Chapter 11- Time

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I stood next to Thea at the benefit that night and scanned the room with a practiced eye. I wore a different black leather jacket over my dress and had several knives hidden in the fabric, ready to use if necessary.

I looked around the room and my eyes stopped on someone. He was staring at me from across the room. I locked eyes with him, but he still didn't look away.

I looked at Thea and said, "Wanna go get something to eat? I'm famished." I wanted her away from whoever that man was.

She nods and takes my arm and we walk over to the table with the food. I looked around at all the delicacies and didn't know what I wanted. Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist from behind and I stiffened until I noticed who it was.

Tommy kisses my cheek and said, "Hey it's ok. It's just me." He says with a small smile. I leaned back into him and his arms tightened around me.

"I don't know what to get." I say and pouted. I noticed Thea watching us, a disgusted look on her face.

"Why don't we-" Tommy's voice broke off when a gun shot rang out and I reacted immediately. I turned in his arms and grabbed him shoving him and Thea towards the entrance, keeping their heads low and ignoring their protests.

Oliver appeared with Walter and Moira and we locked eyes. You know what to do he had said to me and I knew exactly what to do.

"Oliver, what- Oliver!" His mother shouted when he turned and ran back into the crowd. I grabbed Moira's elbow and shouted,

"We have to get out of here, Moira! Now!" She looked at me, green eyes wide in horror and I just pushed them all outside, staying behind them and making sure they were out and safe and in cars going back to the Queen's house.

Tommy reached out and grabbed my hand. The look on his face was one of warning. Don't you dare leave.

"I have to go back for Oliver." Was all I said and I kissed his cheek then pulled out of his grasp and shut the door and the driver drove off before he could get out and chase after me.

And I ran inside.

Only to run into the fist of that man who had been watching me earlier.

It connected with my jaw, sending my head whipping to the side and as I fell, turned and kicked his legs out from underneath him and in a matter of seconds, had him pinned to the ground with his arms pinned at breaking points.

"Who are you, and why are you following me?" I snarled.

"I am a man working for my master to give you a message. Left pocket." He grunted, voice tinged with pain. I didn't trust him at all and kept his arms pinned with one arm, and reached into the pocket with the other to pull out an envelope with my name on it in the same handwriting as my father's kidnapper.

I glared at him and kicked him in the temple.

I look around and listen. The gunshots had stopped. A few people lay dead or dying. I couldn't help them, and sirens were approaching, so I ran out to join the others from the party when I heard the gunshots at the top of the building.

I looked around, then decided against it. I would meet Oliver at the factory. So, I zipped up the jacket and left, making my way there and ignored the phone calls. I knew I would get an earful from Tommy later, but he could deal.

He thought I was a broken girl with no way to cope with her pain and scars other than cover it up and hide and stay quiet.

Little did he know that was only partially true. I coped in another way. And that was in planning every movement the Vigilante made.

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