. You-"

I cut myself off when I saw Moira on one of the screens on the news. She was talking to a group of reporters.

It took me a minute to soak in what she was saying. Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

She was telling the city about Tempest.

"Never mind then. I'm going to the Glades. I'm going to find Merlyn."

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